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The power of prayer – and more rubbish about ‘false hope’


Last week, I apparently upset someone.

Apparently, they got upset that:

a) I am not parroting the line that ‘all the jabbed have had their DNA permanently changed, and are going to die horrible deaths soon,’ God forbid.

(Because I don’t believe that. At all.)

b) I’m pushing prayer as an option – and especially, that I’m pushing prayers by Rav Berland.


So it is, that I got blasted with an abusive email accusing me of being a ‘snake oil salesmen’ offering people ‘false hope’, whilst also following a ‘charlatan, fake chassidic rabbi’.

I asked that person to stop emailing me, and I’ve now put them in my ‘spam’ list.

It’s a real shame…

But I’ve noticed that there are lot of ‘militant Kahane’ people who actually resort to flat out anger and abuse, when you say things they don’t like or disagree with.

This actually isn’t so shocking.

Because when you believe that violence and force solve all your problems – without you having to make any real teshuva yourself, or putting God in the picture, or work on your own bad middot, including arrogance, anger and a total lack of emuna – then of course, you are going to be ‘firing off’ abusive emails to cut your ‘enemies’ down.

Of course.


Here’s a little of what Rabbenu says about the power of prayer to solve our problems, from the book ‘A little more advice’:

“Nowadays, prayer is in exile.

That is, in our day and age, hardly anyone appreciates the significance of prayer or believes in its power. Yet it’s a fact: prayer is incredibly potent.

With real prayer, done right, you can save yourself (and others) from all sorts of suffering and danger. But since you don’t simply and truly believe in the power of prayer, you don’t use it – or [have] emuna.

You think everything happens naturally.

You fall into believing heretical and atheistic ideas.

The path of faith and prayer grows much weaker….

Only if you are awestruck by God – that is, only if God actually intimidates and frightens you – can you free prayer from exile and allow it to be more whole…

When your prayer has wholeness, you don’t need a doctor to heal you.

Why? When prayer is done the way it should be, your cure can come through any food or drink you consume.”


Do me a favor.

If what I just copied out above upsets you, if it strikes you as something akin to ‘offering false hope’ – then please stop reading my blog and go find something that is more suited to your outlook and religious beliefs.

I really do believe in God. Ein od milvado.

I really do believe God is behind every single thing that is happening to every one of us, at every level, at every time.

I believe that having a conversation with God about why is this thing happening to me? will clear up the problem 99% of the time.

And that other 1%?

When it’s something we are paying down from a previous life, or an immutable ‘tikkun’?

Well, talking to God about it will also give me some inner peace, that this is God’s will, so I don’t need to blame myself, or others, or spend my whole life bitter and twisted trying to fight God’s plan for my soul.


If all this bothers you, if it sounds like ‘false hope’ – then please, please, please, stop reading.

That will be best for both of us.

And here’s something else I believe:

Paying pidyonot to real Tzaddikim like Rav Berland really do work, to get to the root of even those ‘immutable’ tikkunim.

I believe this, because I have seen it happen more times than I can count.

You don’t have to believe me, or take my word for anything.

Just go, do the experiment for yourself, put your money where your mouth is, and THEN we can have a discussion about it. (Maybe…)


Rabbenu explains that nothing, not even pidyonot paid to the real Tzaddik HaDor, are 100% guaranteed.

Sometimes, God decides to take that money to use it to sweeten a ‘global’ judgement upon Am Yisrael, instead of helping the individual.

That’s part of this process – accepting God’s will, ultimately, whatever He chooses to do with us.

But most of the time, the pidyonot work fantastically.

(IF you are dealing with a real Tzaddik….)


There are a lot of judgments floating about, on just about every level.

Lots of the ‘earth’ types, who tend to cover up their worries and just get on with things, are starting to crack under the strain of pretending everything is fine. (If you’re back went out in the last few weeks – I am talking to you! Read John Sarna’s book.)

That’s not what I’m talking about, here.

Things are NOT fine, in a bunch of ways.

There’s a lot of teshuva, a lot of prayers, a lot of soul-searching, dancing and clapping, and generally effort required, to get through to the next stage in one piece.

But, if we do our part, and work on having emuna, and work on overcoming our abusive tendencies, bad middot and anger issues, and try very hard just to stick close to the true Tzaddikim – all this WILL turn around for the best.

At least, for us.


And what about for everyone else?

At this stage…. I am kind of tired of arguing with people that if they really want geula, the answer is to work on their own bad middot and talk to Hashem.

And that the answer is definitely NOT to go around trying to kill or deport anyone who upsets them, or ‘blaming’ everyone else, all the time, for what is happening.

Again, if this makes me sound like a mad-woman in your ears – go away!

You may well be sick of me saying all this, but believe me, I am also sick of repeating myself ad nauseum to people who simply don’t believe in the power of prayer, or in the power of teshuva, or in the real Tzaddikim – or in God, ultimately.


Tachlis, there is a very narrow bridge to cross, and no-one can cross it for you.

Each person has to take responsibility for themselves, and their own actions, and their own beliefs (and LACK OF…)

When we give God what He wants from us, the suffering will start to ease, and things will turn around.

And God wants emuna, simplicity, humility – and the heart.



Look who else believes they can solve all their ‘problems’ with violence:


These are the people who get to decide ‘who is a terrorist’ in the State of Israel.

Do you really want them to have a law on the books with a ‘death penalty for terrorists’?


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20 replies
  1. leah golan
    leah golan says:

    Well said Rivka, there is nothing like hitbudidute….you know you are being listened to…and speaking or singing to HaShem, there is only truth, you are your real self…..many times you will be given trials only to find out that this is the absolute answer to your talking to HaShem….this is real prayer….and it draws you closer to trully seeing that everything is from HaShem and is trully for our utmost good…..choose the place, the hour and stick with it , and your date not only you will run to everyday, you feel that HaShem is waiting for you…..sometimes so lovely and sometimes hard work,,,,but it is exactly yours – And know that the Rav is a true gift,,,,make the effort to go to him, he’s waiting for you….if you can’t, send him a letter….he’s read it before you have sent it out……all said, if you are waiting for instant advice you are on the wrong track…..wait and listen….you will understand only by doing the hitbudidute…..

  2. moshe parry
    moshe parry says:

    you’re intellectually dishonest… I didn’t dis davening and emunah… I dissed your insane idea of a few drops from whatever anti clotting solution u were talking about in your post before shabbos… about it being able to reverse the rubber band like substances found in people who died from the vaxx… I said THIS statement of yours is giving people false hope because those drops aren’t going to prevent or reverse what the covid shots are designed to create within people who chose wrongly to take the shots… THAT’S the true content and real context of my email to you which u came nowhere near accurately portraying herein… u need serious work on your ownself as does your rav who told people if they were forced under duress to take the vaxx no harm would come to them… ur both delusional and therefore utter frauds and quacks… truth.out…

    • Rivka Levy
      Rivka Levy says:

      First off, not everyone who is ‘vaxxed’ with Covid shots exhibits these ‘rubber band’ clots. And not everyone who has these ‘rubber band’ clots was ‘vaxxed’ with Covid shots.

      There is famous video of these type of clots coming out of the heart of someone back in 2019…. a year before ANYONE had the Covid shots.

      It’s at least possible that the ‘rubber band clots’ are actually being formed by the accumulation of aluminium and mercury adjuvants in ALL vaccines, even prior to Covid, but that process has now speeded up, with whatever they are also pumping into people via the covid shot GO nanotech.

      The truth is that we are all just making educated guesses about what is really going on with the Covid shots, so for you to get all ‘high and mighty’ that Chlorine Dioxide couldn’t help with this aspect too- how do you really know that?

      Have you sat in a lab and done the experiments?

      Clearly, you haven’t. And clearly, Ch. Dioxide is documented as helping people overcome a bunch of serious, life-threatening conditions. It’s at least possible that it could help to reverse the ‘rubber band clotting ‘process – especially if God and prayer and teshuva are in the picture, because God doesn’t need ANYTHING in order to heal people totally, if that is what He wishes to do.

      Second – The Rav knows way more about what is going on that you or I do.

      You have zero respect for mine, and others ’emunat tzaddikim’.

      • moshe parry
        moshe parry says:

        it’s called emunas chachamim not emunas tzadikim… there’s a huge difference between them… chief of which is that the former exists and has always existed since har sinai while the latter mentioned has never existed in am yisroel until sabatean charlatan so called chasidic masters and rebbes made up the concept to amass followers prestige and wealth… not to mention
        revered yichus for all eternity… quite a grand deal for fabricating a hitherto non extant doctrime in judaism… tell me im wrong… give me a source in torah for it… in any event the entire burden of proof that this stuff u spoke of works is on u not on me to prove it doesn’t… I’m not the one claiming it can do the wonders u say it might be capable of performing… i hope u are correct… but until u have said evidence u are spreading false hope like a snake oil salesman and u will be judged for it if anyone relies on your medical advice and comes to any harm… same as your rav telling that couple that they don’t have anything to worry about if they took the vaxx under duress as no harm will come to them… he better be right for that’s the most irresponsible thing I’ve ever heard a rabbinic figure say… tell me… did he state this to them before they took the shots or only afterward… how far did he carry his pretension of possessing ruach hakodesh…? I’d really love to know and i imagine so would your readership on this blog… truth.out…

        • Rivka Levy
          Rivka Levy says:

          There is no medical advice given on this blog, just information that might be useful to others, but they have to ‘clarify’ for themselves.

          Like that tip to drink cider vinegar and borox that you yourself sent in to me…. Are you also a ‘snake oil salesman’ Moshe?

          Or also just someone trying to share information that others might find helpful?

          While we’re dealing with Sabbatean-Frankist ideology, did you know that Jacob Frank also had a standing ‘Jewish army’, and made practising with weapons one of the ‘commandments’ his followers had to engage in?

          So, does that totally discredit the doctrine of using guns, or did R Kahane come along and somehow ‘sweeten’ this aspect of Frankist thought and belief – as the BESHT did with the Sabbateans, and Rebbe Nachman did with the Frankists.

          No-one is arguing that most of our rabbis are corrupt, or at best, superficial fakers not qualified for the role they have taken upon themselves.

          And if ending up ‘dead’ by following a rabbi’s advice is your benchmark for who is real and who isn’t, I suggest you review the history of your own group of peers and fellow-travellers.

          • moshe parry
            moshe parry says:

            rav meir kahane often said… “violence is always terrible but sometimes it’s terribly necessary…”

            so therefore what…? because jacob frank who was evil organized a private militia for his evil endeavors therefore all forms of self defense that use force are also evil…? what sense does that make…?

            was david hamelech evil for slaying goliyos…? maybe he should have played his harp for him because they say music calms the heart of the savage beast… was his formation of an army and his repeated sending them out to war to protect am yisroel somehow evil as well because later on in history a rasha like jacob frank would come along and use violence for thuggery…?

            this is the problem with chasidus… it has no context… everything is equally either all black or all white… war and fighting bad always an averah and peace and love good always a mitzvah… with this attitude the jewish people would have been swept away long long ago…

            as to the borax I’m pushing… it’s for a specific thing that according to the doc who suggested it eats away at the arms and legs of chemtrail induced nano bots inside of us so they can’t move around and wreak havoc within us… that’s all that’s being claimed…

            in your case you’re claiming something can dissolve these rubbery substances the vaxx creates inside people…

            now maybe not everyone develops these substances from the vaxx I don’t know… because people are dying from the vaxx from cancer and other things as well…

            however all of the heart attacks strokes and sudden death (sads) have all been attributed to these substances choking off blood from the brain and body and to the heart… no one is developing traditional blood clots from the vaxx that might benefit from your anti clotting drops…

            that’s not how the vaxx is working to cause blood clots without these substances growing inside their victims first… I’m sure the psychopathic elite slime genociders would have loved to have created something to depop the earth that was completely untraceable and left no signature behind but they couldn’t pull it off so they went with these rubber band like effects causing all the death and destruction…

            u need to deal with reality… u need some balance as shlomo hamelech teaches in koheles… (3:1,8)…

            “everything has its season… and there is a time for everything under the heaven… (list follows ending with)…

            a time to love AND a time to hate… a time for war and a time for peace…”

            and guess which time it is for now in our present worldwide situation..?. truth.out…

  3. cs
    cs says:

    Your article Rivka, and your reply Leah Golan to Rivka, both helped me.
    I am going through a lot of testing, and at my age it seems so hard
    Hashem bless you both.

  4. Simon
    Simon says:

    May God give us the strength! May He give us the strength to merit redemeption!
    I’ve started to read the online chapters of One in a Generation II, and it’s amazing.
    May God bless you — you warrior for the Lord and for truth.

    By the way, Rabbi Berland has been saying for the past four/five, maybe even more years, that “this year the messiah comes,” but it’s 5783 now. I don’t have anything against him, but I don’t understand how he can say things like that when the redemption hasn’t come.

  5. Simon
    Simon says:

    God willing, the verse will be fulfilled very soon, “I have broken the staves of your yoke and made you walk upright.”
    Anyway, If the redemption happened four years ago, I wouldn’t be too much a part of it (although I was 11 years old).

  6. Malka
    Malka says:

    I do wish for peace and health of every good Jew and all people of the world. Are you saying that defense is bad and only prayer works? Certainly Torah disagrees. I don’t think there is any conflict. We need to defend ourselves physically and spiritually.

    • Rivka Levy
      Rivka Levy says:

      I’ve said it a lot of times on the blog, that self-defense is a Torah mandated mitzvah.

      The question here, is what is really ‘self-defense’, when you get beyond the simple question of shooting dead a terrorist who is trying to attack someone, at the time of the attack itself (i.e. at the individual level).

      For individuals to defend themselves, and even countries to defend themselves, when being ‘attacked’ by someone else is clearly mandated by Torah.

      But, is giving guns and funding to Hamas so they could provide a counter-weight for the PLO (remember them?) – was that ‘self-defense’?

      All these extra-judicial killings of people, decided behind closed doors based on who-knows-what, and all signed off by the PM of Israel.

      Is this really ‘self defense’ as mandated by the Torah?

      What if the people you consider to be a ‘threat’ are chareidi Jews, or hilltop youth?

      And you’re scared they are going to ‘outbreed’ you off your own little patch of land?

      Is it then ‘self defense’ to try to attack these Jews any way you can?

      There are many people in the military and government and security forces in the State of Israel, that believe that they are morally allowed to attack anyone they deem to be ‘a threat’.

      But as soon as these decisions are taken away from the framework of halacha, you are left with an immoral, power-hungry killing machine, with the ability and motivation to ‘kill off’ anyone they want.

      Are we really saying this sort of power won’t be abused by our current State of Israel?

      Look what is happening with Amiram ben Uliel – everyone knows he didn’t know it, everyone knows he only confessed because the Shabak tortured him for days.

      And yet, the Supreme Court is refusing a re-trial, and pretending like ‘justice was served’.

      If there was a ‘death penalty’ on the books in Israel when Amiram was convicted, you can be sure they would have applied it. Even though, they all know that it’s a totally false confession, obtained for political purposes.

      • Malka
        Malka says:

        I totally agree with you. State of Israel is not working for An Israel, clearly. The only counter act is for every Jew carry Uzi.

        • Rivka Levy
          Rivka Levy says:

          This is such a dumb statement.

          Really, you want housewives carrying a Uzi? You want people with anger issues and bullying tendencies – who are Jews – to ‘carry an uzi’?

          You want all these people – Jews! – who are already stabbing others, running them over, beating them up on the street – you want those people to ‘carry an uzi’?


          And how would this even help with things like the latest ‘ramming attack’ in Ramot?

          Even if every Jew is ‘carrying an uzi’, that still doesn’t prevent these things from happening.

          More and more violence is not the answer….


          • Daisy
            Daisy says:

            In America, at least in some states, I think they have the right solution. If you have any criminal history or are a mental case, of course you are not allowed to carry. But every upright citizen, man or woman over 18, is allowed to carry an arm. Because those people are also trained, both in the technique and in the laws of what is and is not allowed. Just as in Halacha, except it is secular law.

            The right to carry is very important, especially because criminals, terrorists and psychos don’t ask questions, they do what they desire and have weapons which they use indiscriminately. So in their hands weapons are extremely dangerous. However in the hands of responsible, well-balanced individuasl, they are necessary so the latter will have a way to defend themselves and their families from the criminal/meshuggahs. Is that so difficult to understand? I agree, in the US Rav Kahane said “every Jew a 22”. In Israel we could say “every JEW ( real, sane, Halachic, Torah Jew) an Uzi”, or, if not appropriate, “every Jew an Israeli pistol”, or whatever is easy to carry and maneuver without endangering others when not in use.

            Malka is right, with of course these conditions and restrictions.

  7. Malka
    Malka says:

    Rivka, I read your blog because you are smart. But it doesn’t mean you are right on everything. Honestly, I don’t like to agree with someone 100 percent. It means we are just two parrots. You are daring, and I will dare you think about this issue. Look at crimey Switzerland, where everyone can own a gun🤣. In America,it is the same. You can’t prevent thugs from owning guns. But thug government will thinks twice when they know country is armed. We are dealing with NWO government. History repeats, because we are not being able to arm ourselves.Would Holocaust happen if our people were allowed to fight? Israeli think police and army will protect them? They sold out. In America, in non liberal places, kids know how to operate firearms. They are taught safety procedures. I think you would be right about really young kids -guns around are dangerous. People do not go shooting each other just because they are angry. Thugs and gangsters do. Places where value of life is zero. That’s NOT Israel. You can program someone (mk ultra) to go stab others, or shoot others, but damage is minimal if someone around is able to stop violator. Again, guns prevent violence. It is OK to disagree. Just challenging your view – we are lead even by rabbis to be sheeple. I believe they are biggest hipocrats on gun issues..( I hope my response will not cause any anguish)

    • Rivka Levy
      Rivka Levy says:

      No anguish caused at all by your response. Thanks for taking the time to explain. I still disagree, strongly, but that’s ok.


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