Shavua tov!

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking, and a lot of praying, the last couple of days, on how to deal with ‘life in 2023’.

Very  long story short – it boils down to understanding that God is behind absolutely everything, without any exception to that rule.

If God wants my car hacked into, God forbid – then that is what will be.

And so on and so forth, for all the other ‘potentially scary’ stuff going on all around.


The corollary to this is:

If God doesn’t want something to happen to me – it can’t, no matter how much other people or circumstances may be trying to make that occur.

And as 99% of what happens in this world is a function of our relationship with God, and our ongoing attempt to make teshuva, improve our bad middot, pray, do good deeds, reveal God’s Kingship in the world and learn Torah, etc, the more I put my time and effort into these spiritual endeavors, the better off I will be, on so many levels.


Tachlis, after spending a day looking at manual transmission old cars, I realised that I can’t just side-step the challenges here, by trying to ‘buy’ my way out of them.

Once I realised that, I moved some pictures of tzaddikim into the new car, and I spent a fair bit of time praying very sincerely that God should keep me, and everyone else using the car and driving the car safe.

And also, everyone else safe on the roads, in whatever way that needs to happen.

I am also having in mind now ‘hackers’, when I say my tefillot haderech, and also saying that prayer with a lot more kavanot.

This approach has cheered me up immensely.


Something else I realised, is that all this ‘soul hacking’ stuff has been going on since time immemorial – at least since Ancient Egypt, and probably way before.

Just back then, their ‘tech’ was much more spiritual and not as crass as the tech we have to deal with today.

R Avraham Sutton actually wrote a book about all that, called Spiritual Technology.

Point is: while there are some very challenges things going on right now, they are not NEW in the way they appear to be.

I am thinking of that rabbi from the Gemara, who the witches were trying to cast spells on, using the dust they would gather from under his feet.

He said let them gather the dust!! If God doesn’t want their spell to succeed, they can’t harm me!

This is the paradigm I need to be operating out of, going forward – focussing way more on spiritual solutions, and bringing more of the practical teachings of Rabbenu and the Rav, BH.


I hope you have a good fast.

And we’ll pick things up again next week.


First, here’s a couple of interesting articles that you may, or may not, want to read about ‘facial recognition’ technology.

It’s being rolled-out all over the world as we speak, in ‘lock-step’ again, touted as the magic solution to every ‘crime’ in the country – except the biggest ones of all, committed by the people who are supposedly meant to be leading us.

Here‘s the ‘elect me’ video for the ‘Plan A.N.G.E.L’ police state plan by Mexican politician Marcelo Ebrard, from last month.

(It’s in Spanish, but the images speak for themselves.)


The guy got so much push-back, he actually deleted the initial tweet, but HERE is where you can still find the video above on Twitter. (For now).

But here’s basically what he was saying (translated from the Spanish):

  • Facial recognition cameras on public roads
  • ID profiling
  • Weapon detectors
  • Vehicle tracking
  • Drones
  • Facial recognition devices being used by security personnel, everywhere
  • ‘Morphological profiling’ of criminals.

If you don’t know what that last one means, it means this:

“A criminal has a certain way of acting and walking. And we can set up patterns,”  Ebrard told the audience, saying that the technology would have the potential to prevent the serial killings.

“If we had this technology, we could have avoided femicide, homicide, or other actions by the type of way you walk, and behave.”


This is so horrible, I shudder even typing it.

Yeah, right. They are talking about locking people up JUST BECAUSE THEY WALK THE WRONG WAY….

Who could make this stuff up?

John Cleese…. watch out.


You can read about the State of Georgia’s new ‘Digital IDs’ HERE – introduced by the Governor of Georgia barely weeks after he was a guest at the WEF in Davos, this January.

Go look up ‘Klaus Schwab’ and ‘Digital ID’ – see what you find.

Point is, each country is being ‘sold’ this tech by our corrupted puppet politicians with it’s own national flavor, including in Israel – but it’s all the same idea, all the same ‘tech’, designed to spy on the citizens, and totally remove any semblance of freedom.

(God is not going to let this happen. The only question is how much pain we all have to suffer before it permanently derails, God forbid.)


So now, let me tell you about the new car we just got.

I loved my nine year old Hyundai i20, in so many ways.

But it was starting to falter, and it was time either to spend a lot of money in the garage fixing it back up, or to buy a new one.

My husband probably missed this post, about ‘hackable vehicles’ – but even if he didn’t (see below….) I kind of felt like I’m stuck in this ‘brave new world’ of disgusting tech.


So…. the new car came with WAZE and with Spotify, and apparently also with a fully functional Google search….

Which is when I realised that the car was ‘wired’ with WiFi 100%

I am that psycho who takes out the plug of the router each time I’m done on the internet at home…. and now, I am driving around with a computer screen, fully wi-fi’d up, in my face 24/7.


That was bad enough.

I moved my shungite ball into the glove compartment, and hoped for the best.

Next, I realised that you can’t actually see out the back window properly, because they expect you to just ‘rely’ on the beeping camera sensor thingies for reversing.

I tried that for a day – until I realised the cameras were mistaking manhole covers for ‘obstacles’ – and also failing to catch real obstacles like people walking past….


Then, the car kept turning itself off to ‘save gas’ whenever I came to a full stop.

We turned that function off – only to find out it came back each time.

Apparently, ‘the law’ is Israel is that the cars have to be programmed with a permanent ‘turn off’ thingy now, that you have to manually override each new trip.



When I was driving on the highway, it started beeping at me in all sorts of ways that I wasn’t ‘concentrating’ enough on the road – even though I was – and then flashing up ‘red devil’ things in the dashboard that I was getting too close to other cars…. the side of the road…. I don’t know what.

It was so distracting I nearly had an accident, God forbid.

Again, I went through and turned off as much of this stuff off as I can, but some of it just keeps coming back, as part of the nanny state tech that apparently comes standard in new cars these days.


I touch my windscreen wipers – it tells me that ‘automatic windscreen wiping’ has now been enabled.

I don’t want that.

And I don’t know how to turn it off.

Then two days ago, I accidentally touched some other button, and both my wing mirrors folded in while I was driving on the road, sending me into panic mode (and nearly causing another accident) until God enlightened me and I could figure out how to open them back up.

Long story short: These new cars are a menace to society, totally distracting, and really dangerous to drive.

And that’s even before we get into that whole parsha about the Deep State being able to hack straight in, take over the driving functionality and crash you into a lamp-post.

God forbid.


Oh, and WAZE is also not at all what it was cracked up to be.

BH, I don’t use WAZE – I have been using maps and old-fashioned sign posts, and I have a good sense of direction, BH.

My husband doesn’t, and he thought WAZE was going to be great – no more having to listen to his wife telling him what to do from the passenger side!!

Except…. WAZE often gets it wrong, and often takes you to places you don’t want to go.

(And let’s not even talk about how distracting it is to keep looking at a computer screen while you are meant to be driving. I honestly now understand why so many people come to full stops at green traffic lights, then make ridiculous, dangerous turns that ‘come out of no-where’ and nearly cause accidents. I thought it was too much pot…. now I’m coming to the conclusion it’s too much reliance on WAZE.)



Long story short – I am hoping to buy an nine year old Hyundai i20 very soon, second-hand.

So I don’t get irradiated while I drive.

And my mirrors don’t close by themselves.

And the car doesn’t ‘stall’ at every red light.

And the nanny state can’t track me every second, every cm where I drive, and match my driving speed to the ‘official’ speed limit.

(And also…. the Deep State can’t hack in and drive my car into a lamp-post, God forbid.)

But the new aircon is good.

So that’s all OK, then.


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Last week, I had a weird episode with my PC.

Some sort of ‘yellow light’ flashed out of it while I was online.

And since then, all the LED lights in my street have been ‘out’.


The week before, my daughter had a ‘weird episode’ with an electric socket.

She plugged in a fan – and got an electric shock so bad, it gave her heart palpatations (and took out all the electricity in the house….)

Now, Ahmed & Ahmed Inc have been busy ‘fixing’ the house for our landlord, with their one trusty screwdriver, for around 30 years.

No matter what the problem, they call Ahmed & Ahmed and somehow…. something kind of gets ‘fixed’, in some way, at least, enough….. with that one trusty screwdriver.


So after my daughter got electrocuted, I called in a real electrician to take a look at the sockets.

After telling me there was some ‘very funky stuff’ going on with the motherboard (yeah, that’s kind of an understatement….) – he checked the electrocuting plug – and couldn’t find any problem.

Then, we checked the electrocuting fan – and also couldn’t find any problem.


I got the plugs changed anyway, just to be on the safe side.

But that daughter and me – we have a sensitivity to electricity and to WIFI that comes out in a bunch of weird ways (as anyone who has ever spent some time with me on their phone will probably already know.)


A few days ago, I saw THIS, on the Quinta Columna Telegram channel:



I basically ignored it at the time.

Not least, because who has koach to go through all this crud again?!

But then yesterday, I spoke to my brother in the US – and he told me that men, only men, only around his age – have been getting really sick the last couple of weeks, with something some people describe as a ‘covid variant’.

He told me:

I have no idea what it really was, but I am really thinking that whatever it is, they can and are targeting specific sections of the population with their ‘viruses’ now.

(He still thinks all this is being caused my mutated and mutating viruses. That’s no longer where I’m holding.)


At the same time…. he told me they are starting to really push ‘the masks’ over there again.

It’s like I left some tab up on screen from 2019, and it’s just replaying itself again.

Is anyone still buying the demonstrably false mask propaganda, this time around?

He told me:

Yup. But it’s really the same people who never took their masks off in the first place…


I read THIS – and it spoke to me.

We all know that real teshuva happens when you are put in exactly the same circumstances, and this time you choose different.

And again, just to underline that God really is behind everything, and all this is just a test.

I know, I know.

Who has koach for more of these tests?!?

I hear you.

But the point is not so much the test, it’s the teshuva that will hopefully get made in massive amounts this time around.

Because one drop of that sincere teshuva stuff is so very powerful…. it can destroy all the evil in the world, or at least, in our own world, in an instant.


We continue to live in interesting times.

And if you are having weird ‘electrical events’ happen by you, pay attention – and if you feel like it, share what’s going on in the comments.


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No, really.

The last couple of posts have been really important to get ‘out there’, but also quite heavy to deal with, for a few reasons.

So, let’s switch gears a bit, and take a look at why things are not as bad as they sometimes seem.

God has put so much free abundance in the world….

And this process of the modern world ‘self-destructing’ has to occur, so we can move forward to a much cleaner, simpler and ‘direct’ way of living again, knowing that Hashem is providing for our every need directly – without the need for middle men.

We don’t need doctors to heal….

And we don’t need electricity companies and all their cables and shortages, and price hikes, either.

(Or at least, that’s where we are headed, sooner or later, when the penny starts to drop for enough people about how much cheap, easy ‘tech’ got hidden and destroyed over the last couple of centuries.)


Recently, I tripped over a researcher called Paul Cook.

His accent is very strong cockney, so watch out for that (although personally, I like it a lot) – but his research is very ‘solid’.

He comes from an engineering background, so when he’s digging into lost tech, he’s actually digging into tachlis, how did this stuff really work?

And he’s coming up with some very interesting stuff.

Here are two shmirat eynaim friendly Youtube videos to watch.

The first one is where he starts showing you a kind of massive ‘mercury’ lightbulb thingy – including old examples he found in an abandoned cinema in Malta, from the 1950s – which show up in so many old pictures of….electric cars, amongst other things:


The function of the mercury ‘light bulb’ was to turn AC electricity that was ‘harvested’ from the air into grounded DC electricity that could be used to run gadgets, including….electric cars.


Before we get to that, here is another interesting ‘add on’ – that the pyramids in Egypt, and other places were actually collecting and storing electricity:


This connects us to so-called ‘star forts’, that are also positioned next to large bodies of water and designed in very specific ways.

(Before they were trashed and covered up….)

But go look that up for yourself, if you’re interested.

Let’s get back to the electric cars:



Cook brings lots of old articles, old footage, old pictures in this video.

He says there are 350+ years worth of ‘motorised vehicles’ that were run with a variety of different ‘energy’.

Even ‘planes’ and ‘flying machines’ in the 1800s that were powered by steam! (18 min mark)

Here’s a screenshot:


Go take a look for yourself (speed him up to 1.75, if you can still follow his accent….)

In the meantime, these screenshots come from another video he put out called Free Electric In Old Books:


This is an ad for cars that run on ‘electricity taken from the ether’ – i.e. the air, via so-called Edison Aerials, and Edison Balls.

It’s from 1921.


And this image shows that these cars could get 1,000 miles out of one charge – and some of them could even go for 1,400 miles.

Tesla is lagging way, way, way behind.


Fascinating stuff.

And also, very heartening stuff.

‘Man Made Climate Change’ is something being done by our corrupt governments and militaries, working for the Controllers behind the scenes.

There is no shortage of energy – there is no end of energy, free energy, just all that tech is being suppressed to create artificial ‘shortages’ that create demand for limited natural resources like oil and gas, that are concentrated in the hands of the controllers.

200 years ago, people had electric cars!

Run on free electricity gathered from the air by some sort of ‘ball’ on the top of the buildings and then stored in some sort of leiden jar type arrangement.

They had mercury-based ‘lightbulbs’ that transformed the AC ether electricity into usable DC.

They had steam-powered flying machines.

They probably had way, way more stuff too, that we don’t even know about yet.

But the point is, God has put so much abundance and free bounty into the world!


Today, I deleted one of the 3 Telegram channels I go to for updates.

I noticed recently that my neck has started acting weird, when I’m online.

At first, I thought it was too much typing.

But when I type my stuff, I’m fine.

This morning, God finally clued me in that even though I’m staying away from MSM news, some of these Telegram channels are also not coming from a ‘good’ place for me, spiritually.

The media is how the Controllers build this web of illusions that keep us trapped in worry, fear, anger and despair – and far, far away from God.

All politics is a gameshow, a diversion, a con.

I am at the point where I just can’t hack sites and people who are still going on about politics and politicians, or old ‘reformed’ spooks who used to work for organisations run by Shimon Peres and his buddies.

It drives me bonkers, to see how much time, energy and effort is going into discussing all this pointless, worthless, diversionary rubbish, and arguing over things that totally don’t matter, and just take our koach and sap our emuna.

God is running this world of ours, and once we get that, we understand just how much ‘good’ is all around us.


Tov, we’ll stop there today.

Lots to think about, lots to explore, lots of interesting things to muse on, instead of wasting precious time engaging with ‘the news’.

The world of lies is well on the way to collapsing…

And you either get out of it now, and watch that happen from the side – or get crushed underneath, when it finally goes.


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Well, we’re all sitting here ‘feeling’ the madness in the world right now.


Sometimes, it’s getting too much to deal with, if we’re honest.

At least, that’s how I feel sometimes.

In this post, I wanted to take a closer look at what might be going on with the Schumann Resonance, and how all this might tie together with what appears to be another spike in people feeling pretty unwell, in a bunch of different ways.


I spoke to someone yesterday who’s in touch with a bunch of ‘electro-sensitive’ people, and she told me her phone has been blowing up with people calling her to tell her they have weird pains, they can’t think straight, some of them can’t even stand up, at the moment.

What’s going on?!?!

That’s the question we’d all like answered, isn’t it?

(Or maybe….not.)


What is DEFINITELY going on is that the world is currently being bombarded by some massive amounts of ‘radiation’ – electromagnetic waves, frequencies – that are causing a lot of people a lot of physical and mental health issues.

That much, I’m sure of.

Where are these electromagnetic waves of energy coming from?

That’s where all this gets tricky.

There are so many options, some ‘natural’, and some man-made.

Man-made include:

5….G, 4.5G and 4G.

All the ‘geo-engineering’ going on, that’s giving us magnetic rain here in Israel, and pumping the environment – and us – full of super-conductive graphene oxide.

Whatever is going on down in the basement of Switzerland, where crazy scientists that seem to be at least loosely affiliated with demonic forces built a Hadron Collider, and are messing around with all sorts of things, quite possibly including the Schumann Resonance.

‘Natural’ includes:

Grand Solar Minimums

The world getting ready for another round of massive seismic activity

Space weather


Of course, with the boundaries between ‘man-made’ and ‘natural’ getting more and more blurred all the time, the main thing to remember here is that God is behind everything.

Regardless of the delivery mechanism.

And also to keep remembering:

Our prayers and teshuva and emuna and emunat tzaddikim can turn all this around for the best, and God’s salvation comes in the blink of an eye.


So now, let’s take a look at the ‘glitch’ the Schumann Resonance is meant to have experienced, on June 18th – four days ago.

(I started feeling pretty ‘off’ on Shabbat in Israel, June 17th, and that continued for the next three days. I’m doing better now – but still not 100%.d And other people in my family are also still going through ‘waves’ of weird pains, headaches, and other things.)

So, the ‘glitch’ looked something like this:



The left is more how it usually looks – and on the right, we have a very strange pattern.

Now, we have to tread carefully to try to do some birur here, as to what appears to be true.

It appears to be true that there was DEFINITELY a very big ‘spike’ in the Schumann Resonance on June 18th, 2023.

Watch this for more detail, with some small but interesting references to the crazy people working in the basement in Switzerland:

(See the UPDATE below, about what this guy is saying about there never being any spikes in the Schumann Resonance on the Jewish Shabbat.)


Also, because human being are electrical creations, being bombarded with this sort of radiation – wherever it happens to be coming from – is DEFINITELY having an impact on our physical and mental health.

Take a look at this from Twitter:


Now, compare and contrast with this list of the symptoms of ‘microwave sickness’:


What do you notice?


To boil this all down to a ridiculously over-simplified level, this battle between good and evil comes down to ‘good spiritual energy’ and ‘bad spiritual energy’.

Freemason-Fake Science likes to pretend that the physical world and the metaphysical world are totally separate entities (if that latter one even exists….)

This is baloney.

What happens spiritually, ‘invisibly’, energetically mamash makes the biggest difference in the world, and has the biggest impact on creation – especially, us human beings.

When people are connecting to ‘good energy’ – the Torah, True Tzaddikim, prayers, mitzvoth, hitbodedut, sincere teshuva, working really hard to put ‘good vibes’ into the world, in whichever way they can – that literally changes reality, and tips it to ‘good’.

And the opposite is also true.

We can all feel the ‘bad vibes’ that come off angry, critical, cruel people.

We can all feel the ‘yuck’ when people start saying horrible things, or acting in ways that are totally against Torah-defined morality.

The ‘spiritual energy’ creates the reality – and that’s where the real battle is going on here.

In our own souls.


That’s why the spiritual choices we make about all the small details in our life can have such a huge impact on our mental and physical health.

Because each decision connects us ‘to God’ – and good energy – or disconnects us from God, God forbid, and automatically connects us to bad energy.

The songs we listen to…. the stuff we read and watch…the ideas we have…the people we engage with…the communities we live in….the places we work…the stuff we do….

It all either connects us ‘to God’ and good energy – or the opposite.

And there is nothing in between.


I just want to make another really important point, then we’ll get back to the Schumann Resonance.

All of us fall, all of us find ourselves in yucky places, having yucky thoughts, engaging with yucky people, seeing or doing yucky things.

When this happens, if we turn our focus back to God – and cry out to Him from the midst of that ‘yucky place’ we find ourselves in – we immediately connect back to God, and ‘good energy’.

And that’s not all.

We also bring God’s ‘good energy’ into that very yucky place, which burns out all the ‘bad energy’ there.

This is the power of sincere teshuva.

This is part of the reason so many of us get ‘stuck’ in those yucky places in the first place.

So we can ‘raise the sparks’, and connect the whole scene back to God and ‘good energy’.


To get back to the Schumann Resonance.

Remember a couple of weeks, I wrote a post called ‘On Demons and Tzaddiks’?

Here’s a relevant snippet:

The solution is to ‘bind yourself to the True Tzaddikim’, even if you don’t know who they are.

And to work on overcoming your bad middot and lack of emuna, and to really try to internalise Ein Od Milvado – there is only God….

And then also consider…. how much ‘tech’ you want to keep engaging with, without trying to protest it, on some level, even if that requires some mesirut nefesh.

That tech is literally ‘demonically inspired’.

Look at the depictions of ‘angels’ in books like the Sefer Yetzirah, and then see how these symbols of ‘angels’ resemble, exactly, the circuitry of a computer board, or chip.


When I saw this strange ‘Schumann Glitch’ from June 18th, I have to say it reminded my instantly of the symbols of demonic entities / angelic beings, as described in kabbalah, including in books like Sefer Yetzirah.

Now, here’s aa weird ‘puff piece’ for CERN’s Hadron Collidor and Elon Musk – apparently produced by people who  are ‘real scientists’:


Here’s a screenshot of the description underneath the video – pay attention to the date this video went up, June 17th, 2023, the day before the Schumann Resonance had its very strange pattern:


Remember what Elon Musk told us a few years back?

Here’s the clip again:


Now, remember another comment from Musk, this time back in August 21, 2022, where he called CERN ‘demonic tech’?

Here it is:

All I’m saying, is that ‘alien invasions’ are a perfect cover story for if you’re trying to literally ‘summon’ demonic entities to manifest on planet earth.

And then, all I’m saying is that these demonic entities have names / symbols that look very similar to what showed up on the graph for the Schumann Resonance on June 18th.

And then, all I’m saying is that all this tech, right from the start, ALSO is based on ‘demonic symbols / names’; and was literally demonically inspired.


Nikola Tesla was not a good guy.

I spoke to someone yesterday who has been reading Tesla’s own writings, in his own words.

He basically got all his ideas and prototypes by leaving a notepad next to his bed at night with a pen – and he’d wake up to see what was written there.

All the horrible tech we have today – including CERN’s Hadron Collidor – it all comes from the pen of Tesla, who was basically letting demons write for him.

Here’s a little taster, of Tesla’s ‘transhumanist’ agenda – written back in 1900, when most people in Europe still didn’t have electricity in their homes:

[L]ong ago, I conceived the idea of constructing an automaton which would mechanically represent me, and which would respond, as I do myself, but, of course, in a much more primitive manner, to external influences.

Such an automaton evidently had to have motive power, organs for locomotion, directive organs, and one or more sensitive organs so adapted as to be excited by external stimuli. This machine would, I reasoned, perform its movements in the manner of a living being, for it would have all the chief mechanical characteristics or elements of the same. …

Whether the automation be of flesh and bone, or of wood and steel, it mattered little, provided it could perform all the duties required of it like an intelligent being


If you haven’t got the time or inclination to ‘deep dive’ through Tesla’s own writings, THIS SITE has done a lot of that work for you.

Here’s one of Tesla’s quotes on eugenics:

“The year 2100 will see eugenics universally established.

In past ages, the law governing the survival of the fittest roughly weeded out the less desirable strains. Then man’s new sense of pity began to interfere with the ruthless workings of nature. As a result, we continue to keep alive and to breed the unfit. The only method compatible with our notions of civilization and the race is to prevent the breeding of the unfit by sterilization and the deliberate guidance of the mating instinct.

Several European countries, and a number of states of the American Union, sterilize the criminal and the insane. This is not sufficient. The trend of opinion among eugenicists is that we must make marriage more difficult. Certainly no one who is not a desirable parent should be permitted to produce progeny.

A century from now it will no more occur to a normal person to mate with a person eugenically unfit than to marry a habitual criminal.”


Not so ‘cute’, all of sudden…

Here’s another direct quote, about ‘man as machine’ with God totally out of the picture:

Science is opposed to theological dogmas because science is founded on fact [sic]. To me, the universe is simply a great machine which never came into being and never will end. The human being is no exception to the natural order. Man, like the universe, is a machine. 


This is diametrically opposed to Torah.

It’s diametrically opposed to the teachings of our True Tzaddikim, like Rebbe Nachman of Breslov, who told us:


Ponder on this deeply, it’s really at the heart of this whole spiritual fight between ‘good’ and ‘evil’.


On that site that discusses Tesla’s writings, above, and how he was almost certainly ‘demonically possessed’, they bring some more quotes by someone else you’ve probably heard of, called Rudolf Steiner.

A couple of years ago, when I shared some info showing that Rudolf Steiner was a satanist, and that ‘Steiner Schools’ was probably not somewhere you should be sending your kid, I had some pushback for daring to ‘pick holes’ in someone as wonderful as Rudolf Steiner.

Here’s a direct quote from him:

“Before only a part of the third millennium of the post-Christian era has elapsed, there will be, in the West, an actual incarnation of Ahriman: Ahriman in the flesh. But what matters is that people shall find the right vantage point from which to confront it.” Steiner, GA 191

What’s ‘Ahriman’, you ask?

Well, lookie there.

We are exactly back with ‘Zoroastrianism’ – that demon-worshipping, Persian religion that got ‘fuzed with some parts of Jewish theology to create xtianity, but has also continued to wend its way through every single ‘alternative’ religion to Torah, that you’ll find today, including Buddhism, and all the rest of it.

Snippet from Wikipedia:

Rudolf Steiner, who founded the esotericspiritual movement Anthroposophy, used the[Zoroastrian] concept of Ahriman to name one of two extreme forces which pull humanity away from the centering influence of God.Steiner associated Ahriman, the lower spirit, with materialism, science, heredity, objectivity, and soul-hardening.


Can you see, how all this is connecting up?

Is all this just one big CO-IN-CID-ENCE?



Now, a last word on how ‘Trump’ connects to all this, because of course, he does.

I covered some of this info on my old blog, but here’s the key points:

When Nikola Tesla died ‘mysteriously’ in a NYC hotel in the middle of WW2, the Federal Bureau of Investigation ordered the Alien Property Custodian to seize all of his belongings – even though Tesla was an American citizen.

All his work and estate was taken to the Manhattan Storage and Warehouse Company, under the aegis of the Office of Alien Property (OAP).

Then, a man called ‘John G Trump’, an electrical engineer and professor at M.I.T., was called in to ‘analyse’ Tesla’s work. John Trump was a technical aide to the National Defense Research Committee at that time.

He claimed to have gone through all of Tesla’s papers in three days…. and the wrote a report that said ‘nothing to see here’.


Meanwhile, Trump’s father, Fred Christ Trump, was a US military contractor, with particularly tight links with the US Navy.

“During World War II, Trump built barracks and garden apartments for U.S. Navy personnel near major shipyards along the East Coast, including Chester, Pennsylvania, Newport News, Virginia, and Norfolk, Virginia.”

Trump Snr made his first real money during the war working for the US army, then parlayed that into ‘real estate’ afterwards.

Meanwhile, Trump Snr’s brother, John George Trump, gets all Tesla’s ‘inventions’ – including, internet, smartphones, ‘death rays’, blueprints for turning people into machines, the whole kit and caboodle – and then that same John G Trump shows up in connection with….those crazy people doing stuff in the basement in Switzerland.

Watch this (speeded up):


You know, I used to smirk a bit when people would talk about stuff like this.

Not any more.

Now, I keep an open-mind, and try to evaluate the information as objectively as I can, because we all know they are lying about everything.

At this stage – I doubt this is about ‘time travel’.

But I’m 100% sure that John G Trump was deeply connected to the Matrix that brought us DARPA, MK Ultra (which stands for ‘Mind Kontrol’, don’t forget) and Large Hadron Colliders, amongst many other things.

So, what does that say about his nephew?

Just a CO-IN-CID-ENCE that there was another Trump in the White House, during ‘Operation Warp Speed’ – and who is aiming to come back again, to finish the job properly?


Let’s stop there for today.

It’s a lot to take in and think about.

But one thing I can say:

I don’t think Musk was joking, when he said this tech was like ‘summoning the demon’.

I think he was being totally serious.



In that first video talking about the spike in the Schumann Resonance, he tosses out a comment something like ‘there’s never been a recorded spike in the Schumann Resonance on the Jewish Sabbath, because so many of the scientists working for CERN are  orthodox Jews.’

Clearly, that’s BS.

Firstly, he has no idea just how many ‘orthodox Jews’ work for CERN, and neither does anyone else.

So, why are there apparently no recorded ‘spikes’ in the Schumann Resonance on the Jewish Shabbat?

My husband suggested a possible solution that is awesome.


He brought the idea from Chazal that even in Gehinnom, they keep Shabbat.

Here’s some sources for that idea, from the Judaism StackExchange site HERE:

Those wicked who never keep Shabbat – the fire of Gehinnom never subsides for them, and all the wicked in Gehinnom ask about them. The angels of justice reply to them: “These are the wicked who denied the existence of the Most Holy, Blessed be He, and desecrated the entire Torah by not keeping Shabbat”.

(Zohar Vol. 2, 151).



18) When the wicked in Gehinnom are crowned on the Shabbat day, and are granted rest and tranquility” (Zohar Chadash . Bereishit 22a).

19) “On Shabbat, neither the Gehinnom nor its officials have dominion” (Tikkunei Zohar 24:69 Zohar vol. 2, 88b, 130a).

20) “The wicked in Gehinnom rest on the holy Shabbat day” (vol. 3, 94b).


This ‘frequency’, this Schumann Resonance is coming from under the ground / within the planet – depending on your cosmological viewpoint.

The point is, that’s the same location as ‘Gehinnom’, which really is an actual, physical place located on ‘planet earth’, not just a theoretical construct, as Rebbe Nachman himself told us.

And ‘Gehinnom’ rests on Shabbat.

It’s kind of awesome, seeing the words of Chazal finally coming to life before our eyes, as more of us start to figure out that our holy Sages knew way more about how the world works than all these phony Freemason-Fake scientists could even guess at.

And the birur continues.


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Since Shabbat, I haven’t been feeling too hot.

I highly recommend you go back and read THIS post, from December 2021, when I first started writing about ‘Acute Radiation Syndrome’.

This next snippet kinda covers what I’ve been experiencing the last few days:


Here are the main symptoms to look out for, listed:

  • Headaches / migraines
  • Dizziness
  • Vertigo
  • Disrupted sleep – i.e. waking up for no obvious reason; and / or finding it hard to get to sleep, for no obvious reason
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Heart palpitations
  • Memory loss / head fog
  • Tinnitus – a buzzing or ringing in the ears
  • Skin rashes
  • Muscle and joint pain – for no obvious reason
  • Leg and foot pain
  • Tingling
  • Irritability
  • Numbness
  • Nosebleeds
  • Low-level anxiety and feeling ‘stressed-out’ for no reason


I’ve had about seven of the things on this list, for the last few days – coinciding with all the ‘magnetic rain’ and chem trail spraying going on all over Israel.


If you go to the WayBack Machine link here:

You can download a short, fairly easy to read PDF explaining the difference between ‘Acute’ and ‘Chronic’ Radiation Syndrome.

Again, I brought a huge amount of info, including some possible ‘solutions’ and coping strategies, in THIS POST.

Go and take a look, as this post is just touching on a few things briefly, like this:

Here’s the description of the first symptoms of ARS.


I think I’ve been having these ‘first symptoms’ of radiation poisoning the last few days, again.

Some of the people in my house have also been experiencing some ‘weird’ things going on, the last couple of weeks, too, that fit the description of ARS.

The question I’m wondering about is: how many other people out there are also experiencing at least some of the symptoms on this list?


Unless you just fell off the moon and landed on planet earth, by now, it should be obvious that our own governments and military are literally trying to kill us.

That’s just how it is, that’s the reality we live in.

Maybe, this was always the reality we lived in, just nobody realised it with quite so much clarity before our day and age.

Point is – there are a lot of things going on that can easily cause a lot of us to feel very scared and anxious about the future.


Yesterday morning, I had another bout of that ‘anxiety’ myself, so I spent half an hour dancing and clapping, while talking to God about what was scaring me – and it really, really helped.

This is my go-to playlist of Rabbenu dance songs, half an hour long:


If you didn’t try it already, it’s highly recommended.

Point is, there IS a lot of stuff coming down the pipe, and fear is one very common reaction to that.

But if we get stuck in the fear, that is really, really unhelpful and damaging, on so many levels.


In that OTHER POST, I listed a whole bunch of things that may be useful, when it comes to trying to deal with the fall out (pun intended….) of ARS.

For example, I dusted off my salt lamp again the last week, which made a noticeable difference to my ‘felt stress’.

I’ve stuck tons of lentils on my fingers.

I’ve upped my intake of fermented food and drinks.

I’ve got my Epsom Salts ready for another bath…

It’s probably all helping, as these things go.

But the biggest ‘help’ is the knowledge that:

a) God is running the world, and whatever is going on, it’s going to have a positive ending, even if that ‘positive ending’ doesn’t fit my expectation of what a ‘positive ending’ should look like.


b) I’m sitting in the circle of the Tzaddik HaDor – the only person who the demons are actually scared of.


So, I’m trying to stay ‘aware’ of what’s going on, as much as that is useful, without overwhelming me, my family – or you, dear reader – with too much unmitigated ‘fear porn’, and pointless speculation about ‘what is coming next’.

The Rav told us clearly, he needs to get to Uman this Rosh Hashana to avoid something very horrible happening to humanity.

He’s asked us to say a Tikkun Haklali every day, with that in mind.

That’s our ‘job’ right now, that’s our ‘mission’, plus whatever other ongoing daily teshuva, prayer and spiritual work we need to be doing anyway.


‘Scared’ means we get ill, anxious, stressed and very pessimistic about the future, so we stop living life in the here and now.

It’s totally what the yetzer wants.

‘Prepared’ means we acknowledge our fears, anxieties and worries, we don’t run away from them – but then we take it all back to God, we take whatever ‘practical’ actions we can to try to mitigate things (especially, on the teshuva, prayer and emuna front) – but then, we get on with our lives and carry on doing the things that bring us joy.

Yesterday, I stuck another six plants in the patch of earth that’s called ‘the garden’ next to the house I rent in Jerusalem.

Sitting out there, watching them grow – it makes me so happy.

Even if the sky is whited-out from GO nanoparticles and the rain gives everyone asthma….


So, don’t be ‘scared’ about what is coming next, but do use your anxiety and fear to spark off some real teshuva and heartfelt prayer.

Follow Rabbenu’s advice to ‘dance and clap’ to sweeten the harsh judgements.

And join, or remain inside, the Tzaddik’s ‘circle’.

Otherwise -move forward, and live your life as happily as you can.

We aren’t in control here.

But that’s always been the case.

And eventually, all this turns around for the best.

The key is not to give ourselves heart attacks and strokes from over-worrying before we get to that stage.


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Rebbe Nachman on Deep State and Demons

Reposting this back on the blog, from August, 2019.

As time goes on, Rebbe Nachman’s words just seem to become more and more relevant to what is going on around us.



Rebbe Nachman points up some interesting similarities between ‘spies’ and demons.

Last week, I was re-reading Rebbe Nachman’s story of The Cripple, when I suddenly started to see some interesting connections between Rebbe Nachman’s description of demons, and what’s going on today with the ‘deep state’. (You can get an English translation PDF of it HERE). I suddenly got the idea into my head that Jeffery Epstein could be the ‘son of the demons’ in Rebbe Nachman’s story, who was imprisoned and tortured, sparking off a war between the different factions of ‘Deep State’ demons that eventually leads to geula happening. So, I’m bringing it here, to see what you think, too.


The Cripple hears the Sun and Moon talking, and the Moon is complaining that there is a place of two thousand mountains, where a whole bunch of demons live, and these ‘demons’ are taking all the power from her feet. Feet is an allusion to emuna, and true faith and trust in Hashem. The Moon is often used as an allegory for the Jewish people. The Cripple decides to visit this place called the ‘Two Thousand Mountains’, here’s what Rebbe Nachman says about that:

“When he got there, he stood at a distance from the two thousand mountains. He saw thousands and myriads of demon families. They have children just like human beings and are therefore very numerous. “He saw their leadership sitting on a throne. No human being ever sat on such a throne. He also saw them ‘joking’ – one of them was ‘joking’ about the child he’d hurt, another about injuring someone’s hand, and another about injuring someone’s foot. They also joked in other ways.”


I read this, and I immediately thought:

Mafia, crime families, ‘untouchable’ criminals and bent politicians sitting on pedestals where no-one can get near them, billionaires who are ‘worshipped’ for their wealth, child trafficking, child abduction and child abuse.

Before we continue, I also went to look up ‘Two Thousand Mountains’, to see where it’s located. Whaddya now? The only place I could find with that name is right next to Forth Worth, Dallas, Texas. Forth Worth was the last place JFK gave a speech, before he was shot dead by the mafia, under contract to the CIA. (The former head of CIA, Allan Dulles, had a score to settle with Kennedy after the latter refused to bail out the CIA’s attempted ‘regime change’ in Cuba, as part of the Bay of Pigs fiasco.

Kennedy had a strong dislike of the FBI and CIA, and their abuses of power, and was on record stating that he wanted to splinter the CIA into a 1,000 parts and scatter them to the wind, before he was assassinated.) The links between the mafia and the spy agencies are well-documented. The former FBI head J. Edgar Hoover was part of a massive corruption racket that basically blurred the lines between criminals and law enforcement, with the mafia simply acting in the illegal sphere, while the spy agencies ‘pretended’ to act within the law.

Robert Kennedy was knocked off because he had a sincere wish to tackle the mafia and organized crime – against Hoover’s wishes. They look like you and me, they have children, they have families, but really – Rebbe Nachman tells us – they are demons!


The story then switches to a pair of ‘demon’ parents who are very upset, because their son got kidnapped and tortured by a sorcerer who was working for a King who’d been ‘hurt’ by this demon-son, and his friend.

Back to Rebbe Nachman:

“We had an island in the sea, which we made our base. The king who owned this island decided to build it up, and began to lay the foundations. [The demon-son] said to me, “Let’s hurt him!” With that, we went and took away the king’s strength.”

In the footnotes to Aryeh Kaplan’s translation of this story, we find the following:

This ‘Island King’ wished to repent. This act on his part ultimately led to the downfall of the demons…. ‘Foundations’ is yesod in Hebrew. This usually refers to the se*ual organ. Thus the king wanted to begin by rectifying himself se*ually.


Let’s switch out ‘King’ for ‘President’, from here on it, to give it a more contemporary feel.

And before we continue, let’s also remind ourselves that over in US, the Feds are currently exploring Epstein’s ‘pedo Island’, our in the American Virgin Islands. Man, the clues are coming thick and fast, here. The demon parents go to the Demon King with this story, and he orders that the President should be given back his ‘strength’. It’s not so easy to do that, because the demon who took the President’s strength has now become a cloud on a particular city.

[We’re going to skip the middle part of the story, which involves an old Jewish sage taking on the ruling atheists and the demons, and continue with the story of the demon-son and the President.]

“The Demon King ordered that the cloud’s strength be taken and given back to the President, and it was done. The demon-son was then able to return to his parents. He came back worn out and in great pain…since he had been tortured very much there. He was very angry at the sorcerer who had tortured him so much, and he left orders to his sons and their families, that they should always lie in wait, to entrap the sorcerer.”


When Rebbe Nachman is talking about ‘families’, could he really be referring to clannish crime families and spy organisations here?

Let’s continue.

“The talkers amongst the demons told the sorcerer to watch himself, since [the family] were lying in wait for him. The sorcerer made use of his devices to protect himself from them, and also asked other sorcerers to help him, who knew other [crime] families. “The demon-son and his family were really furious at the talkers for revealing their secret to the sorcerer. Once, this son’s family and some talkers were going to serve a term of duty for the President.

The family fabricated a false accusation against the talkers, and the President killed them. “The surviving talkers were very angry, and they incited rebellion against all the kings. The demons were stricken with hunger, weakness, sword and plague. There were wars among all the kings, and this caused earthquakes. The ditches fell in and the tree was completely watered. All the [demons] were then destroyed, and nothing remained of them. Amen.”

Note: ‘the tree’ refers to the Tzaddik, aka Moshiach, and the demons spend their whole trying to keep people away from the Torah and mitzvos that will ‘water’ this Tree, and enable it to take it’s true place in the world.


Lots to unpack… let’s continue.

I don’t watch TV, thank God, but someone told me I should look at THIS post on the Tomer Devorah website. I went, and it’s talking about a new documentary about THE FAMILY, a bunch of power-obsessed evangelicals who apparently rule Washington DC by co-operating with other evil groups like the Vatican, and all the usual suspect spy agencies / mafiosos.


Because they are all connected to each other, and they all coordinate their activities with each other, just they operate as different crime ‘families’ or syndicates. So now, let’s take that piece of information, and plug in THE FAMILY for every mention of ‘family’ in Rebbe Nachman’s tale, and see what other insights that starts to spark off in your head.



In Makkot 6b, in the middle of a long discussion about false witnesses and criminals being given ‘prior warning’ of imminent punishment by a ‘Demon’, the Gemara says the following:

“The one giving the warning…may even be [the victim] himself, and even a demon. The warning necessary to convict the offender need not come from one of the witnesses, but is acceptable from any source.”

Ramban in the footnote explains that: ‘demon’ refers to “any voice whose source cannot be observed.”


In Brachot 3b, we get the following statement:

“The Rabbis taught in a baraisa, that one should not enter a ruin for the following three reasons: 1) Because of suspicion, i.e. because people may suspect one of entering there to meet a harlot, 2) Because of the danger of collapse, 3) and because of the danger of demons, who lurk in deserted areas and ruins.”

The footnotes state:

Demons will not attack two people together. Separately, it also states: [W]here men of low moral character are concerned, even ten men are not trusted to be alone with a woman.


In Brachot 43b:

“To one person [a demon] appears and does harm; to two people it appears but does no harm; to three people it does not appear altogether.”

The footnote states:

The demon will not take action to harm him, but the person will suffer the effects of having seen a demon (i.e. they get ‘warned off’ and they threatened if they start digging too much into what the demons are doing, or saying too much about their activities. But they only actually get assassinated if they are alone, with no witnesses.)


But Chagigah 16a is really the kicker:

“There are six characteristics that were said regarding demons: Three like ministering angels and three like human beings. These are the three characteristics in which demons are like ministering angels:

  • Demons have wings like ministering angels

  • And [demons] fly from one end of the world to the other end [of the world] like ministering angels

  • And [demons] know what is destined to be in the future like ministering angels.

The Gemara interrupts the Baraisa to clarify this last point:

“Can it enter your mind that they know the future on their own?… Rather, the Baraisa means that [demons] hear what is announced from behind the Partition, like ministering angels.”

Doesn’t this excerpt from the Gemara conjure up visions of spies with recording devices, who fly all over the place in their personal jets and unmarked planes?

And here’s how demons are like humans, from that same Gemara:

  • Demons eat and drink like human beings
  • Demons are fruitful and multiply like human beings
  • And demons die like human beings.


I haven’t made an exhaustive survey of every instance of where demons are mentioned in the Gemara, but one other notable place, in Niddah 24b, places demons bang in the middle of a discussion about aborted fetuses. All this, when taken together, suggests quite a lot, doesn’t it?

To recap the main message:

Before Moshiach actually is revealed (aka ‘the Tree’ gets watered), all these crime families and spy agencies start to turn on each other, and take each other out.

And the demonic forces who are leading these activities are the talkers. Talkers could refer to journalists, spies, bloggers, social media ‘manipulators’ and also movies and Hollywood (the original home of the ‘talkies’.)


Demons look like human beings, but really aren’t.

They have zero real emuna and faith in Hashem (the ‘chicken feet’ = atheists), and they are organized as crime families and syndicates. You’ll find demons in the middle of abortions…. And in the middle of hurting children and other people… And in locations where men are lured to be ‘entrapped’ with harlots…. And demons love ‘devices’ and can listen in on people’s conversations, fly all over the world and appear to be totally untouchable. The last thing to tell you about demons is probably the most important.

In Rebbe Nachman’s tale, he explains that the human beings who are with the Jewish Sage who stands up to the King Demon, and who are within his ‘circle’, are safe from the harm demons can do.

Rebbe Nachman tells us:

“The demons approached, but they could not come near [the humans] because of the circle [that the wise man had made] around them. [The King Demon] sent other messengers, but they also failed.”


We need to stay close to the Tzaddik HaDor, and to stay far, far away from the places where these ‘demons’ hang out. When Moshiach comes, they will all disappear.

But for now, they are still all over the place, and still causing a lot of harm, wars and ‘earthquakes’.


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Rebbe Nachman explains in his story ‘The Cripple’ that the only person demons are scared of is…. the True Tzaddik.

Below my thoughts here, I will bring a long extract from that story, which you can read in English translation HERE.

Bottom line, there is a ‘Sage’, and that Sage is the only one who can stand up to the demons who have overrun the world, and who get their kicks and their strength from torturing people and making them suffer and working their evil all over the world.

But the Sage isn’t scared of them.

And not only is he not scared of them – he kills a bunch of them  off, and so the demons become very scared of him.

And what’s more, whoever is in the ‘circle’ of the Sage is similarly protected from these demons, who are all over the place, disguised as ‘people’ except with the tell-tale chicken feet of demons, as described in the Gemara.


Why am I mentioning this now?

Because long story short, Rebbe Nachman’s tale is telling you pretty much everything you need to know about this crazy period of time we are all living through.

So much of ‘science’ is actually just a bunch of lies, and a ruse to hide the work of demonic forces in the world.

There are no ‘aliens from outer space’ – but there ARE a bunch of demonic entities, trying to take over the planet, who have a bunch of ‘top secret tech’ that’s rolled out by the military, and funded and implemented by the ‘government’ in every country.

That’s how it is.

Even Elon Musk told you that, back in 2014:

And these demonic entities ‘take over’ people who want all the power, glory, money, fame, whatever – this is the idea of ‘selling your soul to the devil’ – and then they do whatever they do in the world, with truly evil genius.


But just as that works on the side of evil, it also works on the side of good.

It’s the whole concept of ‘binding yourself to the True Tzaddikim’, that in Breslov is part and parcel of avodat Hashem, or serving God.

When a person literally says out loud: “I bind myself to the True Tzaddikim” – then they don’t even need to know, really, who those ‘True Tzaddikim’ really are. They are automatically included in the ‘protected circle’ of the True Tzaddikim, and then the ‘demonic forces’ that cause all the illness, suffering, harsh judgements etc – they can’t touch him.

But when you take that a step further, and start understanding who these ‘True Tzaddikim’ really are, and then start following their advice, and then start attending their prayer gatherings, reciting their prayers etc etc – that’s when the ‘protection’ gets even more strengthened, even as the world around you gets more and more crazy.


Ponder what I just wrote, here.

It’s really the secret to getting through the next few months with your sanity and happiness intact.


Rebbe Nachman teaches that when we get all down and depressed – this is the worst sin in the world.

As someone who used to experience a lot of clinical depressions, I used to find this statement very difficult.

But what happens in ‘clinical depressions’ is that the person basically goes into a state of ‘freeze’, where the ‘reptile brain’ takes over.

And that also happens in the states of ‘fight’ (anger), ‘flight’ (fear) and ‘flatter’ (i.e. fake superficiality, that wants to keep everything ‘sababa’), too.

These states is when the ‘yetzer hara’ can take over, and that’s also why the Sages taught that a person who gets angry is akin to someone who worships demons – because he lets ‘the demons’ take over’.


This is also why Rebbe Nachman taught that it’s such a big mitzva, to be happy all the time.

That happiness is our best protection, spiritually, against the demonic forces operating in the world.

I’m not talking about ‘fake happy’, where we don’t feel our true feelngs.

I’m talking about the sort of happy where we feel our pain, and cry over it – but we also believe that somehow, it’s for our very best, because God is behind EVERYTHING that happens in the world.

It’s not easy to do this in practise, and honestly, without regular hitbodedut it’s probably impossible.

Even WITH regular hitbodedut, it sometimes feels impossible….

But that’s the level to aim at, and to strive for.


What prompted this post is the few minutes I spent just now scrolling through Jose Luis Sevillano’s other Telegram channel, HERE.

He’s one of the founders of La Quinta Columna, who did that great, rigorously-scientific job of proving categorically that there is graphene oxide in the Covid shots, and in most other ‘vaccines’ too, these days.

He has come to the conclusion that all this is actually a spiritual war.

As we God-fearing Jews knew all along.

And he’s also come to the conclusion that all those ‘gods’ worshipped by ancient peoples – including the Egyptians, the Mayans, even the Spartan Greeks – they were all just ‘demons’ in disguise.

And even, not so much in disguise.


And this is where we connect back up with modern tech, smart phones and ‘virtual reality’ and the metaverse.

As we mentioned, any time a person ‘checks out’ of their own soul, they enable demonic entities to take over.

That happens when we get angry / fearful / depressed / totally fake.

And, it also happens when we use pot, ‘shrooms and of course all the other ‘harder’ stuff, too.

And, I am coming to the conclusion, it also happens when we ‘lose ourselves’ in movies, Netflix, computer games – and especially, ‘virtual reality’.


Interacting with this tech is ‘hypnotic’, in many ways most of us don’t even really understand.

And while some of it is clearly physiological, and based on being bombarded by radio waves and radiation, the real issue is the soul, and our mental state.

There is a huge difference between someone who is using tech ‘under duress’, spiritually, and someone who has let the tech totally take them over, and offers no resistance.

Again, really ponder on what I’m trying to say here.


Your stuck using the internet, and I’m also stuck using the internet.

But I try to ‘protest’ my internet use, spiritually, to myself and to God, a lot.

That’s why I switch of the images on sites as ‘default’.

That’s why I try very hard not to watch video online – as streamed video invites those ‘hypnotic’ states that can be so dangerous and yucky.

And that’s also why I try to stay far, far away from anything or anyone that just churns out more and more fear porn – and even when I do engage, I engage reluctantly, and with maximum scepticism.


The demonic entities literally ‘feed off’ our bad middot and our lack of emuna.

That’s why the Rav says, repeatedly, that all the terrorists, the Hamas, the ‘baddies’ – they are all just our sins, manifested as these demonic entities and situations.

And when we make teshuva, these problems will disappear all by themselves.


That’s why they keep trying to get us to ‘hate’ each other.

That’s why, they went to such great trouble to set a bunch of ‘false leaders’ over us, particularly in the externally ‘religious’ world, because the people who attach their koach to those ‘false leaders’ are still actually just fuelling the demons.

(And suffering tremendously, while they do that….)

That’s why they have made such a big effort to get ‘smart phones’ into the frum world, every way they can, and to get their agents to push things like ‘Metaverse’ and virtual reality, and all these fake and false doctrines that take people away from truth, and from God, and from really being in contact and connection with their souls.


The tech is being used to fool people.

Did you know that ‘Michael Jackson’ is back appearing in live concerts, and so is ‘Whitney Houston’ and even Elvis – all via life-like holographs that look totally real to the people dancing next to them and watching from the audience?

Just imagine how much ‘fake news’ you could generate by raising ‘Yoshki’ from the dead…. (or someone else whose followers are waiting for the second coming….)

And the more a person is immersed in ‘tech’ and in ‘smart phones’ and in ‘virtual reality’ and tarbut ra – the less they are going to be able to differentiate between ‘reality’ and ‘fake’.

And the more at risk they are, of serving the agenda of evil, in a million different ways.


This is ‘drones’ getting into the act of memerising the crowd, in a recent Geneva concert:


Spectacle de drones à Genève🇨🇭🥰 #dronevideo#tiktok

♬ Old Town Road – YuanRemix

The solution is to ‘bind yourself to the True Tzaddikim’, even if you don’t know who they are.

And to work on overcoming your bad middot and lack of emuna, and to really try to internalise Ein Od Milvado – there is only God.

And ultimately, even the side of evil is subservient to God, and is just being sent as a test, so that free will is maintained in this world.

And then, also consider how much ‘fear porn’ you want to keep engaging with, once you understand it’s been churned out by people who are either ‘demonically possessed’ themselves, or working for people who are.

And how much ‘tech’ you want to keep engaging with, without trying to protest it, on some level, even if that requires some mesirut nefesh.

That tech is literally ‘demonically inspired’.

Look at the depictions of ‘angels’ in books like the Sefer Yetzirah, and then see how these symbols of ‘angels’ resemble, exactly, the circuitry of a computer board, or chip.

Really ponder on what I am trying to say here.


There is no despair in the world!

At least, for a person who is:

a) Binding themselves to the True Tzaddikim

b) Working on overcoming their bad middot, especially those stemming from ‘reptile brain’ and

c) Working on developing the emuna that God is all there is.

For everyone else…..

It’s going to be increasingly ‘interesting’.

Especially when the fake ‘alien invasion’ shows up.


In the meantime, here’s the excerpt of Rebbe Nachman’s story of ‘The Cripple’:


“Here is the story. Once there was a Sage who lived in a kingdom whose ruler was a terrible unbeliever, and that ruler demanded that all of his people become unbelievers. Then the Sage called together all his kin and said, ‘You see that the King would make all the nation into unbelievers. Some of our own kind have already followed him. Then let us go into the desert, in order that we may not be torn from our faith.’

All agreed, and the Sage uttered a Name, and they found themselves in a wilderness. But that desert did not please him, so again he uttered a Name, and they were brought to a second wilderness; this also failed to please him; a third time he spoke the Name, and now they were brought to a desert that pleased him. And that desert was not far from the two thousand mountains of the moon.

“When they had chosen their place, the Sage drew a circle about them; and no power might break through that circle.

There let us leave the Sage and all his family,” the Cloud said, “while we speak of the Tree.


“There is a Tree that stands just beyond the two thousand mountains, and if that Tree were watered, all of our demon kind would come to an end, for there would be no more ill on earth. In order to keep the earth’s water from coming to the Tree, numbers of demons stand near that Tree and dig the earth, day and night, to make a pit around it.”

“Why must they remain forever digging?” the messenger asked. “Would it not suffice to dig the pit once?”

The Cloud answered, “There are whispering demons among us who go about the earth and whisper and murmur to one king and another, until they bring the kings to make war upon each other; then the earth quakes with war, and the soil tumbles back into the pit that is digged about the Tree. Then water might come to the Tree, and end our lives. So we must stand forever digging the pit, that no water may come to the tree.


“Whenever a King is crowned among us, and demons tumble and make merry before him, and tell him how they have torn arms and legs from men, and torn apart infants, then the King becomes joyful and his heart feels strong; he gathers about him all the lords of his kingdom, and walks over the two thousand hills with them; he leads them to the place of the Tree, and they try to see who may have the strength to uproot that Tree and put an end to the danger that stands against our kingdom.

The King strengthens his heart that he may not fear the Tree, but as soon as he approaches it the Tree sends forth a great cry, and the King is frightened, and must turn back.

“Once there was a great King among us who held a marvellous feast, and when he had heard of the deeds of all his demons his heart was filled with strength, and he went out with his princes to pull up the Tree by its roots; but as he came to it the Tree cried out so terribly that even he was frightened, and he turned away, but with awful anger. As he turned, he saw men in the wilderness, for the Sage and his family lived there. Then the King sought to vent his anger upon them, and he called his demons, and sent them to tear apart that family.


“As the people saw the demons coming they were frightened, but the Sage said, ‘Have no fear.’

“The demons could not approach the people because of the magic circle about their place. The King sent more and more armies against the Sage’s people, but not all the warriors among all our myriads could pierce the Sage’s circle.

At last the King, in great wrath, strode to the border himself, and beat against it with his sword, but he could not get in. And when his fury was spent, he begged, ‘Let me come in within your circle.’


“At once the Sage replied, ‘Since you ask, I will let you in among us. And since a King must not walk alone, you may bring a companion with you.’ Then the Sage opened a little door, and allowed them to come in, and locked the circle after them.

“The King cried, ‘How do you come to live upon my land?’

“‘It is not your land,’ the Sage replied, ‘but mine.’

“The King said, ‘Are you not afraid of me?’

“The Sage answered, ‘I have no fear of you.’

“‘You have no fear of me?’ the King cried out again, and he drew himself up until his form towered to the very heavens. But the Sage replied, ‘I have no fear of you at all; but if I wish it, I can make you fear me.’ Then he went away and prayed, and at once a great cloud formed, and there was thunder in the heavens, and thunder is the death of demons.”


All this the Cloud told the messenger. Then he continued:

“All the princes who stood outside the circle waiting for the King were killed at once by that thunder; and only the King and his companion remained alive.

“Then the King begged the Sage to put an end to the thunder; and the thunder ceased. The King was grateful and said, ‘Since you are indeed a noble man, I will give you a book in which the Names of all our families of Demons are written. Among mankind there are masters of Names who know how to call one family, and not even all of that family. But you will know us every one, for even the Names of the newborn are written in the book of the King.’

Then the King sent his companion, and thus it was shown how wise the Sage had been to cause him to bring a companion; and the book was brought. The Sage opened the book and saw that it was filled with thousands of myriads of Names.

“The King promised also that not one of the Sage’s people should ever be harmed by demons. ‘I will keep in my kingdom a portrait of each of your family,’ the King said, ‘and whenever a new babe is born among you, his image too shall be with us, so that the demons may know not to harm him.’ Then the King went out of the circle, and returned into the hills.”


Ad kan.

These are big ideas.

Deep concepts.

And they hold the key to living life happily, while the world continues it’s merry way down the mad path.


PS: Don’t forget the prayer gathering in Hevron tonight (May 24th), between 10pm -2am, where the Rav BH will also come at 1AM.

There’s clearly a lot that still needs ‘sweetening’.


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Three weeks ago, shortly before my husband’s back and leg ‘went out’, he decided to do an experiment.


That experiment involved buying two identical plants – fuchsias – and sticking them right next to our WIFI router.

He knows WIFI is bad.

After all the arguments and discussions, Baruch Hashem, my husband has internalised that so much of this modern technology is literally evil, and can literally kill you.

If you let it.

He is meant to be the ‘rational’ one in our marriage, while I’m the crazy Moroccan who has conversations about earthquakes with his dead mother….

So, I was pleasantly surprised to see that even an Ashkenazi man with Litvaks genes is starting to understand that there are some limits to how far ‘logic’ and ‘the power and strength of my own arm’ can take you, to solve your problems in life.


Back to the experiment.

My husband set up the two plants right next to the WIFI router.

And he gave us strict instructions:

Plant 1 was to be watered regularly, but otherwise ignored.

Plant 2 was also to be watered regularly, AND it was also to receive verbal encouragement that the radiation coming off the router wasn’t going to harm it or damage it in any way.

(We’d had plants next to the router before, that had died…. This is what prompted the experiment. My husband wanted to see if ‘words, belief, prayer’ really could make a tangible difference to ‘plant life’, tachlis.)


Here’s the picture from Day 1:


By Day 3, the plant that was ‘getting encouragement’ from my husband started to look a bit droopy and  miserable:


I said to him, maybe, running over to the plant with high-pitched anxiety, telling it ‘not to die’ isn’t exactly encouraging it?

Shortly afterwards, my husband’s back and leg ‘went out’, and we have been having a very big lesson in the power of  lack of belief, and the power of ‘negative internal speak’, fear and cynicism to totally take a person out and make them ill, God forbid.


In the meantime, I took over the job of ‘encouraging’ Plant 2, while studiously just avoiding Plant 1, but otherwise not saying anything bad to it, and still giving it exactly the same water.

By Day 20, here is what that looked like:


You see, the plant that got no encouragement is starting to look pretty dead, while the plant that got plenty of encouragement is actually doing fine.

Even though it’s right next to the irradiating router.


This is a simple experiment, the type that you can do at home.

But it makes the point, very powerfully, that our words, our prayers, our beliefs – they really do affect ‘reality’.

And the biggest reality they affect is you and me.

When ‘bad things’ strike, all the things we tell ourselves about those ‘bad things’ are going to tip the balance towards a good outcome – or the opposite, God forbid.

Remember, Jews are above nature!

As soon as we see through the costume to understand everything and everyone is just God, just Hashem ‘dressing up’ to give us a message, or a test, or a workout of our emuna, then we can access solutions to our problems that are above  nature.


The more emuna we have – real emuna, not fake, ersatz ‘everything is wonderful’ emuna – the more we will find miraculous solutions to our very real problems.

And the opposite is also true.

If you want to sit there believing there is ‘no hope’, and especially ‘no hope for the jabbed’, then it’s a free country and you can do what you want.

But, let’s understand that by doing this, you are becoming part of the problem.

Ditto, you want to sit there and say Israel is on the brink of a ‘civil war’ (it isn’t….)

Ditto, you want to sit there and say nothing can stop Klaus Schwab and the WEF takeover of the planet.

Ditto, for all the bad, horrible things that are currently going on right now.

Everything is Hashem in disguise.


And that is why prayer and teshuva and emuna and emunat tzaddikim really do work, to get these very ‘real’ problems to clear up and resolve, often miraculously.


And also on the small  level.

You want to carry on telling yourself 24/7 that your life is hard, you’re suffering too much, your pain is unbearable – that’s the reality you make for yourself.

You are literally ‘poisoning’ yourself with your own words, and your own negative attitude.

Just take a look at the plant on the left – nothing ‘negative’ was said to it, at all, but in a toxic environment, even just being ignored instead of encouraged was enough to kill it off.

And we are no different.

You, me, our kids, our friends – we are no different.

That’s how continually engaging with the poisonous, heretical, fear-porn MSM can literally give you a heart-attack all by itself.


Ein Od Milvado!!!!

God is in the world!

Our true tzaddikim are sweetening things all the time!!!

Our prayers and teshuva and emuna is leading to massive miracles all the time!!!

Particularly, for us.


So, switch off the fear porn.

Switch off all those commentators that enjoy giving you ‘problems’, but never seem to get around to talking about ‘solutions’ (that don’t involve firearms and ‘hanging people from lamp-posts’).

God is in the world.

All this is just a test, a massive test, of emuna and emunat tzaddikim.

And it’s a test that no-one can fake.


To be clear, pain and suffering is real, and all around.

I’m not saying it doesn’t exist.


Complaining and feeling sorry for ourselves and falling into despair is guaranteed, 100000%, to make a bad situation worse, on so many levels.

It’s hard to stay upbeat.

It’s a real challenge.

But, I know we can do it!

And when I look at that dead, shrivelled up plant, I also know that really, there is no other answer.



The Rav collapsed and was taken to hospital a few hours before that massive 7.8 earthquake – that was meant to hit Jerusalem – hit Turkey.

Now, Baruch Hashem, he is out of hospital, but still needs our prayers.

Remember, we aren’t so much praying ‘for him’, as praying for ourselves, because I dread to think what would be going on right now if the Rav wasn’t leading the effort to get all this stuff ‘sweetened’.

If you speak Hebrew, here is a recent prayer the Rav himself wrote, that he shouldn’t die, God forbid.

I am saying this every day, at the moment:



If you want something in English, this is an older one, but still very good to say:


And lastly, I got sent this audio of Rav Zalmanovitch, from Bnei Brak, talking about the importance of reciting Tikkun HaKlalis, and following the advice of our true tzaddikim – especially Rav Berland.

He’s saying that we see the whole world is in an uproar right now, geula is close, and we need to carry on praying and saying the Tikkun Haklalis as requested by the Rav (back when he was asking for 100,000, shortly before the massive earthquake) – because that is how we bring geula the ‘sweet way’:


Real emuna doesn’t mean we close our eyes, continue on as before, and keep telling ourselves ‘yiyeh b’seder’.

It means we deal with reality without going into denial, but then we we pray, we make teshuva – and we follow our true tzaddikim, and do our best to do what they are requesting.

And we understand that this is what sweetens everything.



A reader sent me some more footage of the water experiments by Professor Emoto, that proves the same point.

The human body is 75% water – and blood is 98% water.

Just imagine, how much of a difference you make to the composition of your own blood, when you are telling yourself words of emuna and encouragement, and praying regularly, including doing hitbodedut, with kavana.

God is hearing your words – and so is your own body!


Staying healthy is currently extremely challenging, for so many reasons.

The GO nanotech that’s everywhere, the radiation from the WIFI, the stress, the worry, the fear….

It requires a lot of effort, across so many different fronts.

But the main weapon we have is our prayers and teshuva.


God spoke the world into being.

And words continue to be more powerful than most of us can even comprehend.



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I’m going to let other people do most of the explaining, in this post beginning to look at the importance of breath.

Partially, that’s because experiencing this for yourself will do way more than a million words of ‘convincing’.

And partially, because I’m trying to pace myself, here, as there’s a lot of info to get through.


Over shabbat, I read a book that came highly recommended by reader S. (thank you!) called ‘Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art’.

I learnt an awful lot of things, some of which we’ll be exploring in more detail in different posts.

But for now, here’s the author, James Nestor, explaining the five things you can do right now that will make some huge improvements to your physical health.

Just by breathing a bit different, and making an effort to breathe through your nose as much as possible:


In his book ‘Breath’, he also details a number of different breathing patterns – and the scientists and ‘pulmonauts’ who developed them, mostly accidentally.

One of the key ones is something called Buteyko Breathing.

If you want to read some of the cold, hard science behind ‘Buteyko Breathing’ – written by none other than Dr Buyteko himself, when he was developing his breathing methods to help cure patients of ‘incurable asthma’, amongst other things, go HERE.

And / or, you can also go to Patrick Mckeown’s website HERE, which sets out a huge amount of information, and offers a lot of ‘free exercises’, including this one, to quickly unblock a blocked nose in five minutes:



Mckeown had chronic, serious asthma into his twenties, and basically stumbled across Buteyko’s Soviet era information when he was at the end of the rope, and even all the surgical procedures hadn’t helped him cure his asthma at all.

(Quelle surprise!)

He started following the main advice of just breathing through his nose – and that all by itself started to make enough of a difference to his breathing, that he started exploring further.

Before long, his life-long, ‘incurable’ asthma had totally disappeared.

Again, we’ll come back to all this in more detail, but Mckeown’s website has a ton of information on helping asthmatics to consciously breath their asthma away HERE.

Amongst many other things.

Read more clinical trials on this method HERE.


Then, try this out, if you have 10 minutes spare:

It’s a ‘resonant breathing’ session – to be done via nasal breathing – where you basically calm your breathing down, and get it into a good groove.

It’s shmirat eynayim friendly, and has no unfortunate ‘yoga’ stuff attached.

Resonant breathing is another method that’s highly recommended by James Nestor.

Me and my husband tried this yesterday, before bed – and we both slept better than we have in a very long time.


Finally, this is another different way to breathe yourself into a more relaxed state to try, that is from Dr Andrew Weil.

He did get this idea from ‘yoga’, so we will all have to grope our way through the birur to see if religiously, this can be pulled up out of the muck of idolatry, and used in a good, kosher way.

If they can hijack breathing and turn it into idolatry… then we’re stuffed.

But the birur has to be carefully felt out, because it’s the small things that make the difference here, the intentions, the associations, the connections.


The last few days, I’ve been realising that I have been dealing with a constant, physical sense of ‘panic’ and stress.

My heart is racing, then my thoughts start following.

More and more, I am coming to the conclusion that these sensations are a RESULT of being ‘radiation poisoned’, as they’ve chemtrailed all over Israel, super-heavily the last couple of weeks, and also presumably turned up the radiowaves again from their 5…G towers, or whatever, to achieve ‘the next pandemic’.

They’re busy predicting it again, don’t you know?

And they’re very good at apparently knowing exactly when these next ‘pandemics’ are meant to break out.


While you’re pondering the implications of all this for what is really making us ‘sick’ and what could really be keeping us healthy, watch this short clip of Dr Robert Young basically spelling out that NOT BEING ABLE TO BREATHE IS A KNOWN CONSEQUENCE OF RADIATION POISONING.


(Remember George Floyd? That wasn’t a CO-IN-CID-ENCE.)


When we can’t breathe properly…. when the mechanisms that control our breathing is being ‘zapped’ all the time, so we are constantly taking shallow, panicked breaths, even at night, even when we’re trying to sleep….

That by itself is enough to totally ruin our physical health.

And to also cause a bunch of other mental and emotional issues.

But the very good news is that learning to breathe in a healthy, conscious way, that minimises ‘breathing bad habits’ can do a huge amount to reverse the damage being done, and maintain our health.


Again, this is just a ‘taster’ into this subject, for now.

Go and read James Nestor’s book, Breath, go and read up about Dr Buteyko’s method and life and successes, go and scrounge around on Youtube to find more of the videos with Patrick McKeown, more of the people who have been helped.

And most importantly of all, try some of these things for yourself, especially breathing with your mouth shut as much as possible.

With God’s help.


Remember, we are still in the middle of doing the birur with all this, and there are still a huge number of puzzle pieces to fit in still, until we have anything approaching a definitive approach to all this.

For example, Wim Hof’s breathing method, based on another yoga tradition appropriately called ‘Tummo’, emphasises breathing through the mouth for 30-40 breaths, to induce hyperventilation, before holding the breath for at least a minute.

Personally, I didn’t like it all.

(And I stopped doing it after the person who told me about it developed strange heart palpitations around a month into their own experiment with his breathing method.)

But many other people have seen big improvements in their health, and Hof himself used that method to avoid E-coli poisoning in a scientific trial conducted in hospital.

(While we’re on the subject of Wim Hof, I’m still following Hof’s recommendation for the cold showers – and I think they’re very beneficial!)



This is a process of trial and error.

To see how we can reclaim the gift of ‘breath’, and start to use it, as believing Jews, the way God really intended.

Not as something to exert control over ourselves, and our health, necessarily, but something to bring us closer to the neshama / neshima connection, that is the real underlying basis of real human health.

And that’s why, the battle over breath is the front line.



Note: I’m taking a couple of days’ off the internet.

So if you comment, it will take some time to show up. But still feel free to comment, respectfully, so we can continue to move this discussion forward.

I still think all things ‘yoga’ are tumah, and that there is a very intense birur to be done here.

But that doesn’t mean we have to take ‘breath’ off the table as a healing tool, just because idolaters have got their hands on it.

That’s ridiculous.

But it could well be our way of using breath to heal is going to end up being way more focused on prayers, hitbodedut, singing, niggunim… we’ll see.

All options need to be explored, with God’s help, and with useful input from anyone who has some honest insights to share about this.



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