This is a translation of a short letter that Rav Eliezer Berland wrote on Elul 25th, 5783 (September 11, 2023).

It appears in Shivivei Or number 327.

There’s a lot more interesting stuff in that newsletter from the last week, and after Yom Kippur I will translate more, God willing.

But I wanted to get this up before the fast begins.



Rosh Hashana 5784 (TShPD), the initial letters of: Tahel Shabbat P’dut David, is the most important, and the most special year since the creation of the world.

Because this year is the year of the revelation of Moshiach ben David,

And in this year, each person will merit to have teshuva shleima v’amitit (complete and truthful teshuva).

And in this year, each and every person will merit to rectify each of their blemishes since the sin of Adam HaRishon, and onwards.


And also, each and every person will merit to complete the whole SHAS,and all 14 volumes of the Rambam, and all four parts of the Shulchan Aruch.

And all the Turim; and all the Yad Ramah; Kesef Mishnah; Lechem Mishnah; Mishnah LeMelech; Maggid Mishnah, and all the SHACH and the TaZ, Magen Avraham, Sem’ah, Chelkat Mechokek, and Beit Shmuel.

And also, all the Zohars, and all of Etz Chaim, and al the Pri Etz Chaim, and the Seraf Etz Chaim, and the Sha’ar HaKavanot.

And the Shemoneh Prakim, and all the Mesillat Yesharim, Orchot Tzaddikim, Sha’arei Teshuva, Pele Yoetz, Kav HaYashar, Menorat HaMeor.

And all the books of the RAMCHAL, and the awesome ARI HaKadosh.

And all the books of Rabbenu HaKadosh v’haNora [the awesome and holy Rebbe Nachman] – all of Likutey Moharan, and all of Likutey Halachot, and all of Sippurei HaMaasiot, and all Shivchey HaRan, and Chayei Moharan.

And all the books of his holy students, and the students of his students.

And we will merit to only study the holy Torah, from now and forever.

With the blessings of the Torah, and with great love,

Eliezer Berland


DutchSinse has been banned from streaming on Youtube… he’s only managing to put up messages on his comment page now.

He just put up a message saying there are huge, enormous fires all over Canada again – way bigger than what happened a few months ago, around June 7, with that so-called ‘smoke bomb‘ in New York…

We live in interesting times.

But BH, all this is bringing the whole world to a place of finally doing some real, sincere and complete teshuva, and turning back to God.

And if there is one ‘message’ apt for Yom Kippur, 5784, than this is it.

There are 36, and some say 72, ‘secret Tzaddikim’ in whose merit the whole world continues to stand.

This isn’t ‘happy clappy’ Breslov.

It’s not even ‘chassidut’.

It’s straight Gemara.


Sanhedrin 97b; Succah 45b:

There are no fewer than 36 righteous people in the world who greet the Shekhinah in each generation.

Although as mentioned, the precise number of these ‘hidden tzaddikim’ is disputed in the Gemara.

From Chullin 92a:

“A homer of barley, and a letech of barley” (Hosea 3:2) – [this refers to] 45 righteous who cause the world to be sustained …

30 in the land of Israel and 15 here [in Babylonia]. 

Abaye said: And most of them can be found in the synagogue, under the upper room [i.e. among the unhonored masses].


The Baal Shem Tov is also meant to have said this about the 36 hidden tzaddikim sustaining the world:

“Just as there are 36 hidden tzaddikim, there are 36 revealed tzaddikim.”


Point is, while the details and numbers are disputed, the fact these hidden Tzaddikim exist, and that the world is sustained in their merit, it not up for argument.

One of the commentators here made the classic ‘Korach’ argument that essentially ‘all Am Yisrael are holy’, and they don’t need ‘Tzaddikim’ exalted above them.

On the one hand – Korach was totally correct, that all of Am Yisrael is indeed holy of holies.

We aren’t xtians, were one guy shows up and ‘fixes’ everything and everyone else all by himself, like some sort of ‘mini-eloke’, walking around in a human body.

But on the other hand…. we can’t do it all by ourselves, and there are, and always have been, elevated Tzaddikim in our midst, whose prayers reach those areas the rest of us just can’t quite get to.

And if we don’t recognise that this is an integral part of authentic yiddishkeit, then the ground will probably open all round us…. And you already know how that story ends.


So far so good?

Great, let’s continue laying things out a bit more clearly here.

While no-one knows ‘for sure’ who these ‘Lamed Vav’ Tzaddikim are, they are aware of each other’s identities.

And usually, after they pass on, they are revealed as being one of the ‘Lamed Vav’ Tzaddikim – because to be revealed openly in their lifetimes can cause them a lot of spiritual problems, and can even result in their death, God forbid.

So now, this message from a ‘Lamed Vav’ is from 2017 – Rav Elazar Mordechai Menzer, the Lamed Vav in question, passed away a few months after delivering this:

Here’s what Rav Menser wrote in the letter:

“On Thursday night, before dawn, at 4.29am, after I’d finished davening ma’ariv, with the niggunim and the nusach of the holy days, I received permission from Heaven to reveal what I’m about to tell you.

“On the eve of the 17th Tevet, the yahrtzeit of the famous Tzaddik of the previous generation, who would be visited by many of the Tzaddikim of the previous generation at his home, the Rav Ezra Prachia Cohen, ztl, the father of Rabbenu, the Rav Chaim Cohen, shlita, the Milkman, the Tzaddik foundation of the world…

“Rav Ezra, ztl, came down on the day of his yahrtzeit and told his son, the Tzaddik, foundation of the world, shlita, ‘My son! My son! My son! Who is so dear to me and to the Creator of the worlds. I request from you very much, come with me Upstairs to Gan Eden. They have prepared a place for you there which is very good. Why stay here? [I.e., in this world.] Now that the holy Shechina and all of the Tzaddikim together with her are crying, when they see the lowliness of this generation?’”

Rav Menser continues: “After he said this, he then went on to speak at length about the zealots in the community, whose ‘loftiness in their mouths, and who hold a double-edged sword in their hands.’


[Rav Ezra] then continued and said the following to his son:

“You are also being slandered, and also the other true Tzaddikim of the generation [are being slandered], and also the Tzaddik, foundation of the world, Rav Eliezer Berland, shlita, who fled into exile [is being slandered], and no-one paid any attention.


“The Shechina and the Tzaddikim above, in Heaven, are crying and are suffering [from this]. Only the Satan and the accusors are happy and dancing about the fact that they’re besting the Shechina and the Tzaddikim above, whilst also lengthening this terrible, bitter exile.”

Rav Menser continues: “[Rav Ezra] then continued to speak about different matters, and in the end he concluded by saying: ‘More than this, I don’t have permission to reveal to you now.’”


This article is six years old…. but it’s still as pertinent as ever, for what is going on today, in 2023, Erev Rosh Hashana 5784.

It continues:

A little while after this occurred, Nachman Salmonovitch from Shuvu Banim was visiting the Tzaddik Rav Menser, shlita, who permitted him to publicize the content of this letter, and also added the following astounding message:

“You should know, that all of this persecution [of Rav Berland] is born out of jealousy. I have no doubt that if these persecutors would have been living in the generation of Rabbenu HaKadosh, Rebbe Nachman, that they would have also been persecuting him….

R’ Salmonovitch explains: “It’s known that Rav Menser, shlita, only says the words that Hashem puts into his mouth, when people ask him questions. At 2am that morning, he told me that he’d just received another message from Heaven, and that I should give it over in his name. The message from Rav Menser was as follows:


‘They don’t punish a person unless he’s first been warned, therefore I’m now warning you.

Tosfot in Masechet Sotah [which quotes Rabbi Yochanon, who brings the words from Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai] says that: ‘It’s better for a person to throw himself into a fiery furnace, than to embarrass his friend in public.’ And also Rabbenu Yonah [writing in Shaarei Teshuva, the Third Gate, 139, where he explains that we’re speaking about the ‘dust’ of murder, because the person who shames another causes the red blood to drain from the face of the person he embarrassed] – explains that one who embarrasses another in public, it’s like one of the three cardinal sins that a person should rather die than transgress.

(The three cardinal sins are murder, sexual profanity and idol worship.)


From now on, anyone who opens his mouth against Rav Berland, shlita, he’s considered to be a deliberate transgressor, and he should know that he’s playing with fire.

And he fulfills the words of the following verse in Pirkei Avot that states:

Warm yourself beside the fire of the Sages, but beware of their glowing coals, lest you be burnt. For their bite is the bite of a fox, their sting is the sting of a scorpion, their hiss is the hiss of a serpent, and all their words are like coals of fire.

‘Also, a person who only thinks bad thoughts against Rav Berland, shlita, should know that these thoughts are considered to be idol worship, and that he needs to use all of his strength to expel these thoughts [from his mind].


R’ Salmonovitch concludes: “This is what the holy Tzaddik Rav Elazar Mordechai Menser, shlita, told me.”


To spell this out: the real ‘Lamed Vav’ tzaddikim in the world already know who Rav Eliezer Berland really is, and how holy he really is.

‘Pure’ makes ‘pure’ – which is why the followers of a truly sincere, God-fearing ‘rabbi’ and influencer, even if they don’t know themselves 100% what is going on, they take the steer from their own Rav, on what to think  about what is going on ‘about the Rav’.

Simply connecting to someone ‘pure’ can make ‘pure’ – especially in areas as convoluted and deliberately distorted as this.


To spell this out even more – the people who are ‘against’ the Rav are totally disconnected from truly sincere, God-fearing leaders and influencers, and for sure aren’t connected to a truly holy ‘Lamed Vav’ – or anything approaching it.

Not knowing is not a sin.

It’s very hard to ‘know what’s true’, especially in our world of lies, especially about the Rav.

But when you don’t really ‘know’ anything other than what you read on government propaganda sites like A7 and YWN, but you still feel free to shoot your mouth off about things you truly know nothing about, and even to go so far as to slander very holy people like Rebbe Nachman and the Rav…. then you have a lot of teshuva to make.



It always has, it always will.

Think about this carefully.

Rav Berland is Holy of Holies, mamash.

If you read OIAG 1, 2 and 3, you will find tens of direct quotes from known holy tzaddikim – many of whom have no passed on – clearly and unequivocably pointing this out.

And there are still some ‘hidden tzaddikim’ saying the same things today, in ways that are not so hidden, for the people who have enough zchut to catch their not-so-subtle hints and clues about what is really going on.


Remember, we aren’t xtians.

We don’t believe some ‘rebbe’ is the physical incarnation of an elok on earth, God forbid, who fixes everything hey presto, while we sit and polish some buttons.

But also remember, we aren’t Korach, who says that we don’t need a Tzaddik HaDor, and that ‘all the nation is holy’, and can do it without any pesky Moshe Rabbenu, and his 40 day fasts, and his tremendous prayer-a-thons to prevent the Jewish people from being totally annihilated….

It’s a very narrow bridge.

And the cost of falling off it, on either side, is going up all the time now – and will continue to do so, the closer we get to geula.


Am Yisrael is currently facing a lot of danger – and also the world generally.

As I type this, they are bringing back ‘shots’ in Israel after Sukkot… apparently.

The war drums are going up again – but who knows if the ‘war’ is going to be waged via loaded syringes, or fake alien invasions, or the more standard ‘Iran has a nuke’ – I have no idea.

But one thing I can tell you:

Only the people who were following Moshe Rabbenu got out of Egypt.

And the rest didn’t.

So, give some careful thought to who that ‘Moshe Rabbenu’ of our lowly, pathetic generation actually is.

And then beg God to make sure you got the right answer.


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I heard this privately, but now it’s also up on A7, so I guess the ‘secret’ is out.

HERE is the news story on the propaganda site called Arutz 7.

It’s not the news we wanted to hear, but what I can tell you is that this is probably the last slap in the face these people get to aim at the Tzaddik HaDor.

Now…. it’s going to be interesting.

Remember, staying close to the True Tzaddikim, working on our bad middot, LEARNING TORAH LISHMA, and not just to get kavod, money or influence, sincere teshuva and tzedaka all cancels the evil decrees.

God knows 100% what needs to be happening right now, there is nothing to fear except Hashem.

And from here on in, BH, God is really going to start showing the evils in the world Who is really the ba’al ha’bayit here.

And it’s not them.


I will update more when and if I hear more.

B’sorot tovot.


A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a whole post about the ‘poisonous tree’ I was trying to get out my front garden.


You can read that HERE.

Me being me, removing the poisonous tree became a whole allegory for trying to remove that poisonous family tree of Sabbatean-Frankists, that have basically taken over the whole Jewish world, with its sprouts popping up all over the place, in all sorts of unexpected ways.

I was making slow but steady progress two weeks ago, until two things happened:

  1. My neighbor kept stopping by to tell me I was ‘stupid’ to be trying to get the tree out, especially as I didn’t even own the garden it was growing in.
  2. I got bitten by something that gave me a really weird looking thing on my finger when I was busy trying to saw more of the tree’s roots off by hand.

BH, applying clay for a few days took care of it, because I was starting to worry it was the bite of a brown recluse spider, or something.

But point is, I kind of went off attacking what was left of the tree after that.


And so, the Erev Rav have won….

They are here to stay. Getting that poisonous tree out of the holy soil of Eretz Yisrael is beyond me, and I basically give up, God.

That’s where I was holding until yesterday afternoon.


Yesterday afternoon, two of my worst nightmares showed up together in the garden.

One was my landlady, wearing a blue mask up to her eyebrows, AND a pair of heavy sunglasses, to keep all the ‘covid germs’ out of her eyeballs, or something.

And a young arab man with a chainsaw….

The Arab with the chainsaw started attacking my neighbor’s overgrown mulberry tree – and that’s when I had a flash of inspiration.

Can he also chop up what’s left of the poisonous tree in the front garden? I asked the be-masked spectre stalking around outside.

Miraculously…. she agreed.


I came home to find the poisonous tree gone.

And in the end, it wasn’t me that got rid of it.

It was the crazy ba’al habeit who let the poisonous tree grow to humungous proportions in the first place, and the arab with the chainsaw.


There is a lot to learn from this.

Not least, God has a million ways of taking care of our problems, with minimal help from us.

And while we can’t complete the task, that doesn’t mean we are free to desist from it.

Sometimes, the things we think are ‘our worst nightmares’ are exactly what’s required to get the job done.




On the TomerDevorah blog HERE, one of the commentators put up this video clip of the kabbalist R Menashe Amon, saying that geula is ready, except that “some ‘true tzaddikim’ who have tremendous koach” have been praying to hold geula off a little while longer so that more people will merit to make it through.

You can see that clip in Hebrew below:


One of the commentators on Tomer Devorah was asking if R Menashe Amon is legit.

In my opinion, he’s legit.

He’s one of the few people who came out publically just around the time Rav Berland was arrested – literally a week before ‘Covid 19’ came to Israel in the harshest way possible, politically, with draconian laws and terrible lockdowns – to explain that Israel was only going through ‘Covid 19’ because the Jewish community had believed all the terrible slanders they were being told by the state-sponsored media.

You can read all about that on the website HERE – and watch the video, from February 2020, with English subtitles:


You can also get more of the background between the connection between the persecution of the Rav and ‘Covid 19’ – and what happened at Meron, and a bunch of other things – in the new One in a Generation book that just came out, HERE.

What follows is a very free translation of some of his comments in this new clip.


R Menashe Amon is explaining how important it is to really care about our fellow Jews – including all the Jewish girls who are now living with Arabs in places like Gaza (!), Shechem and Rafiach, and apparently no-one cares.

Because today, he says, we’re all just running after the gashmius.


He’s also saying that if your son or daughter drops away from yiddishkeit – they stop keeping Shabbat, they stop wearing a kippah or tzitzit – he says:

Accept them how they are, and keep them in your home!

They are still your son, they are still your daughter!

Definitely don’t say things like: you are now dead in my eyes….

(This sounds extreme, perhaps, but a couple of years ago I knew a bunch of former chareidi kids from Bet Shemesh, who were basically kicked out of home as very young teens for not being ‘frum’ enough…. and of course the next stage of being made homeless like that was serious drug abuse issues and serious emotional trauma…. Sadly for us, there are a bunch of fake ‘rabbis’ out there telling their flocks that this is the way to deal with young teens who aren’t shomrei mitzvot.)


He says that we need to strengthen each other.

And that Jews don’t know the true strength of our soul, and the true power of our connection with HaKadosh Baruch Hu.

But who does know?

The non-Jews.

He’s saying that people need to go with humility and self-sacrifice – there will be no protectzia, going forward, no ‘free rides’ for people riding along on their yichus.



Decide for yourself if this sounds ‘legit’ to you or not.

But it seems things are moving.


As usual in these stories of mystery and intrigue, when you start to follow the money is when you really start to figure out a few things.

So today, let’s continue following the steady flow of money coming into Eretz Yisrael over the last 250 years, primarily raised from simple Jews like you and me – who had dreams of geula in their hearts, and words of prayers on their lips.

But collected and spent by our ‘dear leaders’ – many of whom appear to have become corrupted in that process, if not some time before it.

This tranche of the real history of Eretz Yisrael is going to begin – where else? – back in Vilna.

Let us begin.


Back in THIS post, we learned that the Ashkenazi immigrants to the ‘Old Yishuv’ in Eretz Yisrael – including the Vilna Gaon’s band of ‘PERUSHIM’ – were almost exclusively being bankrolled by a German banker living in Amsterdam who was directly connected to the leading Frankist families of Prague.

His name was Tzvi Hirsch Lehren.

It seems that Lehren’s organisation in Amsterdam, and not actually the mechanism on the ground in places like Vilna, were responsible for both registering the ‘new immigrants’ to Eretz Yisrael before they sailed, and also distributing how much haluka payment they should be recieving once in Israel.

And that haluka payment came along with a whole bunch of strings, that are usually blamed on the recalcritant ‘rabbis of the Old Yishuv’ – but that actually seem to have originated in the unrealistic ‘messianic yearnings’ of the (maybe?) reformed Frankist, Tzvi Hirsch Lehren.


While all this was going on, the Sephardi yishuv in Eretz Israel – also predominantly Sabbatean believers in the ‘second coming’ of Shabtai Tzvi, although probably not the Frankist antinomians of the Ashkenazy world – were getting funded seperately, via the Jewish community of Istanbul.

We will take a closer look at them another time, maybe.

Because today, let’s return back to Vilna, to an organisation that was called the RAZNEI VILNA.


This snippet comes from the Hebrew Wiki page HERE:

The Raznei Vilnius was an organization of the Lithuanian , Russian and Polish communities to raise funds for joint Jewish enterprises, primarily to support the Jews of the Land of Israel through haluka funds. 

The organization existed throughout the 19th century and was for most of its time a clandestine organization in order to hide its activities from the eyes of the Tsar’s regime, which suspected that the Jewish organization was part of a global plot. 

In addition, the Jews acted in violation of an explicit law that prohibited the transfer of funds from Russia to enemy states (and the Ottoman Empire, of which the Land of Israel was a part, was an enemy land).


What we can already start to understand from this brief snippet, is that without espionage and high-level political shinanigans – no money from Lithuania, Russia and Poland apparently could have got through to the Ashkenazim in Eretz Yisrael.

What we also understand from this is that transferring money to Eretz Yisrael at this time, from these places, was illegal.

And lastly, this sentence also really jumped out at me:

[F]or most of its time a clandestine organization in order to hide its activities from the eyes of the Tsar’s regime, which suspected that the Jewish organization was part of a global plot.


Remember, the RAZNEI VILNIUS was operating a 100 years before the publication of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion….

So either the Tzar was paranoid (and had ruach hakodesh….) Or he knew a lot more about some of the things we are still trying to figure out, in our days.

Let’s start to unpick all this, and see where we get to.


The next few lines on Wikipedia is where we are going to be spending most of our time today.

Here’s a google translate of what it says:

The organization was founded in the 18th century, when its institutions and organizational structure closed in 1798.

It was headed by governors who were Gabbays of their communities, merchants and high-net-worth Jewish bankers, and alongside them was a spiritual leadership of Torah greats, all of whom acted voluntarily.


Let’s pause to explain that most, if not all ‘high-net-worth Jewish bankers’ in this time period were court Jews.

And nearly all those court Jews just married each other down the generations, and come from the interesting families I keep circling around here, directly descended from SHABTAI TZVI aka THE SHACH – and also, leading xtianised ‘marranos’ who ‘returned to the fold’.

At least, they returned for a generation or two, before more often than not ‘assimilating’ again.

Let’s continue with the VILNIUS RAZNEI description now, where we’re going to learn something very important:


All of the governors who headed the [‘RAZNEI VILNIUS] organization were affiliated with the GRA family (the Vilna Gaon).

The organization was headed by members of families, all of whom were descended from the GRA’s grandfather’s family, the family of Moshe Rivkahs, the author of the”Be’er HaGolah. “

[And / or, who married into the family.]

In the 19th century, the first three heads of the organization served together for forty years.

These were R. Aryeh Leib Pesseles, R. Meshulam Zalman B. Yaakov Uri (R. Zalman Uri’s), and R. Shmuel Harik (R. I. Yehuda KLatzky).

They were called the Three Pillars of Vilnius.


If you’re wondering how this information goes together with the story we all got told about the Vilna Gaon being some super-humble genius who ‘shied away’ from anything to do with politics or the ‘real world’…. Join the club.

Increasingly, that’s looking like deliberate misdirection.

Also, information about those three heads of this clandestine money smuggling organisation who were called ‘THE THREE PILLARS OF VILNIUS – i.e. the Vilna Kahal is surprisingly sparse.

Remember, all this was happening when the ‘Vilna Kahal’ was said to be waging all-out war against ‘SHMUEL the last ABD of VILNA’, who we wrote about HERE.

This guy:


It seems now, increasingly, that they ‘hid’ that massive all-out war between the different ‘Jewish charity mafias’ running Vilna undercover of some hogwash story about ‘chassidim’ and ‘mitnagdim’ being at each others’ throats.

So let’s see what else we can dig out about what was really going on in Vilna, around this time, with these ‘THREE PILLARS’.


First, let’s take a closer look at MOSHE RIVKASH, author of the ‘Be’er Ha’Golah’, which translates as the ‘well of exile’.

He lived in Vilna, and was a close associate – and also some sort of relative by marriage of the SHACH.

In 1648 when the Chielminiki pogroms fell like a thunderclap across the region, ‘Moshe Rivkas’ apparently managed to escape to Amsterdam, where he stayed for 10 years and finished written his commentary on the Shulchan Aruch called ‘Be’er HaGolah’.

As usual with these histories, there are so many holes and contradictions in the story.

This snippet comes from Chabad:

In the introduction to his book, Rabbi Moshe Rivkash describes the terrors of that experience.

“I fled from Wilno with nothing but my walking staff in my right band, and my Tefillin bag in my left,” he writes, lamenting the loss of his house full of everything good, and, above all, his treasured library, which he had inherited from his father, and which he had enlarged by his own new acquisitions….

Finally Rabbi Moshe and part of his family, with some other refugees, managed to get on a boat sailing for Amsterdam.

Here they were met with great compassion by their Sephardic Jewish brethren, who clothed them and fed them. Other ship-loads of refugees which continued to arrive in Amsterdam were similarly cared for…. The good people of the Amsterdam Jewish community therefore secured transportation for many refugees to go on to Frankfort

Rabbi Moshe, however, was kept in Amsterdam, where the leading Rabbis, Rabbi Shaul Halevi Murtira and Rabbi Yitzchak Abuhav, and some prominent lay members of this community, considered it a privilege to support Rabbi Moshe Rivkash and his family.

With their financial support, Rabbi Moshe undertook the task of preparing a new publication of the Shulchan Aruch, together with his commentaries.


Nothing is mentioned of how the destitute refugee MOSHE RIVKASH managed to make so much money while in Amsterdam writing his seforim that by the time he returned to Vilna, where he died in 1672, he was an extremely wealthy man.

Before we take a look at the THREE PILLARS, let’s just take a look at R Shaul HaLevi Morteira and R Yitzhak Abuhav.


R Shaul HaLevi Morteira (1596-1660), The Givat Shaul, was another ‘returned’ descendent of Portuguese Marranos, who returned to open Jewish observance in Amsterdam – and became the rabbi of the famous heretic Baruch Spinoza.

Morteira was one of the people who excommunicated Spinoza, and he also wrote many books ‘defending Judaism’ against xtianity. You can read more about him HERE.

He died before ‘Shabtai Tzvi Messianism’ swept all before it in Amsterdam, and most other places in the Jewish world, five short years later.


Morteira’s daughter Sarah married JOSIAH PARDO – the first official rabbi of the ‘New World’ after the known Sabbatean (and fellow Amsterdam rabbi) Isaac ABOAB FONSECA became a rabbi in Brazil.


So, I started looking for who this ‘R Yitzhak Abuhav’ was, who was also apparently supporting Moshe Rikvas, the gggrandad of the GRA, in Amsterdam.

I was turning up bubkiss about him, until I hit this video, below, and realised that ‘Yitzhak Abuhav’ is actually one and the same as the Sabbatean rabbi I just mentioned, YITZHAK ABOAV DE FONSECA.



He’s a very interesting guy.

You can read a lot more about him HERE, but these are the bits that caught my eye:

He’s from a very prominent family of ‘forced converts’ from Portugal, who move to Amsterdam when Yitzhak is 7, and ‘re-judaize’.

He’s also one of the three who excommunicates Baruch Spinoza.


His close study partner is MENASSAH BEN ISRAEL – a very key figure in all this who really deserves his own post.

Menassah ben Israel arranged with Oliver Cromwell to let the Jews back into the UK, and was also hanging out with people like Rembrandt – who even sketched him (or some say, sketched his son Shmuel.)


Back to ABOAB / ABUHAV, who was also the first rabbi outside of Brazel ‘in the NEW WORLD’ – if you believe official history about no-one setting foot there for a billion years, until Colombus tripped over it.

Here’s a snippet, then we’ll catch a couple more lies, then we’ll move on:




In 1642, Aboab da Fonseca was appointed rabbi at Kahal Zur Israel Synagogue in Recife, in the then Dutch colony of Pernambuco, Brazil, a city which was occupied by the Dutch in 1624…

Aboab da Fonseca was…probably one of the first appointed rabbis of the Americas, along with his rabbinic companion Moses Raphael de Aguilar

[T]he Portuguese re-occupied the capital of Recife in 1654, after a struggle of nine years.

Fonseca then managed to return to Amsterdam after the loss of the new colony to the Portuguese. Some members of his community immigrated to North America and were among the founders of New Amsterdam.


So according to this, ‘Yitzhak Aboav’ can’t have been supporting MOSHE RIVKAS in Amsterdam from 1648 onwards, because he himself wasn’t living there until 1654…

One more snippet:

Because of his mystical kabbalistic leanings, less than ten years later, [YITZHAK ABOAB / ABUHAV] was one of the most ardent supporters of the false messiah Sabbatai Zevi in Amsterdam in 1665-1666 (up until the apostasy of the messiah in September 1666).


As usually happens to me, I just tripped over yet another huge mount of info around the ‘de Aguilar’ family of Sabbateans, mentioned above.

The first ‘Jewish’ Baron ennobled in Austro-Hungary was also meant to be a ‘DE AGUILAR’ – and he could be an alter ego for BERNHARD ESKELES, who was doing exactly the same things at exactly the same time.

Well, let’s park that at return to MOSHE RIVKAS, the GRA’s g-grandad (or something like that).


If you go HERE, you’ll get to the Wayback machine’s saved copy of the RIVLIN family website – because of course, how could I write about Sabbateans in the Holy Land, and not mention the RIVLINs at least once?!

Here’s a snippet of what it says about the ancestors of MOSHE RIVKAS:


So, long story short, the Vilna Gaon also descended from Portuguese Marranos, who were located in Prague.

Like this:



Strangely, that RIVLIN website then goes on a whole big waffle about BINYAMIN RIVLIN, and HILLEL RIVLIN and MOSHE MAGGID RIVLIN – but curiously omit to detail exactly how everyone is actually related to each other – and also the Vilna Gaon.

But what we can notice here, is that the SOFER family is returning to the picture, together with more Marrano-Sabbatean connections – and yet more connections between Prague and Amsterdam.

(Go back and read this post, from last year: THE CHATAM SOFER’S SPANISH CONNECTIONS).


Let’s get back to the THREE PILLARS OF VILNA.

while I can’t find information about the ‘Pillar of Vilna’ called Aryeh Leib PESSELES, there is a bunch of info about JOSEPH ELIAS PESSELES, who is another g-grandson of that same MOSHE SOFER RIVKASH, above.

This snippet is from the Jewish Encyclopaedia HERE:

One of the foremost representative Jews of Wilna during the middle and latter part of the eighteenth century.

His father, well known as Rabbi Elias Pesseles, was the grandson of Moses ben Naphtali Ribkas (author of “Be’er ha-Golah”), and also a relative and stanch and lifelong patron of the Gaon of Wilna.


That same site also tells us that JOSEPH PESSELES was a big supporter of the BERLIN HASKALAH:

A noteworthy feature in all that is known of the career of Joseph Pesseles, and one of interest to the student, is his correspondence, dated 1773, with David Friedländer about Solomon Dubno during the stay of the last-named at Pesseles’ house in Wilna….

The most prominent feature in the correspondence, however, is Pesseles’ remarkable toleration of and apparent intimacy with the forerunners of the Berlin Haskalah as represented by Mendelssohn and his followers. 


If you go to GENI HERE, you start to see the whole family tree for the PESSELES – GRA extended family.

Literally, all the ‘RIVLINS’, the ‘SHICKS’, the ‘RABINOWITZs’ – and so many more of the same name and people that we just keep talking about all the time.


Once you know that:

  1. Tzedakah’ in Vilna was big, illicit business

And that:

2.  ‘Tzedekah’ in Vilna was kept very closely within the one extended famly of ‘MOSHE RIVKAS’, who made his fortune in Amsterdam, was a close colleague of the SHACH / SHABTAI TZVI, and was also apparently very highly esteemed by the former Marrano-Sabbateans of Amsterdam...

It gets a little easier to at least guess who this otherwise anonymous ARYEH LEIB PESSELES might be related to.


Here is the GENI post that seems to be our very own Aryeh Leib PESSELES, the nephew of that JOSEPH ELIAS PESSELES, the Haskalah-funding guy, above:


And here is what we learn about him:

נודע בשם ר’ ליבלע ר’ בערס, היה ראש הפרנסים וגבאי הצדקה

He’s one of the main parnassim of Vilna, and the guy who held the keys to the ‘tzedaka’ going through the Rasnei Vilna illicit charity organisation.


If you take a look at his relatives, we are deep, deep in the immediate family of the ‘Vilna Gaon’.

His aunt is one BEILA SHOR – who marries one YITZHAK EIZIK LANDAU of Emden.

The LANDAU family is all over this story, but we will get to them another time.

His other aunt is MINDA LIPSHITZ – her husband is NOAH LIPSHITZ – the guy who is buried in the ‘Vilna Gaon”s tomb, and had a shared headstone with ‘the Vilna Gaon’.

Apparently, because the richest family in Vilna couldn’t afford a separate tomb, nor a separate tombstone for a Torah luminary like the GRA….


Read more about who is really buried in the Vilna Gaon’s tomb HERE.



You can find more information about R NOACH MINDES LIPSHITZ on the Kedem website HERE – his daughter SARAH LIPSHITZ is meant to have married the GRA’s son, Avraham.

Meanwhile, on the HAMICHLOL website.... it says that NOACH MENDES married a daughter of the GRA’s uncle, ELIYAHU PESSELES.


About his birth and his youth is unknown today, he married the daughter of Rabbi Eliyahu Pesseles, the GRA’s uncle, who was one of the richest men in Vilnius, and for whom he was named.

So  now, take another look at this:


Someone here is missing….

The GRA’s father, ‘SHLOMO ZALMAN’ is meant to be the brother of DOV BER ELIAS, ELIYAHU PESSELES and JOSEPH PESSELES.

But he’s been totally scrubbed out the tree.

Even on the RIVLIN site HERE, the ‘yichus descent’ curiously stops in the generation just before you get to the GRA himself.


Pillar number 2 in Vilna is meant to be:

  1. Meshulam Zalman B. Yaakov Uri (R.Zalman Uri’s

Again, very little to be found online about him…. except for Geni, which comes up trumps, at least in ‘locating’ him in time and space (and the family mafia that is the RIVLIN-GRA extended network.)

HERE is his entry, where he’s referred to as ‘

R’ Meshullam Zalman Urisohn (Feiges / Pogos), The Tzadik


A quick shuftie around his family tree and we see that of course, he’s also deep in the middle of all the action.

His wife is meant to be YUTA DEVORAH HOROWITZ.

She links us back to the YAAKOV YOKEL HOROWITZ of GALUNA who is meant to have ‘blessed’ the Rothschilds with great wealth, like this:


And her sister, HESSIA marries JONAH JOSHUA PERETZ OF LUBARTOW – which links us straight to that ‘ABRAHAM PERETZ’ who marries JOSHUA ZEITLIN’S daughter, then goes all xtian and remarries a Russian goy.

It’s a small world.


Again, I could carry on writing this for a billion years….

For now, let’s end by saying that I could find precisely nothing about the third of the Three Pillars of Vilna, SHMUEL HARIK, the son-in-law of YEHUDA KLATZKI.


After the GRA’s death, his son R’ AVRAHAM took over as one of the main parnassim of Vilna.

Even today, modern historians will tell you that the chassidim and the perushim in Eretz Yisrael were being funded by exactly the same organisations, in Vilna and Amsterdam (amongst other places.)

And that funding began in 1777…. with the Chassidic Aliyah of Menachem Mendel of Vitebsk and Avraham Kalisker – with the fundraising being left in the hands of one ‘Shneur Zalman of Liadi’….

Contemporary historians have no way of explaining this extraordinary phenomena, of how the biggest ‘mitnagdim’ in the world actually funded the Chassidic Aliya for many decades….

But more and more, I’m coming to the conclusion that the ‘chassidim’ and the ‘perushim’ were actually exactly the same people.

Who were arguing over money, power, real estate – and some very fine kabbalistic ‘details’.

Just one side wore a shtreimel… and the other side didn’t.



So, it looks like the LANDAU family also had a branch called ‘SHOR’, who became the ‘ABD of Vilna’.

It seems that the GRA had an aunt called BELLA SHOR, who marries one YITZHAK EIZIK SHOR (LANDAU) (1740-1804), who is also known as ‘ELIAS’.

He descends from both the SHOR (fake family name…) and the GUNZBURGS, and seems to have three wives, including:





One of his kids with ‘BELLA’ – the aunt of the GRA – is called FEIGE, and she ends up marrying another ABD of Vilna called ABRAHAM POSWEILER.

‘Abraham Abele Posweiler’ seems to have many different profiles on GENI, mostly curated by known disinformation ‘gatekeepers’….

Alter Rebbe Posweller


This is a picture of him.

Is he a chossid or a mitnaged?


Meanwhile, with another wife Channah Landau, Yitzhak Eizik Shor has a couple of sons, one called:

R’ Khatskel HaLevi Landau (Preger), of Vilna

Who is also meant to be an ABD of Vilna – and who adopts his mother’s maiden name of ‘LANDAU’, while ditching the surname ‘SHOR’.


Both these ‘ABDs of VILNA’ post-date ‘SHMUEL’, who we are told was meant to be the last ABD of Vilna.

Clearly, he wasn’t.

There is a lot of strange stuff going on with these trees.

And I’m starting to wonder about the famous son of the Vilna Gaon, R’ Avraham – and also about his ‘famous brother’, called Avraham Ragoler – who doesn’t seem to be mentioned at all in the Rivlin family tree.

Are they connected to this ‘Abraham Abele Posweiler, ABD of Vilna’, above?

And if yes, why hide it?



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I had a couple of days off and went ‘kever hopping’ with a friend in Tsfat.

Tsfat is such a strange place, for so many reasons.

Now I am understanding way more of the real history of Tsfat – and the people who lived there – I am picking up a much heavier ‘vibe’ there, especially in the Old City.

What I used to think was just ‘peaceful Tsfat-y zoned-out-ness’, I would now characterise as deep, deep spiritual despair – despair that has been gathering there for centuries.

There is a deep sadness settled into the bones of Tsfat, and you especially feel that, and also the ‘heaviness’ of all the kabbalah that’s been practised there, especially by the practical-kabbalists-cum-sorcerers.

On every wall, billboard and ‘back-of-street-sign’ in the Old City of Tsfat you find massive pictures of the Rebbe staring back at you, informing you that ‘Moshiach has already come’….

And his portrait even pops up on the walls of the bakeries.there.

At this stage, I really don’t like it.


But the Ari, and many other truly righteous Tzaddikim, are still buried in the ancient graveyard there.

So there are still many reasons to visit… and many clues to pick up.


BH, we will return to the subject of ‘clues picked up in Tsfat’ shortly.

In the meantime, I got home yesterday night and decided to throw out 80% of the ‘family trees’ I’ve been working on over the last three years.


Firstly, because I have come to understand that most of the people we’re taught about in ‘official history’ either didn’t exist with the names we are told they had, or existed as ‘composite characters’ with multiple names and multiple functions – many of them totally contradictory.

For years, I’ve had those scrolls of fake family trees collecting dust in a suitcase under the bed, and yesterday, I got the koach to throw them out, and turn the page, somehow.


The other 20% are the more recent ones, where real people and real names are coming into view.

Those I’m still working on, at least for now.

The second reason I threw them away is because I am feeling so much like I want and need a new start at the moment.

It’s Elul, it’s Rosh Hashana, the ‘new start’ is in the air and around the corner, in some way.

BH, there will be a way more fundamental ‘new start’ happening soon, in a good way, as the geula process steps up another level.

One of the commentators sent in a link to this video, in Hebrew, where some of the hidden tzaddikim are saying this is ‘the last Rosh Hashana’.


I haven’t heard of these particular rabbis before, so I’m not vouching for what they are saying.

But this time around, I’d already heard something similar from a source that’s usually (but not always 100%) more on the button.

And that source was also talking about a big earthquake hitting at least parts of Eretz Yisrael after Rosh Hashana, 5784 – and particularly affecting the churches and mosques.

We’ll see.


In the meantime, there are also rumours of a ‘big revelation’ from the other side – possibly another ‘false moshiach’ – being geared up soon.

I am not speculating on what all this means, just putting it out there that it’s imperative to keep talking to God every day in your own words, and to keep asking Him to show us what is true, because we are coming down to the wire in this battle between ‘truth’ and ‘falsehood’ now, and we all know that evil kicks the hardest, when it’s about to be totally taken out of the picture.

So, hold strong!

Remember Rav Natan’s test of real ‘truth’ – is it bringing you closer to Hashem and at least respecting His Torah, or pushing you further away?


Let’s end with a clip of what happened at the end of a recent Lana Del Rey concert in Mexico, that my daughter sent me because it reminded her strongly of another weird ‘collapse of people’ that happened in Israel a couple of years ago:


The net is buzzing that all this happened due to ‘demonic spirits’.

 It’s definitely demonic.

But the answer to what is going on there is to be found in deep physics…. practised by demonically-scientists.

Keep your eyes open!

But don’t fear anyone or anything except Hashem.

Ultimately, the only test to past here is one of emuna.

And the way to get the passing grade on that test is just to keep ‘seeing Hashem’ behind absolutely everyone, and absolutely everything.


PS: I just found a very interesting article, entitled Chabad’s Lost Messiah, that you can read HERE.


Unlike the rebbes who preceded him, Menachem Mendel was not content simply to foster vague messianic hopes among his followers. On the contrary, he outlined a detailed metaphysical plan, based on kabbalistic ideas, for hastening the redemption.17 As scholar of Chabad Hasidism Alon Dahan has maintained, the Rebbe’s was a “radically apocalyptic” messianism, one that viewed:
the linear and historical progression of time as a continuum of mostly tragic events, whose significance could be perceived if and only if they were interpreted according to the concept of the “dwelling below” [dira batahtonim, a mystical term that describes the infusion of the material world with the divine]. The messianic end grants these tragedies and catastrophes—and the Holocaust in particular—an optimistic dimension.18
The Rebbe therefore continued on the path paved by his predecessor, who declared redemption to be just around the corner. All that was left to discern, then, was the identity of the long-awaited messiah.

In other words, the question was not when, but who.


Lots to think about in that article, especially in light of more of the real facts on the ground we have been uncovering here, about who was really trying to ‘force redemption’ by re-settling Eretz Yisrael….


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OK, let’s dive back in to trying to figure out what was really going on in Eretz Yisrael, and why, 100 years ago.


Today, we’re going to take a closer look at R Mordechai Epstein, head of the Slabodka Yeshiva in Hebron at the time of the massacre there in 1929 – and also a member of yet another ‘secret society’.

I have no idea where all this is going to lead us, but let us begin.


According to the Hebrew Wikipedia, the Volozhin Yeshiva at the end of the 19th century was a hotbed of secret societies.

While “official history” is keen to tell us that these secret societies never actually amounted to much, personally, I think that’s not the case.

Either way, the two main ones at Volozhin Yeshiva were apparently the secret societies called:




Let’s quote a bit from Wiki about each of these:

The “Ness Ziona” association was founded in the year of Tarma by Yosef Rothstein, a passionate Zion enthusiast, and initially numbered about fifty members. The secretary of the association was Pesach Friedland, and one of its leaders was Rabbi Moshe Mordechai Epstein, who later headed the Hebron Yeshiva. Another famous friend was Rabbi Isar Zalman Meltzer, Rabbi Epstein’s brother-in-law.

 Its goals were: ” To establish an unlimited hidden society in a time and place into which only the best and the best of faithful Jewry would enter and that all its members would be obliged to swear a stern oath to be faithful to its covenant and to keep its secret” ”

“The land of Israel shall return, and shall spread them among our people.”


In 1889, the Tzar’s Secret Police intercepted some letters from ‘Ness Ziona’, and Joseph Rothstein was arrested.

We are told that from that point on, the association basically ceased to function…. I doubt that’s really true.


Meanwhile, this is a snippet about NETZACH ISRAEL:

The “Netzach Irael” Association apparently operated between 1890 and 1892… Its co-founders included Bialik and another student, Abelson, and at the beginning it had eight members.

Three members of the disbanded” Ness Ziona “worked behind the scenes with “Netzach Israel”, but were not formally among its members, since they had promised [the Tzar’s Secret Police] to dissolve their association, and their activities in the new association could be considered a continuation of it.

Confirmation that the secret society was deeply religious in nature can be found in the testimony of Rabbi Yehuda Leib Don Yahya, a member of the association. According to him, the students who would be accepted into the association were: ”Members who excelled in Torah study, fear of God, literary talents and richness.

“That is, all those who promised greatness in the future or could influence their environment in the spirit of the association.” …

The exact number of members of the association is not known, but she “managed to make many members among the most important and excellent students in the yeshiva.”

Among its prominent members is Haim Nachman Bialik (founder) “Abelson” (founder). Rabbi Avraham Dov Kahana Shapira, Rabbi Yitzhak Nisenbaum and Rabbi Yehuda Leib Don Yahya.


You’ll recall we spent quite a bit of time looking at the Kopust Chabad and Marrano links to the Don Yahya family.

I know I sound like a broken record, but when it comes to ‘secret societies’ and settling Eretz Yisrael, it’s always the same people…


OK, today, let’s take a closer look at R Moshe Mordechai Epstein.

Here is one of the pictures of him meeting the Mayor of New York, together with R Avraham Kook from the Hebrew wiki site:

When the Mayor of New York looks like the least creepy person in the photo… You know something is not quite right, here.


Anyhu, we can see R Moshe Mordechai Epstein decked out in top hat finery, and looking like quite the swell about town in New York.

And in terms of his family relationships – he was tightly connected to a bunch of people you’ve probably heard of.

He and R Isser Zalman Meltzer (also a leading member of the NESS ZIONA secret society) both married sisters – the daughters of wealthy businessman Shraga Feivel FRANK.

In the meantime, he also hung out with Rav KOOK in the Volozhin Yeshiva, before reconnecting with him again in Eretz Yisrael (and New York….)


Here’s another snippet from Wiki:

After his marriage, Rabbi Epstein joined three other secret societies , including one from Alexsotas and one from Riga.

He was a member of a delegation of five of these associations that went out to buy land in the Land of Israel.


Some of that land became the city of Hadera.

But R Epstein actually only made aliyah, together with his Slobodka Yeshiva, in 1925 – and settled in Hevron.

Four years later, his yeshiva was one of the main targets of the Arab rioters who killed more than 60 Jews in Hevron – including many students at the Slabodka yeshiva.


Let’s take a quick look at his wealthy father-in-law, SHRAGA FEIVAL FRANK.

Apparently, he was a follower of R Yisrael of Salant, founder of the mussar movement, tnat we wrote about HERE.

If you look at GENI HERE, you find that as well as having all these ‘modern orthodox’ sons-in-law in Israel, this FRANK family were the progenitors of at least one ‘ultra orthodox’ Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem, namely R TZVI PESACH FRANK.

(TZVI PESACH FRANK’s dad was Shraga Feivel’s brother, called YEHUDA LEIB FRANK.)

I’d love to tell you if this extremely influential ‘FRANK’ family were connected at all to JACOB FRANK…. But of course I can’t do that, as all the information is scrubbed.

(Although, there does seem to be a disconnected alternative profile for SHRAGA FEIVAL FRANK, that links back to the HALFON family and none other than the SHACH / SHABTAI TZVI, via his daughter TOYBA…)


But never mind… Because I can still show you how R MOSHE MORDECHAI EPSTEIN is also a descendent of those same Frankist RIVLINS who have the whole of Eretz Yisrael stitched up between them.

From HERE, like this:



And yes, of course, there is a massive ‘CHABAD’ tie up with this Epstein family as well.

How could there not be, when Moshe Mordechai Epstein’s grandpa was called SHNEUR ZALMAN  EPSTEIN?

Long story short, Moshe Mordechai’s great-grandma EIDELE BICHOVSKY has a sister called GITTEL BICHOVSKY, who marries one Moshe Joseph Judah Leib Mashayeff (Maschoieff).

He happens to be the head of the Chabad Community in Jerusalem between 1847-1867.

Not only that, if you look who his kids marry, we are deep, deep in ‘Chabad Heartland’ territory.


Moshe MASHAYEFF and GITTEL BICHOVSKY have a daughter called RIVKA, who marries a guy called SHNEUR ZALMAN FUNDAMINSKY.

He’s the grandson of MOSHE SHNEURI – the Alter Rebbe’s son who becomes a xtian, and then starts missionising other Jews on behalf of the Tzar, while his wife ‘SHIRA RIVLIN’ apparently moves to Israel with their two children.

It’s a small world….


In fact, is seems that Moshe MASHAYEFF and GITTEL BICHOVSKY have SHNEUR ZALMAN FUNDAMINSKY as a son-in-law twice.

He also marries another one of their daughters, SARA FEIGE, and their daughter GITTEL marries one MOSHE DOV CHESHIN. His descendants become ‘big deals’ in Meah Shearim Breslov, in the Mir yeshiva…. And also sit as senior secular judges in the Israeli court system…

It’s a small world…


Meanwhile, a third daughter of Moshe MASHAYEFF and GITTEL BICHOVSKY is called SIMCHA, and she marries another Alter Rebbe grandson called MORDECHAI DOV BER SLONIM – son of MENUCHA RACHEL and YAAKOV KULY SLONIM of Hevron.

He happens to be in charge of the international funding mechanism called the ‘Chabad Kollel of Hevron’ at that time.

It’s such a very small world….


Point is – this is the direct family tree of MOSHE MORDECHAI EPSTEIN.

And I bet you had no idea his family was so tightly bound up with both the Frankist Rivlins of Shklov and the GRA — and Chabad and the Alter Rebbe’s descendants.


OK, let’s wrap this up with one more piece of info.

In 1929, there was a terrible pogrom in Hevron.

You can read a basic account of that HERE.

For sure, the real story of what happened in Hebron that day, and more importantly, why, has still not been told.

Increasingly, I am coming to believe it was part of the ‘turf war’ being fought behind the scenes by different groups, all trying to ‘own Eretz Yisrael’ outright.

Most of the Jews who lived in Hevron had provable links to ‘Sabbatean’ yeshivas and institutions and funders – although you have to dig to get that information, and to know what you are looking for.

What we do know, is that there was an ongoing battle being fought over land, money and influence in the Holy Land.


The day before that terrible pogrom happened in Hevron, the 6th Lubavitch Rebbe, the Rebbe Rayatz, had visited the Mearat HaMachpela – something that was considered ‘off limits’ to the Jews of that time.

Snippet from HERE:

Rebbe Rayatz paid a two-week trip to Eretz Israel in Av 1929, to visit the holy sites, pray at the gravesites of Tzaddikim and to assess the possibility of settling there.


Now, let me draw your attention to THIS interesting read on the Ha’aretz site.

It’s subtitled:

Was there any connection between the visit of the Lubavitcher rebbe to Hebron, Jerusalem and Safed in August 1929, and the massacres of Jews in those cities less than two weeks later? The Zionist historical narrative does not mention such a link; any information has to be gleaned from ultra-Orthodox sources.

You can read it for yourself, and make up your own mind, about what might have really been going on.


On Thursday, August 22, 1929, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn boarded a train that took him to Egypt, after a two-week visit to Palestine.

The next day Arabs began to attack Jews in Jerusalem, and a few hours later in Hebron as well.

On Shabbat a mob of Arabs descended on the Jewish Quarter of Hebron and murdered more than 60 Jews. A week later the Jewish Quarter in Safed was assaulted and 18 of its residents murdered.



Or part of the turf war being fought between different Sabbetean-Frankists who actually belonged to exactly the same extended family – although that part of the equation has been carefully covered up for approaching 200 years…?

One day, maybe we’ll finally get the complete answer.

But in the meantime, that will do for today.



If you go HERE, you’ll find that the DISKIN family also ties up with the Shneerson family – and the Epstein family – in a bunch of different ways.

Rivka EPSTEIN marries ‘ARYEH LEIB’, who is meant to be the son of that same ‘SHMUEL LAST ABD OF VILNA’ that also keeps turning up like a bad penny.

And then their g-granddaughter marries….BENJAMIN DISKIN (‘The Great’) – father of the MAHARIL DISKIN.

There’s a bunch of weird ‘privates’ (from 200 years ago….) so it’s hard to pin down the exact links.

But I can tell you we will be revisiting ‘SHMUEL LAST ABD OF VILNA’ again soon.


Meanwhile, if you go HERE, you’ll see that the DISKINs are marrying the SCHNEERSONS.

Rabbi ‘ALEXANDER SENDER DISKIN OF LODZ’ (1856-1929), son of some unidentifiable ‘YITZHAK DISKIN’ has a daughter who marries ZALMAN SCHNEERSON – the grandson of the Chabad Number 3, the TZEMACH TZEDEK.

Always the same people.



The co-founders of Hadera with Moshe Mordechai Epstein were the proto-commie stepson of Sonia Diskin, MICHAEL HALPERN, and his wife, SARA KALMANOVITZ – by this point, both rabidly secular.

To say they make strange bedfellows is kind of an understatement, at least, if we take all the ‘Sabbatean-Frankist’ connections out of the equation.


In the meantime, while Hebrew Wiki doesn’t detail which additional secret societies Moshe Mordechai Epstein joins, it’s a pretty good bet that the WORLD ACHVA ASSOCIATION, is one of them.

We talked about them HERE, and that’s where we learned that:

Achva representatives sat on the boards of the “Redemption Fund” and the Keren Hayesod, which worked to raise funds for the establishment of the State of Israel, and over the years the organization also worked in cooperation with Hovevei Zion, the Hadassah Zionist Organization and the JDC.


The association worked to promote its members in rabbinical and administrative positions. 

This,  for example, influenced the appointment of Rabbi Kook as Chief Rabbi. 


That’s the same Rav Kook in the creepy picture above, who was touring around America with Moshe Mordechai Epstein

Also, don’t forget that this secret society was described as:

“[A] new cult in the style of Shabtai Zvi and Yaakov Frank.”


In 1920, the President of the AGUDAT ACHVA Brotherhood was:

  Zalman Yosef Soloveitchik

Yes, of course he was related to the SOLOVEITCHIK family (we didn’t really get to their part of the equation yet, but all in good time.)

But take a look at Zalman Yosef’s dad HERE, ELIYAHU ZVI SOLOVEITCHIK.

Translated snippet:

Rabbi Eliyahu Zvi was arabbi and author of books that argued that the New Testament was a Jewish book and that Christians had misunderstood his words.


This is sounding awfully similar to what known ‘Jewish-Christians’ were saying publically, at exactly this time.

And Eliyahu Zvi’s book documenting these ideas – called ‘Kol Koreh B’ Or HaBrit Hadasha – Matthew according to Judaism’ was actually printed – repeatedly – by xtian missionaries.


In English – England 1868, in French – France 1870 Second printing 1874.

In German – Leipzig 1877, in Polish – France 1879, in the Holy Tongue – Paris, 1880.


This is the title page for the book’s Hebrew printing – clearly aimed as some sort of ‘propaganda tool ‘ for use in the Jewish community, because who else was reading Hebrew?

We will get around to detailing all these ‘Jewish-Christians’ and their missionary operations in Israel and elsewhere in another post.

Today, we’d call these people ‘Messianic Jews’….

There is literally nothing new under the sun.


In terms of yichus,  Eliyahu Zvi Soloveitchik was the maternal grandson of R CHAIM OF VOLOZHIN.

And Eliyahu Tzvi’s nephew – the son of his older brother – was the BEIT YOSEF DOV HALEVI SOLOVEITCHIK himself.

Or to put this another way….

The leader of the AGUDAT ACHVA secret association in 1920, who was this guy to the left, Zalman Yosef Soloveitchik, was the BEIT YOSEF’s first cousin, and son of someone who appeared to be doing a lot of work with xtian missionaries…..

The mind boggles.


According to the Hebrew WIKI page for him, he was also the treasury of the American JDC during WWI, distributing the funds being raised from the US to the Jews in Israel.


“During the First World War… he was treasurer of the JDCAid Committee in Jerusalem…”


And here is where we hit another mystery.

‘Official history’ tells us that the z   ionists basically starved half the Old Yishuv to death during WWI, by diverting the charity money that was coming in from America to their own z   ionist people and institutions…..

Now, it seems the person who was most in control of that money in Jerusalem was the first cousin of the Beit Yosef, ZALMAN YOSEF SOLOVEITCHIK.

So…. who was ‘withholding the money’ from the Old Yishuv, leaving them to starve, and funnelling it to secular  z   ionists instead?


Here’s one more translated snippet:

He organized the creation of the association שובה ישראל לעיר העתיקה “Return of Israel to the Old City”, shared his idea swith Pinchas Rotenberg (Chairman of the Va’ad HaLeumi) and Menachem Ussishkin (President of the Jewish National Fund), who supported and continued his work after his death from illness on June , 1942.

Rotenburg was another hardcore, Torah-hating commie.

Snippet from HERE:

Pinchas (Piotr) Rothenberg February– 14 January) was a Russian-Jewish revolutionary, a member of the Russian Social Revolutionary Party, a leader of the Jewish settlement and a pioneer of modern industry in the Land of Israel. Founder of the Palestine Electric Company, later the Israel Electric Company.

And the KKL was the vehicle used par excellence to start diverting tzedakah money away from the Old Yishuv, and into the pockets of the secular z   ionists, who used it to start buying up land in massive amounts – that was then kept in private hands.

(And guess what….. still is in ‘private hands’ today, the appearance of state-ownership not withstanding.)


So…. the destruction of the ‘Old Yishuv’ looking more and more like an inside job.

And the implications of all this are pretty disturbing.



This is a screenshot from a Kikar HaShabbat story about the founders of Hadera, including Moshe Mordechai Epstein, that I was sent by a reader (thanks!):


The Fez is always a give-away that something more interesting was going on behind the scenes….

There are pictures of David Ben-Gurion also wearing a Fez, when he was hanging out in Turkey planning the z   ionist takeover of Eretz Yisrael with people like Yitzhak Ben-Zvi.

But that is a tale that will have to wait for another time, now.



If you go to the Seforim blog HERE, you’ll find a very interesting article describing the manifesto of Yehuda Leib DON YAHYA – another Volozhin Yeshiva student, briefly mentioned above, with tight links to Kopust-Chabad, member of ‘secret societies’, and big pusher of the idea of returning to live in Eretz Yisrael.

Here’s a snippet:

What is remarkable about this manifesto that argues that Zionism is totally compatible with traditional Judaism, is that the author, Rabbi Yehudah Leib Don Yahya, was an intimate student of Rabbi Hayyim Soloveitchik, a most outspoken opponent of the Zionist movement.

To add to the intrigue, Don Yahya’s grandfather, Rabbi Shabtai Don Yahya of Drissa, had been an ardent Hasid of Rabbi Menahem Mendel of Lubavitch (known by his work of Halakhic responsa as “Tsemah Tsedek”)

Yehudah Leib himself would go on to serve as rabbi of the Habad Hasidic community of Shklov.

Although, as we shall see, within the Habad community, there were differing responses to Zionism along the fault line of the Kopyst—Lubavitch dispute.


It’s amazing how many people called ‘Shabtai’ keep popping up in this story…

R CHAIM SOLOVEITCHIK is the son of the BEIT YOSEF SOLOVEITCHIK – the first cousin of the ZALMAN YOSEF SOLOVEITCHIK who seems to have been one of the z  ionists main trojan horses, in the ‘Old Yishuv’ community, at least, when it came to diverting precious charity money away from them during WWI.

Once again, we are looking at close family members leading the movements on both sides of the ‘great divide’… whatever it happens to be.


Over Shabbat, I read a bunch more of the Rav’s ‘clues’ in Shivivei Or.

I have to admit, my tabs are already groaning under the strain of still trying to figure out the whole ‘Diskin saga’ sparked off by one of the Rav’s shiurim a little while ago, so I wasn’t going to translate a lot this week.

But, (famous last words….) this stuff about Moshe Dayan conquering Jerusalem by ‘mistake’ and Herod being a ‘Hasmonean’ seemed fairly tame by Rav standards, so I decided to translate this excerpt into English, and share it with you.

Somehow, just the process of getting this stuff into English seems to get things to start moving in all sorts of weird and wonderful ways, so let’s see where we get to next.



Shimon [HaTzaddik?] managed to conquer the ‘Hakra’.

Today, the ‘Hakra’ is called the Antonia Fortress, where the beit sefer (school) is – by the Lion’s Gate.

In Yemei Shmuel, [the author] brings that they managed to go up onto the beit sefer. The Arab tradition says that the moment that the Jews will enter there, into the beit sefer, so then the geula will come and the Jews will conquer Jerusalem.

So they didn’t permit Jews to go up to the beit sefer, which overlooked Har HaBayit.

Next to the Lion’s Gate there is a beit sefer. It’s the tallest building there in the area, and when you go up on the roof, so you can clearly see the whole floor of Har HaBayit.

The Jews used to want to go there, to see the floor, [but] the Arabs told them that if you manage to get to the roof, then gomarnu (it’s over). Jerusalem will be conquered.

And in truth, that’s really what happened, as soon as they managed to do that.

The first time they managed to get onto the roof of this beit sefer, Jerusalem fell.


And this was the instructions that were given [during the Six Day War] – don’t conquer Jerusalem!!

There was Moshe Dayan, and he didn’t listen to the instructions.

Afterwards, he asked forgiveness from the WAQF, that I made a mistake…and he immediately wanted to give it back.

All the time, they talk about how they need to give it back, that it belongs to the Arabs.


This is called ‘conquering’?! What?!

That it ‘belongs to the Arabs’?!….


….So, malchut Paras (the Persian rulership) was 34 years; malchut Yavan (Greek rulership) was 180 years.

The Hasmoneans were 103 [years], and Herod was also a Hasmonean.

Herod was a descendent of the Hasmonean House, so this [the 103 years the Gemara attributes to the Herodian dynasty] is also regarded as being ‘Hasmonean’ – 206 [years]….


Excerpt of a shiur given the night of the 7th of Elul, 5783, translated from Shivivei Or 324.


Some notes on the above:

YEMEI SHMUEL was written by R Shmuel Horowitz, who was formerly from a leading Chabad family in Tsfat, who then came close to Breslov teachings, and travelled to Uman where he spent a couple of years.

He brought back many of the ‘hidden’ teachings of Rabbenu Nachman – and seemed to have been persecuted incessantly, once he returned to Jerusalem.

This  snippet comes from HERE:

The tzaddik Rabbi Shmuel Horwitz (1905-1972), born in Safed, a leader of Breslav Chassidim in Eretz Yisrael, lived in the Old City of Jerusalem until 1948 and established the Breslav printing press.

After returning from Jordan captivity, he lived in Jerusalem and in Meron. In the book “Yemei Shmuel” his personal and spiritual diary was printed, where he writes of the whole matter of his coming close and bonding to Breslav.


About Moshe Dayan and Jerusalem, read THIS.


And finally, there’s a very interesting article on the site about other parts of the Old City of Jerusalem that we’ve been discussing here on the site.


Here’s a very interesting snippet:

One of the difficult questions involving the fall of the area of the Old City at the hands of the Jordanians [in 1948] was why reinforcements didn’t arrive to help the fighters. 

The author of the book “Hakarav al HaRova” – “The Battle for the [Jewish] Quarter” – Aharon Altshul (Leron) (whose son Rav Erez learned in Shuvu Banim), related to students of Shuvu Banim the hard truth – the secret behind this mysterious story: 

The secret agreement signed between Ben Gurion and Abadallah, the King of Jordan, which said that “Israel” would relent on the entire Old City, including the Kosel and the rest of the unique places in it, in exchange for the area of the Kinneret and the cities near it in the north. 

Therefore, Israel left the battle for the Rova to the Hagana fighters, and other than that didn’t send assistance from its side, something which, understandably, brought about the fall of the Rova into the hands of the Jordanians, who took captive all the men, and expelled all the women and children. 

Jewish homes which were left desolate and abandoned quickly turned into the estates of Arabs, and likewise all the Jewish institutions there.  Also the lot of Yeshivas Chayei Olam was similar, and the place which was a Beis Midrash for Torah and prayer for years – ‘foxes dwelled in it’ – turned into the dwelling of gentiles, who even built in it a goat’s pen!


Gotta love the founders of the modern State!

Sounds like they had their ‘priorities’ very clearly set right from the beginning.

And we’re still paying the price today.



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Yesterday, I had some really good news, BH.

(More on that another time.)

Two hours later, I arranged to go to the Rav for the ma’ariv prayers, and almost exactly as the prayers were concluding ,the air exploded with the noise of police and Hatzalah sirens.

I was meant to be picking my kid up from Ma’alot Dafna after the prayers.

She called me, and told me:

Don’t come this way, Ima, there’s just been a pigua (terror attack) by French Hill.


So, we arranged to meet outside Rav Arush’s Chut Shel Chessed shul instead.

While we were waiting for her to walk down, the tram stop next to Chut Shel Chessed suddenly also filled up with noise, sirens, and large flocks of yeshiva bochurs trying to catch some of the ‘action’.

In this case, a terrorist who had just been shot dead by a Border Guard, apparently before he could stab someone on the tram.

A second pigua, in less than two minutes.


I have to admit, I kind of just feel numb to these things, these days.

Apparently, it’s a spiritual level to strive for, where the ‘good’ and the ‘bad’ leave you feeling the same way inside, but I have to admit to wondering if that’s not also just a description of emotional shell-shock, or the ‘compassion fatigue’ I’ve written about before.


We picked up the kid, got home, and I decided to see if there was more info on the twin attacks on the A7 government propaganda site.

I haven’t been to that site for almost two months, and I haven’t missed it at all.

So I logged on, saw they had absolutely NOTHING about the attacks – even though Daniel Amram and the ‘Uncensored Israel’ Telegram channel already both had updates – and then, sadly, saw what sort of ‘news’ the super-cr*ppy A7 site WAS running.

It was more manufactured rubbish about people ‘spontaneously’ protesting an attempt by Minister Porush to get the Rav into Ukraine for Rosh Hashana.


That put me in a weirder mood than the terror attacks.

Unbelievable…. After everything that’s gone on the last few years, the Sabbatean-Frankists are still going after the Rav with ‘fake news’ and false information, exactly the same way they did 10 years ago….

I started to wonder how many people are actually going to buy it, this time around.

Because apparently, people are still reading that cr*ppy news-propaganda site, and they are apparently still taking it seriously enough to waste their precious time by leaving comments.


In the meantime, I also counted four people in Jerusalem yesterday wearing the despicable face masks.

Which told me everything I needed to know about the ‘fear porn’ machine being stoked up again, for another round of plandemic hysteria- even though I have been totally off ‘the news’ here for two months.

Again, I started to wonder how many people are actually going to buy it, this time around….

Again, I’m finding all this kind of unbelievable…. that after everything that’s gone on the last few years, the PTB are still trying to scare and control the population with ‘fake news’ and false information, exactly the same way they did 4 years ago….


Do people never learn?

Are we just doomed to keep going through this same cycle of ‘fake news’ and manipulation and control, until all the brain-dead people disappear out the picture, one way and another?

(And if yes, how long is that whole process actually going to take?)

Sometimes, I read some of the things being discussed online in what remains of the ‘Jewish blog-o-sphere’ and I find it amazing, that after so much has happened, so much has been revealed, so much of the curtain has been lifted – there are still people out there who are acting, believing and commenting exactly the way they were 4 years ago.

And 10 years ago.

And 20 years ago.

And now that I come to think of it, 2,400 years ago, and 3,333 years ago….


There is nothing new under the sun.

False prophets have always been with us, peddling their own brand of ‘fake news’ about a million different things.

But I guess I’m a little disappointed, that this oldest of old tricks is still apparently working on so many people.


Like you, I have no idea what is going to happen next.

I am kind of entering a stage at the moment where I feel like I’ve given this my best shot, and done pretty much everything I can do, to try to wake people up to the reality of our fake world.

That doesn’t mean I’m retiring, at least not just yet, but it does mean that I’m pondering about what comes afterwards.

If another pandemic does get manufactured soon, I have no plans to be ‘live blogging’ developments the way I did three years ago, when I was trying to warn people that things were not what they appeared to be.

Enough water has flown under that bridge now.

People will stand or fall on the amount of ‘truth’ they’ve internalised, and the strength of their connection with the only source of real ‘truth’ – God.


So, pick your sources of information carefully.

Understand, that 99.9% of what you read and watch has been specially created to manipulate you, control you, and to get you to go back to sleep, spiritually, because there is nothing to worry about!!!!

Don’t you know?

The biggest danger right now is coming from uncontrolled ‘conspiracy theorists‘, who are spreading disinformation that vaccines aren’t totally safe, the world isn’t totally doomed to extinction because of ‘climate change’, and cars literally melted in Maui because of an uncontrolled grass fire that only seemed to burn down the properties of the poorer people in Lahaina.


So much information, even in the ‘alt’ world, is being produced by people who are literally being paid to do it.

And then much more is then passed along second-hand, by ‘useful idiots’, who tend to swallow what they are being told hook, line and sinker (unless of course, it’s credible tzaddikim telling them to at least consider moving to Israel because we are headed into stormy waters, very soon….)


Today, I had to drive through Huwara.


I was the only car on the busy road with an Israeli plate, and the return pass, I got stuck in a bit of traffic by the roundabout there, built by the Europeans and the UN.

As I was driving, my mind inevitably started thinking about those two Israelis from Ashdod, apparently executed at a Huwara car wash two weeks ago.

I was trying to spot where that car wash was meant to be.

I have to admit, nothing seemed familiar from the couple of shots I’d seen of the car parked in it, post-executions.


So on the one hand, I was wondering, again, if that news story was even real….

And on the other, I was staring very hard at a dummy dressed in a black tracksuit stood right next to the road, that was giving off ‘terrorist’ vibes – until I realised it was just advertising the clothing store a few meters behind it.

(Arabs like to put their wares out by the side of the road…. It’s a ‘thing’ in Huwara and elsewhere, and sometimes, I have even seen really gross decapitated, half-skinned cow heads hanging up to entice customers into the local butchers….)


Point is, it’s so hard to know what’s true at the moment.

How much to engage with, and how much to ignore.

How much is credible, and how much is flat-out lies, designed to manipulate and control.


Let’s end with this, that a reader sent me this morning querying what I thought about it – is this just more lies?!

The piece was on the Jpost, entitled:

Turkish Outlet Links Chabad to Mossad, LGBT support in Northern Cyprus

Here’s a screenshot:


Dastardly lies told by ‘Iranian-funded’ extremists in Turkey?

Or touching on a truth none of us really want to look at too closely?

You decide.


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It’s time to take a look at another chunk of ‘info’ that just swung loose.

The real title of this post should be ‘Frankists and the Eda Hareidit’ – although if I actually made that prominent as the title, this post would probably be shadow-banned right out the door.

That’s also why I stopped tagging my posts with the words ‘Frankists’ and ‘Sabbatean-Frankists’ btw – I noticed that my site got ‘whited out’ every time I did that.

Because it’s just a conspiracy theory, don’t you know….And the Sabbatean-Frankists stopped being a ‘thing’ a hundred years ago.



So, back in THIS post, we finally started to surface some of the real names of the Sabbatean-Frankists who have been funding aliyah to Eretz Yisrael for at least 200 years.

The Amsterdam banker who was funding the Vilna Gaon’s PERUSHIM – and most of the Old Yishuv – was called Tzvi Hirsh LEHREN, and his family tree links us straight into the heart of the Frankist nexus.

His father leads us back to AKIVA FRANKFURTER GUGGENHEIM, who either ‘went xtian’ himself, or has a brother who ‘went xtian’ called AMSCHEL SCHLEUSINGEN….

And on the other side, his mother was JUDIT LEA DUSCHNITZ, married to BARUCH BENDIT SEGAL DUSCHENES – close family, although the tree is heavily distorted in just this area.

And you know why that is?

Because both BARUCH BENDIT and JUDIT LEA descended from, and were related to, and very likely were themselves, Frankist royalty.

And their son Tzvi Hirsh LEHREN was funding the Vilna Gaon’s Perushim and the Old Yishuv.


Before we continue, I want to quote a lengthy passage from Prof. Pawel Maciejko’s book on the Frankists, called The Mixed Multitude.

I highly recommend you go and read that book, if you really want to understand how these Sabbatean-Frankists weren’t just ‘anti Torah’, they were actually part of a religion that had some profoundly twisted religious beliefs.

Once you understand a little of these ‘religious beliefs’, it starts to get easier to understand how these people could both be antinomian Frankists – plus including members who ‘dressed frum’ were both funding and heading up the Old Yishuv in Eretz Yisrael.

This comes from page 251, where Maciejko is describing the efforts of some of the Prague rabbis to try to derail the Frankist movement – which included most of the richest andmost connected Jewish families in Prague.

This resulted in unrest, which in turn resulted in some of the leading Frankists appealing to the authorities for protection – and that’s the only reason their names couldn’t also be totally ‘scrubbed’ from this account.

There was too much evidence to hide.


Here’s what Maciejko writes:

LOW ENOCH VON HONIGSBERG was a son-in-law of JONAS WEHLE, usually recognised as leader of Prague Sabbateanism.

He wrote a large number of esoteric letters, homilies and exegetical tracts expounding the secrets of Sabbateanism….

The epistles of LOW ENOCH VON HONIGSBERG were composed between 1800-1803.

They were addressed to the Prague Sabbatean group called by the author ‘the Holy Community’, or the ‘Association of Believers’.

This group….Honigsburg counterpoised with the ‘mixed multitude’ (erev rav): non-Sabbatean nonbelieving pseudo-Jews, whose lack of faith attested that their souls originated among not the true Israelites but the Egyptians.”


It was totally the ‘upside-down’ world, already by this point.

Nearly all the leading ‘elite’ rabbis and their families were Sabbatean, and believed Shabtai Tzvi was the ‘moshiach’, at least the ‘Moshiach ben Yosef’, who would either ‘rise again’, or would be reincarnated again in a different ‘body’ to fulfill the job he had started.

And these families and the ‘elite’ rabbis believed that whoever didn’t believe this – was actually an erev rav pseudo Jew.

But the movement kept splintering and dividing itself into more and more seperate groups and ‘idealogies’, as different leaders showed up claiming to be the continuation of Shabtai Tzvi.

That happened with the Donmeh in Turkey – that fractured into at least three seperate groups.

And in happened back in Podolia / Poland and the Pale of Settlement and other places were ‘elite’ Sabbatean rabbis were hanging out, including Prague.


Let’s quote a bit more from Maciejko:

“Even a cursory glance at the manuscripts [of HONIGSBURG] reveals deep differences between Honigsburg’s writings and the Words of the Lord [the teachings of ‘Jacob Frank’ Eskeles]….


The Prague Sabbateans basically discarded a lot of the ‘Frankist innovations’ introduced to the faith by Jacob Frank Eskeles, but the whole Sabbtean idea of continuing to be two-faced hypocrites, referred to as ‘paradoxical faith’ – because they externally pretended to be the very opposite of what they really believed – was continued as a key plank of their ‘religion’.

Here’s more from Maciejko:

[T]he persecution of the Sabbateans by the rabbinic authorities in Prague is presented as a test and at the same time as a blessing: [Honigsburg writes]:

“We should thank God that the few of us were taken from the mixed multitude [i.e. The Jewish community who didn’t believe in Shabtai Tzvi as the continuation of Yoshki]…. And that they themselves excluded us from their midst.”…

Only the believers [in Shabtai Tzvi] have ‘the true religion’…

However, Honigsberg rejects the conversion to xtianity, precisely because it is xtianity, not Judaism, that is the true religion.

The Prague group should stay within the Jewish fold in order to strengthen their paradoxical faith:

[Honigsburg writes:] “There is a need for a special group of people (and not only single individuals) who are – with the greatest piety and fear of God – prepared to undergo all sorts of persecutions for the sake of the Holy Faith. This group will be formed by emunah.”

Happiness and redemption are found in Christianity, but Sabbatians should remain Jewish until the last stage of history.”


Maciejko then goes on to quote Honigsburg beliefs that all organised religion has to fall, all the nobility and the governing system has to collapse – and then, ‘the Virgin’ will be revealed.

This is all connected to Jacob Frank’s theology around the ‘Black Madonna’ – and to people with their eyes open, it’s obviously satanic, just with a ‘wrapping’ of conventional xtianity.


Please go buy the book, and start to learn more of where these Sabbatean-Frankists were coming from, as it will make it so much easier to unpick what’s really going on, as this progresses.

And that brings me to the next piece of the puzzle, centred around the leader of the EIDA HACHAREIDIT of Jerusalem, called YOSEF TZVI DUSHINSKY.


Honigsburg was writing what he was writing between 1800-1803.

Less than six years later, TZVI HIRSH LEHREN, scion of the DUSHINSKY family of Sabbatean-Frankists starts funding the Vilna Gaon’s Perushim, and the Old Yishuv, and pours a huge amount of money into the enterprise.

If you go back and look at the family trees of known Frankists like HONIGSBURG and the WEHLEs, you find all these people are VERY closely connected.

And it’s important to remember, that they were practising endogamy to a very pronounced degree, for lots of reasons, including that there was a rabbinic ban in place on marrying Sabbatean-Frankists, because of their incredible tumah-dik practises, as publically enumerated by Prague Rabbi Eliezer Fleckeles, which included:

Necromancy; masturbating and smearing the body with semem [a known ‘black magic’ rite, also practised by Freemasons and the ‘Order of the Golden Dawn’, and probably a bunch others]; permitting and encouraging incest; wife-swapping and group s*x; ‘complete s*xual freedom’, and permitting ‘perjury, theft and adultery’.


No truly God-fearing, truly observant Torah Jew would want to marry into this group, no matter how rich and connected they were.

And they, for their part, were trying to keep alive the flame of their ‘paradoxical faith’ (and also, to keep the money and the ‘connections’ in the family….)


So now, let’s take a closer look at YOSEF TZVI DUSHINKSY.

On the HaMichlol website in Hebrew, we learn this:

Born in the town of Pakash, Hungary to Rabbi Yisrael Duschinsky[1].

He was a disciple of Rabbi Simcha Bunam Sofer, Rabbi of Pressburg, and Rabbi Moshe Pollak, Rabbi of Bonihad, and was influenced by their worldview in accordance with the path of Rabbi Moshe Sofer, the Hatam Sofer.


You remember, that some unnamed son of the Chatam Sofer was the ‘rent-a-psak’ for banker Tzvi Hirsh Lehren, who was trying to stop more people from making aliya, because he couldn’t afford to a) pay for them under the current halukah arrangement and b) control the Old Yishuv with draconian ‘laws’ about not working, if these people were allowed to work and fundraise for themselves.


You can go and read more yourself, but this is the snippet that took my eye:

Under the influence of his father-in-law, Rabbi Mordechai Yehuda Liv Winkler, he went on Shabbat to Shiniawara to Rabbi Yehezkel Shraga Halberstam, who was very fond of him, and thus became close to the Hasidic movement.

His approach to this path was intensified when he rose to become the rabbi of Chust in the district of Marmarosh, since in this town most of the residents were members of Hasidic communities, as in other cities in the same district. 

When he arrived in Chust, he even changed his clothes to Hasidic clothing and began to practice Hasidicism], when he used to visit every year all the villages located in the Galilee of Khost city, he would conduct a tish on the Sabbath night as is customary for Admorim Hasidim, and he would sometimes receive a kvitlach from his disciples and admirer .

Upon his ascension to the Land of Israel, he instituted Hasidic practices among his students, and founded the prayer text ‘the Mahrich text’ which combines Ashkenaz and Sephardic], and has since adopted traditional Jerusalem dress and even encouraged his students to dress with a Streimel on Shabbat.


Go take a closer look, which other ‘infamous rabbis of Chust’ – and their descendants – are still hitting the headlines today, for all the wrong reasons.


Long story short, YOSEF TZVI DUSHINSKY is kind of ‘parachuted in’ to Jerusalem from Hungary to take over as the head of the Eida Chareidit, and a lot of people aren’t happy about that.

Let’s take a look at his family tree (HERE), to see if we can pick up some clues why YOSEF TZVI DUSHINSKY was suprisingly accorded this great honor, to lead the Ashkenazi ‘Old Yishuv’ in Jerusalem.


So, there’s lots of interesting stuff going on.

The first thing to tell you, is that he was a descendent of that same CHANOCH HEINACH SHICK, ABD OF SHKLOV that AI likes to ban people for asking about, and who also gave us a whole bunch of other interesting people including key ‘Chabad’ figures like PINCHAS ‘ROSANES’ SHICK.

(Oh, and also ‘Elka Joss’, wife of MOSES DOBRUSHKA, founder of the Asian Brotherhood, Frankist, close relative of Jacob Frank, and key player in the French Revolution…  More about that another time.)


Here’s how that shakes out:


In that same family tree, we find that the MAHARAM SHICK is his maternal uncle – i.e. the brother of his mother, Leah Shick, and also a direct descendant of that same CHANOCH HEINACH SHICK, ABD SHKLOV.

We’ll come back to him another time, BH.

But what yichus!!!

Already, we have connected him to Shklov, the Gabia Hakesef Binyamin Rivlin, fingered as the ‘secret Frankist Rebbe’ by Athol Bloomer, the POPPER family of rich prague tobacco merchants who intermarried with the family of MOSES DOBRUSHKA, leading students of the ALTER REBBE of CHABAD – and we didn’t even get to the DUSCHINSKY part yet…


On the DUCHINSKY side, we hit a problem.

The family tree has been almost totally scrubbed.

This is what remains:


That ‘HASSID’ surname links us back to the family of the Vilna Gaon…. But of course, all the real info has been scrubbed.

Even to the point of having gravestones ‘disappeared’:


This comes from the FLICKR site HERE, and it’s entitled: This famous tombstone has disappeared.

I think you are starting understand at least some of the reason that might have happened.



As always, this post could carry on for a million years.

But I will stop here for today.

And I want to encourage you to really start to engage with the information we’re discovering here now, because this is no longer a ‘theory’, that the Jewish community got hijacked by Sabbatean Frankists.

It’s a fact.

With real people, real names, real organisations, starting to turn up in great amounts, the more we uncover this.

And we need to take this seriously, and make more effort to know thine enemy.

Because these people come dressed in all sorts of disguises.

Including the frummest of ‘frum Jews’.



PS: As I was typing this up, I got another anonymous email entitled ‘oy vey’ from some of the people who hate Rav Berland, cursing him and anyone who follows him…

The Eida Chareidit – and their followers – really don’t like Rav Berland and his community.

Figure the rest out for yourself.



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