I just got off the phone with my husband, waiting in some airport in Poland to get back to the Holy Land.

He told me the border crossings today have been brutal.

People standing in the sun for hours and hours, on a fast day, and lots of people fainting.

There are still some massive, ongoing tests of emuna and middot going on, and every single person who went to Uman this year, with maximum mesirut nefesh, has sweetened the harsh decrees for all of us.

Of course, the same people who are still going on about ‘safe and effective’ are EXACTLY the same people still dissing the kibbutz in Uman on Rosh Hashana, and calling the people who went ‘idol worshippers’ and ‘retarded’, amongst many other choice words.

Do the experiment for yourself.

Take a look at who the most vehement ‘anti-Uman’ people are, the worst ‘anti-Rav’ people, and then go and see what they were saying about ‘safe and effective’.

It’s probably not a total 100% match up – but I guarantee, it’s approaching it.


In the meantime, here’s some good news I got sent, still unverified, but from a trustworthy source:

The Rav said that there is no din.

The pain endured by not getting to Uman will be instead of much pain that the Jewish people were meant to endure this year.

And the war in which all the nations will go against Israel will either not happen, or if it will happen and no Jewish family will get hurt, and there will be an earthquake in Israel like there was in Morocco (which will destroy the enemies of Israel).

The Rav was felt on Rosh Hashanah in Uman and Uman was felt by the Rav in Yerushalayim.

The Rav’s minyan was packed in the kloiz in Uman and the Rav’s minyan was packed in the Olam in Yerushalayim.

We were all together and felt tremendous tikkunim and cancellation of judgements.


This is the ‘vibe’ I’ve been getting so far about Rosh Hashana, too, even though it seems a little incredible, if I’m honest.

That somehow, stuff got ‘sweetened’ again, and all the evils’ plans are going to some how fall through again, BH – as we’ve seen happen so very many times already, over the last few years.

At least, for the people who are making even in a tiny bit of sincere teshuva, and making some small effort to stay within the circle of the True Tzaddikim – as we saw recently in Essaouia, in Morocco.

For everyone else…. I really don’t know still, how all this is meant to play out.

Mass teshuva at the last minute, once the penny finally drops?

Let’s hope so.


I will keep you updated as and when I hear more.

But in the meantime, it’s nice to have some ‘good news’ to share here.

Because we are still heading into choppy waters, at least in the short term.

And we still need to make every effort to keep doing our hitbodedut, making our teshuva, saying our Tikkun HaKlalis and paying our tzedaka, to get the evil decrees to carry on evaporating.

At least, in our own little corner of the world.


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Shana Tova v’metuka!

We are now officially ‘on the other side’ of Rosh Hashana 5784, and it seems to me, there will be a lot more sweetness this year then it currently still appears.

There’s a Breslov custom to do vidui on the eve of Rosh Hashana, at the grave of a real Tzaddik, where you go through as much stuff you can remember from the past year, and try to atone for it, before Rosh Hashana begins.

If you’re in Uman – you do that by Rabbenu.

But here in Jerusalem, a lot of the Rav’s people – the wives and kids and others who didn’t make it out to Uman – go to the grave of Shimon HaTzaddik.


It’s been the minhag for me and my kids to go to Shimon HaTzaddik for a few years now, so Friday morning, we all piled in the car and headed out to Sheikh Jarrah.

Rav Natan Sternhertz, Rebbe Nachman’s main student, actually wrote a book where he set out many of the ‘sins’, alphabetically, to go through.

A lot of that book is geared more towards men, but it’s still a great ‘jumping off’ point, and I find every year that God draws my attention to some other part of the text, where I suddenly remember what a cack job I did in that area, the last 12 months.


In previous years, some of my kids have been more, and less, into doing vidui at Shimon HaTzaddik.

One year, one of them even skipped it, and that led to yet more ‘avodat hamiddot’ for me, right before Chag, to try not to judge them to harshly, or feel aggrieved and upset about them exercising their God-given right to free choice.

It’s their life, after all, and they will have to abide by the consequences of their decisions.

But this year, I have to say it was a very uplifting, emotional experience for all of us.

By the end, all of us were crying a bit, realising just how flawed we actually are, and how much patience and love and compassion God continues to show us, year after year, when He gives us yet another chance to do a bit better, and to fix a bit more.


Then the Rosh Hashana whirl-wind descended.

I was having the family of one of my kid’s friends come stay for two days, while the father was also in Uman.

They have a sweet 9 year with Downs Syndrome – and he needs a lot of love and attention.

Let me just pause now, and salute all those parents with Downs kids, and kids with autism, and all the other conditions that require so much constant care and attention from the parents.

By the end of chag, I was so impressed with the mother – and also the rest of the family – and very humbled by the amount of grumbling and whining I’ve done done the years about my own parenting pressures.

But the kid, the naughty, sweet kid, brought so much light into the home over the chag.

It’s hard to describe this properly, but if you’ve ever spent time with a child with Downs in a relaxed environment, I’m sure you know what I’m talking about.


So on the one hand, I went into chag totally consumed by ‘here and now’ issues of making sure beds were made, and food was ready, and cakes were made.

(Boy, were cakes ever made. We were six adult women in the end, and everyone made at least two cakes…. It was the ‘sweetest’ Rosh Hashana I ever had.)

And on the other hand, I went into chag feeling pretty sad that the Rav hadn’t got to Uman, and that there is talk of wars and big earthquakes hitting Eretz Yisrael – I will give more details of this when I get the Rav’s actual words to read, and then BH I will translate what was said.


Miraculously, I got ready in time for someone to drop me off at the Rav, on Ido HaNavi, for Friday night.

I hadn’t expected to go, so it made things even more of a ‘rush’ than usual, and the first five minutes, I have to admit I just felt a lot of sadness.

It felt like the ‘bad’ had won out, yet again.

But then I clapped a bit with the Rav… sang a big…. jumped a bit with the crowd of mostly women and very, very few men there.

And I started to cheer up.

The Rav himself looked radiant – mamash like he hadn’t just spent the last week travelling all over Eastern Europe, trying to pass through the border to Ukraine – and the vibe in the crowd was actually very joyful.

Some calm descended inside my turbulent soul, and I went back home in a much better mood than I came out.

God is deciding all this,  I reminded myself.

And God is doing everything for the best – including for the very best for Am Yisrael.


Before Chag, I’d had a chat with my husband.

He went to Uman via Kerestir, in Hungary, and then the Baal Shem Tov – and he was travelling more than 32 hours, before he actually got there.

After what happened with the foot, the leg, the back, last year, we were both pretty nervous ahead of time that all the travelling could cause more problems, God forbid.

But he told me, he was doing fine, thank God, and that Uman was the busiest he’d ever seen it.

(Official figures say 47,000 men got to Uman this year…. and it’s probably still underestimating the total by a lot. Crazy – in a very good way.)


Meanwhile, all the usual cr*ppy disinformation sites – including Daniel Amram’s Telegram channel, which I’ve come to the conclusion has turned into more ‘controlled opposition’ at this point – were running scare stories trying to make it sound like something awful was going on in Uman.

There are huge tailbacks at the borders!!!!

(Obviously, these people never shopped at Rami Levi, if they think that’s news.)

There are huge amounts of trash being left on the pavements in Uman!!!

(Like you’d get at any venue or ‘festival’ when tens of thousands of people are there – and that’s the excuse the Ukrainians use for squeezing a ‘tourist tax’ out of every visitor to Uman on Rosh Hashanah….)

A Ukrainian policeman is beating up Jews with a baton, for breaking the curfew!!!!

(And here? Why, policemen beat up Jews with batons all the time – and they don’t even need a pretext.)

But the bottom line is this:

Uman was awesome this year.


All the travellers’ mesirut nefesh, time, effort and money is fixing things for all of us.


Back in Jerusalem, I went back to the prayers on Ido HaNavi Shabbat morning, when there was no shofar to hear in any case, so it didn’t matter that I was sitting outside, half-way up some crowded alley.

I did my Shmoneh Esrei…. I did my Mussaf…. and the prayers really spoke to me this  year.

There was so much stuff in there about the ‘fake malchut‘ hatching conspiracies to destroy the Jews and entice them to serve idols, to tear them away from God.

But how in the end, God’s dominion will be clearly and openly revealed, and the kavod of Hashem will spread out to all corners of the earth… 

It gave me so much chizzuk.


In the meantime, the ‘quiet space’ that I’d tried to carve out for myself to recite Mussaf turned into another test of middot.

Five seconds after I started praying,  a woman with an enormous stroller and five small kids showed up, and arranged her kids’ little plastic chairs in a semi-circle with me in the middle of it.

“And so, instill Your awe, O Hashem our God, within all Your works…”

(Duvey, give Chana the Bamba. Duvey! Come back and give Chana her Bamba!!)

“And so, grant honor, O Hashem, to Your people…”

(Ima, I really need the bathroom….Can you wait a little, chamood?….No, Ima, I need NOW!!!)

“Holy are You, and awesome is Your name.”

(At this point, one of the kids steals the small fold-up chair I’d brought with me to sit on, and I had a massive battle with myself to carry on talking to God, doing the Mussaf of Rosh Hashana, and not just dropping everything to chase my chair down the street.)

“You have chosen us from all the peoples…”

(Does this belong to anyone? Does this jar belong to anyone?) – from the corner of my eye, I could see it was my jar of kombucha, that I’d brought with me from home. Some toddler had ‘found it’ where I’d stashed it under my now missing chair, while I prayed.)



I decided to just try and ignore everything and everyone, and to accept God’s dominion in my life, at least for the next few minutes.

If God wants me to have the chair, I’ll have it.

If He wants me to drink kombucha before the long walk home, I’ll drink it.

If He wants me to keep getting bashed by strollers, my feet trod on by small kids, and continually elbowed by a teen praying and swaying so enthusiastically she doesn’t even feel what’s going on here – fine by me!

When I was done, I found my chair two feet away, and the kombucha had survived it’s mugging as well.


On the way back home, I was pondering on why the prayers at the Rav so often hit buttons that can lead to some very bad middot surfacing.

But it came to me pretty fast, that this is the whole work to do down here.

We can’t ‘disconnect’ our prayers on Rosh Hashana from our real experiences and reactions as people.

And at the Rav, the two things go firmly hand-in-hand, giving you a clear picture of where you are really holding.


The next day, I went to hear the shofar blowing at the Sephardi shul up the road.

It was much ‘calmer’ – but in many ways, a little ucky.

One of the main old guys singing the prayers in turn lives with a xtian Phillipino woman, and has a child with her.

He dresses chareidi, but doesn’t keep Shabbat or kosher….

I had a real fight on my hands the whole time, to not keep judging him harshly for being a disgusting hypocrite.

As soon as I heard the Shofar (enough….) I got out of there and came back home, before the urge to ‘judge harshly’ totally overwhelmed me.


After Chag, my husband told me he’d had the best Rosh Hashana ever, over there in Uman.

I felt the same way, about my Rosh Hashana in Jerusalem.

In my home, where it really counts, there were no arguments this year, no ‘tension’, no eruptions, no harsh words.

And my house was literally packed to the rafters with people (and cake….)

BH, all of Am Yisrael will have a good 5784.

And all the ‘evils’ plans to harm the good people of the world will unravel, and come to naught.

I heard this privately, but now it’s also up on A7, so I guess the ‘secret’ is out.

HERE is the news story on the propaganda site called Arutz 7.

It’s not the news we wanted to hear, but what I can tell you is that this is probably the last slap in the face these people get to aim at the Tzaddik HaDor.

Now…. it’s going to be interesting.

Remember, staying close to the True Tzaddikim, working on our bad middot, LEARNING TORAH LISHMA, and not just to get kavod, money or influence, sincere teshuva and tzedaka all cancels the evil decrees.

God knows 100% what needs to be happening right now, there is nothing to fear except Hashem.

And from here on in, BH, God is really going to start showing the evils in the world Who is really the ba’al ha’bayit here.

And it’s not them.


I will update more when and if I hear more.

B’sorot tovot.


The last couple of weeks, Rav Berland has been talking about an earthquake hitting Israel.

In particular, the Haifa area, near the ‘Stella Maris’ Monastery, where the xtian church took over the grave of Elisha the prophet and have been barring access to frum Jews in recent months.

Speaking a couple of weeks ago, the Rav made a comment that there will be an earthquake after Rosh Hashana.

Then he segued back into what he’s said in the past, that we are totally forbidden from touching any churches and mosques.

The implication appearing to be that God will make them fall down, all by themselves, without any help from people.


At this stage of the game, the Rav is pretty much the only person I pay attention to, when it comes to ‘predictions’.

He was talking about earthquakes in the same manner a few weeks before that massive quake hit Turkey, back on February 6 – which was ‘meant’ for Israel, but got moved a few hundred miles to Ankara instead.

Ankara was one of the main centres of so-called ‘Pauline xtianity’, where the Torah got trashed and villified, and the Jews cast as the permanent ‘villain’ in the whole made-up religion concocted by the Romans to turn the Jewish urge for Moshiach and geula permanently against them.


Yesterday, it was Morocco’s turn.

With the epicentre close to Marrakesh.

The Jews of Morocco had it better than many other countries, in many ways – but there was still tremendous discrimination, violence and anti-semitism in Morocco.

My father’s family is from there, and it seems my grandfather, who was a shochet, was murdered by his Arab ‘helpers’ who wanted to steal his kosher stamps.

He was bundled out the back of a moving car and died a couple of days later.


So on the one hand, there is tremendous loss of life occurring in Morocco now, and that is always sobering and upsetting.

But at the same time, to not lose sight of the fact that nothing happens ‘for nothing’, and that Hashem is the Cause of all Causes.

And it seems that Hashem is starting to pay down some of those ‘old debts’ accumulated over the centuries, and the old mosques and churches are bearing the brunt:


One more thing that comes to mind about Morocco.

My brother in the States told me last week that he was looking into doing a ‘Sukkot program’ in Morocco this year with his family.

Since Morocco normalised ties with the State of Israel last year, it seems that ‘Jewish tourism’ is going through the roof there, in so many ways.

But if you track the most popular destinations for Israeli tourists – which includes places like Turkey, Greece and now Morocco – you’ll see that all of these places are being hit with absolutely devastating natural disasters.


And then we have Uman.

These days, Uman has also been ‘closed down’ as a ‘stam holiday’ destination.

Today, it’s returned to being a place you go for sincere reasons based on fulfilling the words of a true Tzaddik, who requested his followers to be by his grave for Rosh Hashana, for exalted spiritual reasons that most of us are a million miles away from ever really grasping a tiny part of.

But what’s amazing, is that I heard on the grapevine that this year, they are expecting 50,000 people for Rosh Hashana.

That’s double the 27,000 that made it out last year, almost exclusively from Eretz Yisrael.

And it made me very happy to hear that so many people are overcoming their fears to go and be by Rabbenu for Rosh Hashana 5784.


Stuff is definitely starting to move in the world.

Remember, what Rabbenu taught us about how to survive the ‘shaking of the world’:

In Sichos HaRan (translated into English as ‘Rebbe Nachman’s Wisdom’, by the Breslov Research Institute), Rebbe Nachman tells us the following:

“It’s written about the time of Moshiach (Job 38:13): ‘To grasp the ends of the earth and shake the wicked from it’. However, one who comes close to a true Tzaddik, [he] can grab hold of him, and not be cast off. When we hold on to the Tzaddik, we can stay firm.”


I live very close to the fault line that runs through Jerusalem, that is meant to ‘cleave’ Har Zeitim in two, when geula really starts to happen.

That’s kind of disconcerting.

So, I am doing my best to stay ‘grabbing on’ to a true Tzaddik, while the world continues to shake all around us.


On that note, one more thing:

If you haven’t already, consider doing a pre Rosh Hashana ‘pidyon nefesh’.

Here is Rav Ofer Erez, with English subtitles, from 2017, explaining more about that:


I’m sure he’s doing a pidyon in Uman before Rosh Hashana this year too – HERE is his website:

Or, you can do it with Shuvu Banim, HERE.

Give whatever you can afford, it doesn’t have to be the suggested amount (although clearly, if you are feeling like you are under a lot of harsh judgements, donating 5p as a pidyon is not going to do much to sweeten that…. it’s our ‘money’ instead of our ‘blood’.)


And may we just hear good news.


PS: I had an email from one of my C**N watching readers last week that they had turned back on, and things were going crazy in the world again.

That same day, I had another email from another reader telling me they’ve noticed an uptick in people dropping dead from heart attacks again….

Maybe, all this is just a CO-IN-CID-ENCE.

But maybe it isn’t.

Either way, God is behind it all, and He for sure wants our sincere teshuva heading into 5784.

It’s going to be a big year.


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Someone asked the Rav a few days ago if he should still go to Uman, even if the Rav isn’t allowed to get there.

(God forbid….Basically, if the Rav doesn’t get there, geula will come faster but with a lot more suffering, and if he does get there, BH, it will come a little slower, but way more gently and ‘stretched out’, as we’ve been experiencing the last few  years.)

The Rav responded: Bevedai, bevedai.

(Of course, of course.)


My husband has his ticket – and yes, it’s getting more and more expensive each year, and more and more difficult travelling-wise.

But things  can get sweetened and ‘fixed’ spiritually in Uman on Rosh Hashana, by Rabbenu, in a way that just can’t happen anywhere else, or any other time.

I’m not going to get into a big discussion about the power of the kibbutz – how each person who comes adds another holy ‘stone’ to the holy ‘houses’ being built, which create the spiritual power to really sweeten harsh decrees.

If you’re interested in how all this works spiritually, get a copy of Likutey Moharan, and start reading through it.

And if you’re not interested in the spiritual explanation, there is no other explanation.


Point is, the kibbutz in Uman has tremendous power to turn things around.

And that’s why each year, they’ve been going after it in a million different ways, to try to limit it, close it down and scare people off.

But go buy your ticket!


I spoke to someone who literally got back from Uman yesterday, and they told me that it looks like there are a few more checkpoints than last year.

But other than that – it’s mostly business as usual in Uman itself.

If the night-time curfew is still in place, it seems most people are now ignoring it, and the roads to the Tzion are lit up (which they weren’t last year, the same time.)

There is food there, there is electricity – although there was a power cut at one point during Shabbat.

(Old timers to Uman will remember when the power used to fall two and three times a day, in the middle of the coldest winter days. It used to be a very common part of the ‘Uman package’.)


She said the travelling is difficult, because you are literally spending 12 hours on the road, even from ‘close’ locations like Kishinev airport, Moldova.

And there are still big delays at the borders, because they insist on taking all the suitcases off and checking them.

So, be aware that it’s going to be challenging travel.

But it’s the journey to the true tzaddikim that brings all the miracles, and makes the ‘vessel’ for the blessings.

Literally, every step a person takes on that journey creates angels that then accompany him onwards.

So the fact that the journey is now much longer, means there are that many more good angels being created, and the ‘vessel for blessing’ will be that much bigger, when you finally get there.


Last week, Rav Berland said this about getting to Uman (from the RavBerland.com site):


You can watch it here (shiur begins at timecode 30:52):


This is how we get things to ‘sweeten’.

This is how we turn the harsh decrees around.

With prayer, emuna, emunat tzaddikim, mesirut nefesh, humility – and Uman.


The day after this shiur, last Wednesday, the Rav was reported as saying the following:

Thursday night the Rav said everyone should buy tickets, there is talk about closing borders!


The last couple of weeks, I’ve been feeling quite ‘nervous’ again, for no obvious reason.

I have the feeling this period of relative calm and ‘relative normalcy’ is about to come to a close.

Rosh Hashana is going to be huge this year, one way or another, and it’s the key to determining whether the next stage of the geula process comes gently, or with more suffering.

If you can’t get there yourself – then help someone else to get there, in whichever way you can do that.

And you don’t have to ‘buy in’ to all this – but if that’s the case, this blog probably isn’t the best place for you to be hanging out.


Big things are on the horizon.

And I’m more than a little scared about those ‘big things’.

But I’m trying my best to have emuna, to believe that God is ultimately behind everything in the world, even the apparently ‘bad’ things – and to stay sitting within the Tzaddik’s circle, as per Rabbenu’s story of the Cripple.

More than that, I can’t really do.

But I pray that thousands of people overcome their own ‘fallen fears’ to make it to Uman and back safely this year – and that the Rav will be joining them, so that geula can come the sweetest way possible, and all the harsh gezeirot can be sweetened.



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At least, that’s what just happened in the Ukraine.


Here’s footage of the dam being bombed:

A huge dam in the Kherson region was blown up – by the Russians? By the Ukrainians?

By someone.

Personally, I’m leaning towards it being the Ukrainians who blew up the dam, as that reservoir was piping drinking water to Russian-held Crimea, and if you’re going to blow up a dam and flood somewhere…. at least make sure you are flooding an area held by ‘the enemy’.


And HERE is where you can read about Ukrainian plans to take the dam out as a last top resort to stop a Russian offensive, in a couple of interviews they gave to the Washington Post, last year.


As we detailed earlierboth sides accuse each other of the attack that puts tens of thousands of homes at risk and might even threaten the safety of Europe’s largest nuclear power plant.

However, as Raul Ilargi Meijer writestwice last year (here and here), Ukrainian officials discussed Kiev’s plans to blow up the dam.


Whatever happens in the Ukraine always has an extra layer of meaningfulness.

Kherson is where Yehoshua Zeitlin, and a bunch of the other two-faced Frankist-Reformers, were hanging out.

Here’s a screenshot of Kherson from yesterday:

In Breslov, we say that Rebbe Nachman’s teachings are a nachal novea, makor chochma, that cleanses from all stains and sins.

Nachal novea translates as  ‘a flowing river.’

That dam ‘bursting’ in the Ukraine is meaningful.


Meantime, someone I know personally just got back from Uman, where they went for Shavuot – and they said it was pretty busy, and almost business as usual.

There was still an evening curfew in place, so hundreds of men spent Shavuot night ‘locked in’ to the Tziyon, but most of them probably would have just been learning there all night, anyway.

But as Rosh Hashana 5784 starts to loom into sight again, I have to admit I don’t know what’s going to be with the kibbutz this year.

The Rav has started singing Uman songs after the prayers on Ido HaNavi Street again, which is always a sign that something big needs sweetening, in connection with the Ukraine.

And he’s also asked for everyone to say one Tikkun HaKlali a day specifically for the Uman, Rosh Hashana gathering to actually happen this year – and for the Rav to be able to get to it.


Last year, the Rav spent Rosh Hashana in an airport hanger in Romania, with a score of followers who heard he’d got stuck there on the way to Uman.

The Rav’s persecutors paid massive amounts of money to get him ‘blacklisted’ in Ukraine – and tell me again, how these ‘full time Torah learners’ who apparently have no other source of income keep coming up with the funds to keep paying these astronomical bribes, because something in that picture doesn’t quite add up….

(Until you understand, they are working for someone, to go after the Rav like this.)

So this year…. who knows what is going to happen?

There’s certainly a lot to pray for.


Personally, I’m missing Uman, but after the last three years of the tremendous yissurim involved in getting there, I seem to have run out of the energy to deal with anymore abusive Ukrainians holding guns and treating me like I’m a war criminal.

Last year’s experience on the train, where I thought they were going to throw me off in the middle of no-mans-land, in the middle of a war, in the middle of nowhere, kind of finished me off.

At least for now.

But, I hardly ever plan on going to Uman, I usually get ‘called’ to go, if that makes sense, and the last three years, I’ve been ‘called’ to go, even though my rational brain was pretty upset about it all.

So who knows.


From my chats with friends and family, it seems many of us are kind of ‘holding our breath’ at the moment – and feeling exhausted, and ‘up and down’ emotionally.

How can we not?

The fear porn stories continue non-stop, and even the stories that aren’t manufactured fear porn – like this one, about Vodafone taking over the ‘smart lamp-posts’ now installed on every street corner – don’t exactly give a person a warm, fuzzy feeling about the world we live in.


At the same time…. I AM detecting some small causes for optimism.

It’s still pretty nebulous, but it seems the ‘spell’ is starting to wear off, for more and more people.

My daughter told me that the gay parade in Jerusalem last week was pretty much a sad flop.

There seems to be more and more push-back happening on all the warped ‘trans-furry’ agendas going on, with BudLite and Target serving as a clear warning that if you go too ‘woke’, you really will go completely ‘broke’.

And try as they might to keep sparking off wars here – I mean, how many times can a person be told that ‘Iran is ten seconds away from creating a nuclear bomb’?!?!? – They’ve been telling us exactly the same thing for at least 15 years, so either they were lying before…. or they are lying now…. or both.

Point is, they keep trying to start off massive wars all over the place…. and somehow, these efforts keep just fizzling out.

There are big miracles happening all the time here, that most of us just aren’t even registering.


But, life is still stressful.

And things ARE getting more expensive.

The restaurant I took my parents too in the UK almost doubled its prices the last few months, and I’m noticing the same thing going on in Israel, too.

Part of me is feeling a little uneasy about all this, as food inflation is never a good thing.

But part of me is trying to ignore that unease, and to just ‘adapt’ to reality without turning into a drama queen.

Most of us eat too much, and eat out too much, anyway.

Rav Berland says again and again, that most of the illnesses a person has come from eating too much bad food.

So who knows?

Maybe even the food inflation is hiding a silver lining.

Although, I do worry for the families who struggle to put even basics on the table.

There are more than a few families like that in Jerusalem, I’m just praying that God is going to carry on looking after them and their children.


So, the dam did burst in Ukraine, in some way, and we’ll see what happens next.

BH, things will continue to turn around and sweeten, but only if more of us join our prayers with the real ‘Tzaddik HaDor’, Rav Berland.

That’s just how it is.

Let me leave you with another snippet about ‘Jewish Demon Scholars’ that turned up yesterday, when I was looking for something else, in Rebbe Nachman’s ‘Advice’:

“Those who ridicule and abuse the genuinely religious are under the influence of Torah they have learned from scholars who lack the necessary integrity. These scholars are termed ‘Jewish Demons’ (Zohar III, 253) because their Torah is fallen Torah, which lacks the power to guide men along the path of truth and goodness.

“There is nothing to be gained from such scholars. Anyone who associates with them will turn into an atheist.”

  • Rebbe Nachman’s ‘Advice’, Chapter on Controversy and Strife, no. 9.


There’s a lot of ‘fallen Torah’ out there at the moment.

Just people spouting ‘ideas’ and ‘philosophy’ that sounds oh-so-clever – but actually does zippydee-do-dah to help you deal with your bad middot and emotional issues, and ultimately, just turns people into atheists.

BH, Rabbenu’s Torah has the exact opposite effect.

BH, so does the Rav’s.

And that’s why the ‘Jewish Demons’ continue to fight against them, with every drop of strength they have.


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Yesterday, I spent the day going through the ‘Covid Pandemic in Israel’ listing, on Wikipedia.


It was so eye-opening, to actually revisit all those fear-porn headlines, all those fake ‘stats’ about geriatrics ‘dying from Covid’, all the propaganda about the shots, including Netanyahu being the first to get the experimental nanotech live on Israeli TV….

It was also so upsetting, to remember how much our own governments literally tortured us, with lock down after lock down, mandatory masking, PCR tests every five seconds – and especially for school children – and then of course, the ‘Green Pass’ apartheid, that thankfully stopped, at least for now, when most people decided they’d had enough of Covid shots that were neither safe, nor effective.

In hindsight, it’s always so easy, to spot the lies, the manipulation and the deceit.


That’s why when you go and check out all the ‘landing on the moon’ footage, you can see, obviously, clearly, 100%, how the whole ‘space program’ is just one big fake.

In case you are still on the fence about that, here’s some footage from the Chinese Space Station, from February 2023.

(Clearly, they don’t have NASA’s big green screen, or Hollywood budget…)


Look at that wonderful, round spinning earth, exactly like they teach us all in the textbooks…

Now, compare and contrast with this footage from the Chinese Space Station, from September, 2022:


Who says you can’t have a good laugh still, even in today’s crazy world?

And I am willing to bet good money, at this point, that the nukes they keep trying to scare us all with also don’t exist.

We are literally living in a world of illusion, and the main battle here is spiritual.


It’s a battle of discernment.

It’s the battle of not just having a knee-jerk reaction to ‘bad news’ every five seconds – most of which is anyway manipulated and fake – to see through the illusion, and actually deal calmly with the facts on the ground, and the reality of our own lives in the here and now.

Like you, I currently have no idea about what is really going on.

Like you, that knowledge sometimes scares me, and paralyses me, because I can’t see around the corner, and I hate overtaking approaching a bend, if I can’t see around it.

But, I am coming to the conclusion, that if the choice is to just sit here drowning in fear of ‘what might be’, or anger about what was, versus continuing to live my life, and continuing to move forward – even though I can’t see around the bend – that last choice has to be the best option.


Day to day, life is good.

Day to day, the massive food shortages didn’t show up, Gog and Magog didn’t ACTUALLY kick off in Ukraine, they didn’t manage to get the ‘Green Passport’ and their Covid shots mandated – the whole false narrative is literally crumbling before our eyes.

Let’s be clear, though, that while I write these words, I still have a battle every single day, to really believe it.

Some days, like yesterday, for example, I wake up with a low sense of panic about what will be, and it usually takes me a solid hour of hitbodedut to calm it down, and to stop the ‘fear porn’ from taking over and ruining my life.


One thing is clear, though.

The more of us wake up to the lies, the more of us stop ‘reacting’ to all the fake news and fake headlines, the more of us who stop believing the government propaganda, and the media whores who serve it up – the better this whole thing gets for everyone.

Because deception is their source of power.

And they use that deception to turn people against each other, and to trigger ‘reactions’ where bad middot like fear, anger, depression and ‘fakery’ take over, which simply just pull us away from God.


Yesterday, when I realised, again, just how bad and pernicious all the government censorship and spying is, I felt pretty down and alone again, for an hour or two.

What can small people like me really do, against these multi-national government-run tech companies, and the psycho billionaires that front them?

Sometimes, it can seem as though the bad guys hold all the cards, all the aces.

But that’s an illusion.

Because really, Ein Od Milvado, there is only Hashem behind all this, and it’s all just a massive test of emuna.


I know it sounds strange, but it really seems to me the ‘air’ is coming out of so many of these fake news dramas now.

Even the sudden deaths from the Covid shots – I know they are still going on, but at least here in Israel, in my own dalet amot, I haven’t heard of any weird deaths for months and months now.

Maybe, just maybe, humanity is starting to turn the corner with all this, and the nanotech in the shots didn’t work they way it was meant to.

Even the 5….G they set up all over the place here in Israel – it just feels to me, currently, like there is some big spoke in the wheel in the ‘plan’, and that things are not going the way they thought.


There’s a thin line to be trod here, between remaining upbeat and strengthening our emuna, whilst not sliding back into fantasy land.

From one day to the next, the balance needs to be revisited and readjusted.

But the main point is this:

The more I go over what’s gone on the last few years, the last few months, even, the more I can see that so much of what I feared was going to happen actually disappeared, miraculously, all by itself.

Our prayers and teshuva and spirituial efforts really do affect reality.

And the less time we spend in ‘fake online world’, and the more time we spend in ‘real here-and-now’ world, the better it will be for us, and for everyone else, too.



One of the commentators linked to this really interesting video, below, which actually contains some real science, and explains very clearly that ”there is no virus” – certainly no SarsCov2.

And probably, ‘viruses’ aren’t what’s making people sick, full stop.

Very interesting!

Take a look:

UPDATE 2: – It’s apparently being ‘whited out’ as an embedded video – censorship in action!

So, go straight to this link in the comments section, from commentator Danny – because even when I try to paste it up as a plain text link, it’s still just whiting it out….

We must be over the target!


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