First, here’s a couple of interesting articles that you may, or may not, want to read about ‘facial recognition’ technology.

It’s being rolled-out all over the world as we speak, in ‘lock-step’ again, touted as the magic solution to every ‘crime’ in the country – except the biggest ones of all, committed by the people who are supposedly meant to be leading us.

Here‘s the ‘elect me’ video for the ‘Plan A.N.G.E.L’ police state plan by Mexican politician Marcelo Ebrard, from last month.

(It’s in Spanish, but the images speak for themselves.)


The guy got so much push-back, he actually deleted the initial tweet, but HERE is where you can still find the video above on Twitter. (For now).

But here’s basically what he was saying (translated from the Spanish):

  • Facial recognition cameras on public roads
  • ID profiling
  • Weapon detectors
  • Vehicle tracking
  • Drones
  • Facial recognition devices being used by security personnel, everywhere
  • ‘Morphological profiling’ of criminals.

If you don’t know what that last one means, it means this:

“A criminal has a certain way of acting and walking. And we can set up patterns,”  Ebrard told the audience, saying that the technology would have the potential to prevent the serial killings.

“If we had this technology, we could have avoided femicide, homicide, or other actions by the type of way you walk, and behave.”


This is so horrible, I shudder even typing it.

Yeah, right. They are talking about locking people up JUST BECAUSE THEY WALK THE WRONG WAY….

Who could make this stuff up?

John Cleese…. watch out.


You can read about the State of Georgia’s new ‘Digital IDs’ HERE – introduced by the Governor of Georgia barely weeks after he was a guest at the WEF in Davos, this January.

Go look up ‘Klaus Schwab’ and ‘Digital ID’ – see what you find.

Point is, each country is being ‘sold’ this tech by our corrupted puppet politicians with it’s own national flavor, including in Israel – but it’s all the same idea, all the same ‘tech’, designed to spy on the citizens, and totally remove any semblance of freedom.

(God is not going to let this happen. The only question is how much pain we all have to suffer before it permanently derails, God forbid.)


So now, let me tell you about the new car we just got.

I loved my nine year old Hyundai i20, in so many ways.

But it was starting to falter, and it was time either to spend a lot of money in the garage fixing it back up, or to buy a new one.

My husband probably missed this post, about ‘hackable vehicles’ – but even if he didn’t (see below….) I kind of felt like I’m stuck in this ‘brave new world’ of disgusting tech.


So…. the new car came with WAZE and with Spotify, and apparently also with a fully functional Google search….

Which is when I realised that the car was ‘wired’ with WiFi 100%

I am that psycho who takes out the plug of the router each time I’m done on the internet at home…. and now, I am driving around with a computer screen, fully wi-fi’d up, in my face 24/7.


That was bad enough.

I moved my shungite ball into the glove compartment, and hoped for the best.

Next, I realised that you can’t actually see out the back window properly, because they expect you to just ‘rely’ on the beeping camera sensor thingies for reversing.

I tried that for a day – until I realised the cameras were mistaking manhole covers for ‘obstacles’ – and also failing to catch real obstacles like people walking past….


Then, the car kept turning itself off to ‘save gas’ whenever I came to a full stop.

We turned that function off – only to find out it came back each time.

Apparently, ‘the law’ is Israel is that the cars have to be programmed with a permanent ‘turn off’ thingy now, that you have to manually override each new trip.



When I was driving on the highway, it started beeping at me in all sorts of ways that I wasn’t ‘concentrating’ enough on the road – even though I was – and then flashing up ‘red devil’ things in the dashboard that I was getting too close to other cars…. the side of the road…. I don’t know what.

It was so distracting I nearly had an accident, God forbid.

Again, I went through and turned off as much of this stuff off as I can, but some of it just keeps coming back, as part of the nanny state tech that apparently comes standard in new cars these days.


I touch my windscreen wipers – it tells me that ‘automatic windscreen wiping’ has now been enabled.

I don’t want that.

And I don’t know how to turn it off.

Then two days ago, I accidentally touched some other button, and both my wing mirrors folded in while I was driving on the road, sending me into panic mode (and nearly causing another accident) until God enlightened me and I could figure out how to open them back up.

Long story short: These new cars are a menace to society, totally distracting, and really dangerous to drive.

And that’s even before we get into that whole parsha about the Deep State being able to hack straight in, take over the driving functionality and crash you into a lamp-post.

God forbid.


Oh, and WAZE is also not at all what it was cracked up to be.

BH, I don’t use WAZE – I have been using maps and old-fashioned sign posts, and I have a good sense of direction, BH.

My husband doesn’t, and he thought WAZE was going to be great – no more having to listen to his wife telling him what to do from the passenger side!!

Except…. WAZE often gets it wrong, and often takes you to places you don’t want to go.

(And let’s not even talk about how distracting it is to keep looking at a computer screen while you are meant to be driving. I honestly now understand why so many people come to full stops at green traffic lights, then make ridiculous, dangerous turns that ‘come out of no-where’ and nearly cause accidents. I thought it was too much pot…. now I’m coming to the conclusion it’s too much reliance on WAZE.)



Long story short – I am hoping to buy an nine year old Hyundai i20 very soon, second-hand.

So I don’t get irradiated while I drive.

And my mirrors don’t close by themselves.

And the car doesn’t ‘stall’ at every red light.

And the nanny state can’t track me every second, every cm where I drive, and match my driving speed to the ‘official’ speed limit.

(And also…. the Deep State can’t hack in and drive my car into a lamp-post, God forbid.)

But the new aircon is good.

So that’s all OK, then.


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17 replies
  1. Hava
    Hava says:

    This issue is where we might be able to reach (at least some of) the normies.

    My dear bloke is very handy on many levels. His father taught him almost everything he knows about these things, step-by-step, from the time he could sit up and hold something. (Unfortunately, both of his parents had passed by the time I met him.)

    …AND HE HATES THESE “SMART” VEHICLES. He read part of a very long article to me last night about them, and we had discussed the ability to hack into them a couple of years ago. He also would like to be able to buy an old-fashioned car in good condition internally (he just turned 76 last month.).

    • Daisy
      Daisy says:

      Hava, the Moatza took my car to Vered Yericho about a year ago. To bring it back to K.A cost me a fortune the first time, and then the Moatza did it again, so I called the garage from here, and told them that they could have it and do with it what they want . It’s not bad at all, just somebody stole the battery. Maybe they still have it – I called them right before Rosh Hashanah. If you want their phone number I can give it to you. Maybe they will sell it to you if they still have it. A Volvo S40 from 2000; it was a wonderful car I loved, but after sitting for almost 3 years, who knows what it needs? And somebody managed to steal its battery. Sweet Israelis, what can I say…. If your husband is interested, send me an email, and I can call the guy and ask if the car is still there, and how much they would want for it – IF you are interested. Just to tow it back to K.A. they were going to charge me over 4000 Shekalim, including payment for leaving the car there – as though I had brought it there! Nice Israelis, what can I say…
      But it can probably be checked by a mechanic in the area – if it is still available.
      Does your husband want to take a look at it if it is still available? I am not making a penny from this, just trying to help you and your husband. It is an old-fashioned car I bought new after our Aliyah, and it served me very well for twenty years. Not a whole lot of mileage. Is that too old for your husband?

  2. AK
    AK says:

    I have a good friend here in Israel who works for one of the major car companies on their self driving car. I once asked him if it was possible to hack them and he thought it was because these cars are always connected to the network, even when software is being updated to the cars computer. Scary to think how some evil entity could take control of a car whenever it wanted to. But we don’t live in fear and l ok ke you said Hashem will turn things for the good.

    • Rivka Levy
      Rivka Levy says:

      A friend of mine, who has a very ‘normal’ husband told me that their husband got a ‘free’ electric car from work in Israel – drove it for an hour, and then returned it.

      Even the ‘normal’ husband realised the whole thing is just one big spy-and-bugging device, including the facial recognition software, and the fact it can be hacked directly ‘from China’ (ahem) at any point in the driving journey.

      Slowly, slowly, more and more people are realising what we are really up against here.

      When it reaches a critical mass of awareness – it will break apart.

      • Daisy
        Daisy says:

        Sorry, Rivka, I had not read your post before answering Hava. The reason is, this post was “sansored’ by google. I figured out that the only way to be able to read such a post of yours is to go inco.gnit… o, and start with the comments. For some reason, by going this way, it is possible to read your whole post.

        I guess this discussion about electric cars threatens a lot of investors, i.e. multi-million dollar companies, i.e. govs. And as you probably know, they work on 5G: no 5G, no electric cars. A nightmare. Now I understand why the Moatzah removed my car: that’s one car they can’t hack, can they? Awful. The day I return I will have no car. Not easy at all.

        If for some reason you are interested in my car – provided it is still alive in Vered Yericho – I can also give you the name and address of the company it was left at. But you say you want a Hyundai, right? And it is frankly an old, but very high quality car, – at least when I bought it: 23 year old going on 24.

        I hope you find the car you want, and when I return I also hope to find a car I can live with…. not easy.

        Best regards

  3. Hava
    Hava says:

    Another thing that might wake Israelis up en masse, regarding the suppression and oppression of genuine right-wing media here, is this article: https://www.jewishpress.com/news/media/man-of-the-year-5783-yinon-magal-who-crushed-israels-left-wing-medias-monopoly/2023/09/13/

    It begs the question of whether the public could have helped prevent Arutz 7’s current position, since it is perceived by some (if not many) as controlled opposition. Maybe someone should investigate what really happened to it. About 1/3 of the way down the page is this SNIPPET:


    Things in Israel have not been so bright for right-wing broadcasting.

    Even though in 1977, after 29 years of left-wing rule, the right-wing Likud party won its first national election, the vast majority of the media remained in leftist hands, much as the vast majority of the civil service, the courts, the military, and finance remained left-leaning to this day.

    In the winter of 1988, a group of activists from Bet El in Samaria enlisted donations from abroad and solicited technical support from a group of professionals working for Kol Israel, which was one of the only two legal radio broadcasters (the other was Army Radio) and launched a pirate radio ship off the coast of Tel Aviv, outside Israel’s territorial water. The Eretz Hatzvi ship with the broadcasting equipment of Arutz 7 parked only a few hundred yards from the Voice of Peace pirate radio ship, which was owned by the legendary restaurant owner turned peace activist Abie Nathan.

    But while the Voice of Peace was left alone to serve up rock n’ roll hits to Israeli fans, Arutz 7 became the target of Israeli law enforcement agencies almost from the start.

  4. Shimshon
    Shimshon says:

    If you can drive a manual transmission, small commercial vehicles like the Citroen Berlingo are good choices. They have much less tech in them and they are built to be durable and easy to maintain. If you get one older than 2016 IIRC, they are even simpler as they lack the AdBlue tech. Make sure to get one with a backseat in it, as they are commonly removed by actual commercial users.

  5. sk
    sk says:

    Hello Rivka, off subject, need some guidance.
    What does one do, when people you thought were ‘friends’. and they are visiting you from another city, and then you find out they gossip about you?
    Seeking answers, as i just feel like telling them off.
    Is this a trial for me at these end times.

    I am follower of Hashem by Noahide laws.
    Thank you.
    annon s.k

  6. Malka
    Malka says:

    It sounds like you described “kill switch” they are installing now in all cars. Oh, what is in the name…. Meanwhile in San Francisco they introduced self driving Uber type vehicle. And what people choose to do in it? Having sex! Probably riding on the pig would be cleaner.

  7. Simon
    Simon says:

    My grandparents have a Tesla, which is similar to your car’s description.
    Also, the ‘ANGEL’ (more like demon) surveillance system reminds me of this show (1 hour episodes) where a mother gets her daughter a body/brain implant that monitors and surveills her 24/7, called, I believe, ‘Archangel.’
    Predictive programming??

    At my school, there’s always high wifi use. I have a shungite pendant. What else can I do to protect myself?

    • Rivka Levy
      Rivka Levy says:

      Actively connect yourself to God, and to the True Tzaddikim – and say a prayer that the tech won’t harm you in any way.

      That’s my coping strategy… not much else I can suggest at this point.

  8. Simon
    Simon says:

    Because of these heretical doubting questions I mentioned, I have researched many matters that I probably would be better off not knowing (they leave me more confused than understanding), such as ancient Egypt, ancient Hebrew inscriptions, the ancient Hebrew alphabet, et cetera.
    I feel like I’m quite far from ‘simple faith in God.’
    But because He is God, I know that I can still be helped [to not be this confused].
    Maybe God wants me to write a book about all this stuff..
    I have a long list (not complete) of ‘scholarly’ archaeological findings confirming Bereshit and Shemot in the Torah.


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