Last week, I had a weird episode with my PC.

Some sort of ‘yellow light’ flashed out of it while I was online.

And since then, all the LED lights in my street have been ‘out’.


The week before, my daughter had a ‘weird episode’ with an electric socket.

She plugged in a fan – and got an electric shock so bad, it gave her heart palpatations (and took out all the electricity in the house….)

Now, Ahmed & Ahmed Inc have been busy ‘fixing’ the house for our landlord, with their one trusty screwdriver, for around 30 years.

No matter what the problem, they call Ahmed & Ahmed and somehow…. something kind of gets ‘fixed’, in some way, at least, enough….. with that one trusty screwdriver.


So after my daughter got electrocuted, I called in a real electrician to take a look at the sockets.

After telling me there was some ‘very funky stuff’ going on with the motherboard (yeah, that’s kind of an understatement….) – he checked the electrocuting plug – and couldn’t find any problem.

Then, we checked the electrocuting fan – and also couldn’t find any problem.


I got the plugs changed anyway, just to be on the safe side.

But that daughter and me – we have a sensitivity to electricity and to WIFI that comes out in a bunch of weird ways (as anyone who has ever spent some time with me on their phone will probably already know.)


A few days ago, I saw THIS, on the Quinta Columna Telegram channel:



I basically ignored it at the time.

Not least, because who has koach to go through all this crud again?!

But then yesterday, I spoke to my brother in the US – and he told me that men, only men, only around his age – have been getting really sick the last couple of weeks, with something some people describe as a ‘covid variant’.

He told me:

I have no idea what it really was, but I am really thinking that whatever it is, they can and are targeting specific sections of the population with their ‘viruses’ now.

(He still thinks all this is being caused my mutated and mutating viruses. That’s no longer where I’m holding.)


At the same time…. he told me they are starting to really push ‘the masks’ over there again.

It’s like I left some tab up on screen from 2019, and it’s just replaying itself again.

Is anyone still buying the demonstrably false mask propaganda, this time around?

He told me:

Yup. But it’s really the same people who never took their masks off in the first place…


I read THIS – and it spoke to me.

We all know that real teshuva happens when you are put in exactly the same circumstances, and this time you choose different.

And again, just to underline that God really is behind everything, and all this is just a test.

I know, I know.

Who has koach for more of these tests?!?

I hear you.

But the point is not so much the test, it’s the teshuva that will hopefully get made in massive amounts this time around.

Because one drop of that sincere teshuva stuff is so very powerful…. it can destroy all the evil in the world, or at least, in our own world, in an instant.


We continue to live in interesting times.

And if you are having weird ‘electrical events’ happen by you, pay attention – and if you feel like it, share what’s going on in the comments.


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Yesterday, I had some really good news, BH.

(More on that another time.)

Two hours later, I arranged to go to the Rav for the ma’ariv prayers, and almost exactly as the prayers were concluding ,the air exploded with the noise of police and Hatzalah sirens.

I was meant to be picking my kid up from Ma’alot Dafna after the prayers.

She called me, and told me:

Don’t come this way, Ima, there’s just been a pigua (terror attack) by French Hill.


So, we arranged to meet outside Rav Arush’s Chut Shel Chessed shul instead.

While we were waiting for her to walk down, the tram stop next to Chut Shel Chessed suddenly also filled up with noise, sirens, and large flocks of yeshiva bochurs trying to catch some of the ‘action’.

In this case, a terrorist who had just been shot dead by a Border Guard, apparently before he could stab someone on the tram.

A second pigua, in less than two minutes.


I have to admit, I kind of just feel numb to these things, these days.

Apparently, it’s a spiritual level to strive for, where the ‘good’ and the ‘bad’ leave you feeling the same way inside, but I have to admit to wondering if that’s not also just a description of emotional shell-shock, or the ‘compassion fatigue’ I’ve written about before.


We picked up the kid, got home, and I decided to see if there was more info on the twin attacks on the A7 government propaganda site.

I haven’t been to that site for almost two months, and I haven’t missed it at all.

So I logged on, saw they had absolutely NOTHING about the attacks – even though Daniel Amram and the ‘Uncensored Israel’ Telegram channel already both had updates – and then, sadly, saw what sort of ‘news’ the super-cr*ppy A7 site WAS running.

It was more manufactured rubbish about people ‘spontaneously’ protesting an attempt by Minister Porush to get the Rav into Ukraine for Rosh Hashana.


That put me in a weirder mood than the terror attacks.

Unbelievable…. After everything that’s gone on the last few years, the Sabbatean-Frankists are still going after the Rav with ‘fake news’ and false information, exactly the same way they did 10 years ago….

I started to wonder how many people are actually going to buy it, this time around.

Because apparently, people are still reading that cr*ppy news-propaganda site, and they are apparently still taking it seriously enough to waste their precious time by leaving comments.


In the meantime, I also counted four people in Jerusalem yesterday wearing the despicable face masks.

Which told me everything I needed to know about the ‘fear porn’ machine being stoked up again, for another round of plandemic hysteria- even though I have been totally off ‘the news’ here for two months.

Again, I started to wonder how many people are actually going to buy it, this time around….

Again, I’m finding all this kind of unbelievable…. that after everything that’s gone on the last few years, the PTB are still trying to scare and control the population with ‘fake news’ and false information, exactly the same way they did 4 years ago….


Do people never learn?

Are we just doomed to keep going through this same cycle of ‘fake news’ and manipulation and control, until all the brain-dead people disappear out the picture, one way and another?

(And if yes, how long is that whole process actually going to take?)

Sometimes, I read some of the things being discussed online in what remains of the ‘Jewish blog-o-sphere’ and I find it amazing, that after so much has happened, so much has been revealed, so much of the curtain has been lifted – there are still people out there who are acting, believing and commenting exactly the way they were 4 years ago.

And 10 years ago.

And 20 years ago.

And now that I come to think of it, 2,400 years ago, and 3,333 years ago….


There is nothing new under the sun.

False prophets have always been with us, peddling their own brand of ‘fake news’ about a million different things.

But I guess I’m a little disappointed, that this oldest of old tricks is still apparently working on so many people.


Like you, I have no idea what is going to happen next.

I am kind of entering a stage at the moment where I feel like I’ve given this my best shot, and done pretty much everything I can do, to try to wake people up to the reality of our fake world.

That doesn’t mean I’m retiring, at least not just yet, but it does mean that I’m pondering about what comes afterwards.

If another pandemic does get manufactured soon, I have no plans to be ‘live blogging’ developments the way I did three years ago, when I was trying to warn people that things were not what they appeared to be.

Enough water has flown under that bridge now.

People will stand or fall on the amount of ‘truth’ they’ve internalised, and the strength of their connection with the only source of real ‘truth’ – God.


So, pick your sources of information carefully.

Understand, that 99.9% of what you read and watch has been specially created to manipulate you, control you, and to get you to go back to sleep, spiritually, because there is nothing to worry about!!!!

Don’t you know?

The biggest danger right now is coming from uncontrolled ‘conspiracy theorists‘, who are spreading disinformation that vaccines aren’t totally safe, the world isn’t totally doomed to extinction because of ‘climate change’, and cars literally melted in Maui because of an uncontrolled grass fire that only seemed to burn down the properties of the poorer people in Lahaina.


So much information, even in the ‘alt’ world, is being produced by people who are literally being paid to do it.

And then much more is then passed along second-hand, by ‘useful idiots’, who tend to swallow what they are being told hook, line and sinker (unless of course, it’s credible tzaddikim telling them to at least consider moving to Israel because we are headed into stormy waters, very soon….)


Today, I had to drive through Huwara.


I was the only car on the busy road with an Israeli plate, and the return pass, I got stuck in a bit of traffic by the roundabout there, built by the Europeans and the UN.

As I was driving, my mind inevitably started thinking about those two Israelis from Ashdod, apparently executed at a Huwara car wash two weeks ago.

I was trying to spot where that car wash was meant to be.

I have to admit, nothing seemed familiar from the couple of shots I’d seen of the car parked in it, post-executions.


So on the one hand, I was wondering, again, if that news story was even real….

And on the other, I was staring very hard at a dummy dressed in a black tracksuit stood right next to the road, that was giving off ‘terrorist’ vibes – until I realised it was just advertising the clothing store a few meters behind it.

(Arabs like to put their wares out by the side of the road…. It’s a ‘thing’ in Huwara and elsewhere, and sometimes, I have even seen really gross decapitated, half-skinned cow heads hanging up to entice customers into the local butchers….)


Point is, it’s so hard to know what’s true at the moment.

How much to engage with, and how much to ignore.

How much is credible, and how much is flat-out lies, designed to manipulate and control.


Let’s end with this, that a reader sent me this morning querying what I thought about it – is this just more lies?!

The piece was on the Jpost, entitled:

Turkish Outlet Links Chabad to Mossad, LGBT support in Northern Cyprus

Here’s a screenshot:


Dastardly lies told by ‘Iranian-funded’ extremists in Turkey?

Or touching on a truth none of us really want to look at too closely?

You decide.


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Yesterday, I spent the day going through the ‘Covid Pandemic in Israel’ listing, on Wikipedia.


It was so eye-opening, to actually revisit all those fear-porn headlines, all those fake ‘stats’ about geriatrics ‘dying from Covid’, all the propaganda about the shots, including Netanyahu being the first to get the experimental nanotech live on Israeli TV….

It was also so upsetting, to remember how much our own governments literally tortured us, with lock down after lock down, mandatory masking, PCR tests every five seconds – and especially for school children – and then of course, the ‘Green Pass’ apartheid, that thankfully stopped, at least for now, when most people decided they’d had enough of Covid shots that were neither safe, nor effective.

In hindsight, it’s always so easy, to spot the lies, the manipulation and the deceit.


That’s why when you go and check out all the ‘landing on the moon’ footage, you can see, obviously, clearly, 100%, how the whole ‘space program’ is just one big fake.

In case you are still on the fence about that, here’s some footage from the Chinese Space Station, from February 2023.

(Clearly, they don’t have NASA’s big green screen, or Hollywood budget…)


Look at that wonderful, round spinning earth, exactly like they teach us all in the textbooks…

Now, compare and contrast with this footage from the Chinese Space Station, from September, 2022:


Who says you can’t have a good laugh still, even in today’s crazy world?

And I am willing to bet good money, at this point, that the nukes they keep trying to scare us all with also don’t exist.

We are literally living in a world of illusion, and the main battle here is spiritual.


It’s a battle of discernment.

It’s the battle of not just having a knee-jerk reaction to ‘bad news’ every five seconds – most of which is anyway manipulated and fake – to see through the illusion, and actually deal calmly with the facts on the ground, and the reality of our own lives in the here and now.

Like you, I currently have no idea about what is really going on.

Like you, that knowledge sometimes scares me, and paralyses me, because I can’t see around the corner, and I hate overtaking approaching a bend, if I can’t see around it.

But, I am coming to the conclusion, that if the choice is to just sit here drowning in fear of ‘what might be’, or anger about what was, versus continuing to live my life, and continuing to move forward – even though I can’t see around the bend – that last choice has to be the best option.


Day to day, life is good.

Day to day, the massive food shortages didn’t show up, Gog and Magog didn’t ACTUALLY kick off in Ukraine, they didn’t manage to get the ‘Green Passport’ and their Covid shots mandated – the whole false narrative is literally crumbling before our eyes.

Let’s be clear, though, that while I write these words, I still have a battle every single day, to really believe it.

Some days, like yesterday, for example, I wake up with a low sense of panic about what will be, and it usually takes me a solid hour of hitbodedut to calm it down, and to stop the ‘fear porn’ from taking over and ruining my life.


One thing is clear, though.

The more of us wake up to the lies, the more of us stop ‘reacting’ to all the fake news and fake headlines, the more of us who stop believing the government propaganda, and the media whores who serve it up – the better this whole thing gets for everyone.

Because deception is their source of power.

And they use that deception to turn people against each other, and to trigger ‘reactions’ where bad middot like fear, anger, depression and ‘fakery’ take over, which simply just pull us away from God.


Yesterday, when I realised, again, just how bad and pernicious all the government censorship and spying is, I felt pretty down and alone again, for an hour or two.

What can small people like me really do, against these multi-national government-run tech companies, and the psycho billionaires that front them?

Sometimes, it can seem as though the bad guys hold all the cards, all the aces.

But that’s an illusion.

Because really, Ein Od Milvado, there is only Hashem behind all this, and it’s all just a massive test of emuna.


I know it sounds strange, but it really seems to me the ‘air’ is coming out of so many of these fake news dramas now.

Even the sudden deaths from the Covid shots – I know they are still going on, but at least here in Israel, in my own dalet amot, I haven’t heard of any weird deaths for months and months now.

Maybe, just maybe, humanity is starting to turn the corner with all this, and the nanotech in the shots didn’t work they way it was meant to.

Even the 5….G they set up all over the place here in Israel – it just feels to me, currently, like there is some big spoke in the wheel in the ‘plan’, and that things are not going the way they thought.


There’s a thin line to be trod here, between remaining upbeat and strengthening our emuna, whilst not sliding back into fantasy land.

From one day to the next, the balance needs to be revisited and readjusted.

But the main point is this:

The more I go over what’s gone on the last few years, the last few months, even, the more I can see that so much of what I feared was going to happen actually disappeared, miraculously, all by itself.

Our prayers and teshuva and spirituial efforts really do affect reality.

And the less time we spend in ‘fake online world’, and the more time we spend in ‘real here-and-now’ world, the better it will be for us, and for everyone else, too.



One of the commentators linked to this really interesting video, below, which actually contains some real science, and explains very clearly that ”there is no virus” – certainly no SarsCov2.

And probably, ‘viruses’ aren’t what’s making people sick, full stop.

Very interesting!

Take a look:

UPDATE 2: – It’s apparently being ‘whited out’ as an embedded video – censorship in action!

So, go straight to this link in the comments section, from commentator Danny – because even when I try to paste it up as a plain text link, it’s still just whiting it out….

We must be over the target!


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Three years ago, at the height of the Corona plandemic, I used my FB account to try and leave a comment on a ‘fear porn’ story on the TOI site.

That comment said something like this:

The owner of the TOI was a partner in the Precision Medicine initiative in Israel, together with some other people you’ve probably heard of, and was pushing propaganda to advance the initiative’s plan for a national ‘gene database’ with all the nasal swabs…


Before we continue, this snippet comes from the Wikipedia page about the Times of Israel:


The Times of Israel is an Israeli multi-language online newspaper that was launched in 2012. It was co-founded by Israeli journalist David Horovitz, who is also the founding editor, and American billionaire investor Seth Klarman.

Here is more about the ‘Precision Medicine Partnership’ run by Fauci’s NIH:


The Precision Medicine Initiative is a long-term research endeavor, involving the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and multiple other research centers, which aims to understand how a person’s genetics, environment, and lifestyle can help determine the best approach to prevent or treat disease.

And guess who is running the Israeli side of things?

Screenshot from HERE:



In case you didn’t know already, ‘Yad HaNadiv’ is the Rothschilds.


Anyway, long story short, that comment never got published – and I got totally banned from Facebook.

I literally cannot get in to Facebook to look at anything, to set up any other account, nothing.

At the time, I was kind of impressed, in a ‘Goebbels’ kinda way, of how Facebook was working hand-in-hand with the TOI to ban anyone who was pointing out the financial connections of its owners, to all the fear porn around the ‘plandemic’.

Shortly afterwards, I also got banned from Linked In – I literally cannot log in to any of these sites, and there is nothing I can do about it.


Thank God, I never used them for anything much, after I got burnt by a bunch of ‘Rav bashers’ a few years’ ago – who are all still happily chugging away on social media, pushing more shots and more ‘transgender’ propaganda.

Because all these stuff always goes together.

But I’m just writing this to tell you, censorship is real.

So very real.

And it’s happening in the so-called ‘democratic West’ all the time, and maybe even more than in ‘Russia the dictatorship’…

Especially for people on the sharp end of actually trying to figure out what is going on in our world.


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Reposting this from December 18th, 2022.

I have the feeling this was meant to hit Israel, but got ‘sweetened’ and hit our enemies instead….


Take this with a pinch of salt.

But I had a ‘dream’ yesterday, if you can call it that, where my mother-in-law (who has been dead for six years….) came and told me that there is going to be an earthquake, and to be prepared for it.

When is that happening? 

In a few days, came the answer.

Sandra, that’s not very precise….

She shrugged.



I don’t know if that earthquake is going to happen, if it’s actually a real earthquake, or just some more developments with Moishy Kleinerman.

I have no idea, and this could all just be a red-herring.

But I had the urge to pass this on.


One of my readers sent me a piece on VINnews  about Trump being a ‘Philosemite’.

Who cares?

The guy is a massive distraction, at best.

I am sick of reading Q Anon propaganda rubbish about how the only reason Trump signed Covid 19 Emergency Powers into law, got the shots out there as part of ‘Operation Warp-Speed’, locked down American businesses, same as every other country in the world, in Rockefeller ‘Lock-step’ fashion – is because he was stopping Fauci from ‘doing something worse’.


You stop Fauci, immediately, by arresting him.

And using your massive publicity skills to explain why everything going on with Covid 19 is a fake pandemic front, being used by your own Department of Defense to roll out ‘Covid 19 shots’ across the world.

And if you can’t or won’t do that…. even when you’re the sitting President of the United States….

Then you can’t do anything.


Moshiach ben Esav is not going to ‘save’ anyone.

There ARE good people all over the place, trying to turn this around. I highly doubt that any of them are working for Trump, directly, or his mythical band of ‘white hats’.

We get out of this mess by personal teshuva, personal mesirut nefesh, personal prayer, personal efforts to take responsibility for ourselves, and our loved ones.

And no other way.


The good news is, more and more and more people are starting to realise this.

Moshiach will be revealed once we’ve done at least the basic spade work in our own lives, with our own teshuva process, to make that a possibility.

We are not xtians!

Moshiach doesn’t just ‘float down’ from heaven and come and save us all, while we’re still indulging our bad middot and anti-God, anti-kedusha tendencies.

You want geula to arrive, you want Moshiach to come, you want the world to start changing for the better, already?


Make teshuva for all the people you have hurt.

Make teshuva for all the time you waste, spending hours and hours lapping up ridiculous Q-ANON propaganda telling you that ‘Trump is Moshiach’.

Make teshuva for all the lies you are telling yourself, about what is really causing you the problems in your life.

(Here’s a clue: it’s your own bad middot and heretical tendencies….)

Come back to God, and start developing a real relationship with Him, for at least an hour a day.

And then watch how your life starts to be so much more sweeter and happier.

Regardless of what’s going on with Moshiach-ben-Esav.


The whole world is a stage.

The news is full of lies and distractions.

Musk is a puppet, Trump is a puppet – all the politicians, celebrities, rabbis, gurus and billionaires everywhere in the world, that get any real power, are bought and paid for puppets.

And in the meantime.

We have our work cut out for us.

Trump doesn’t usher in geula.

We do.

And that job starts now.

Because apparently, there is an ‘earthquake’ coming that’s going to change the landscape considerably.


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I’m going to let other people do most of the explaining, in this post beginning to look at the importance of breath.

Partially, that’s because experiencing this for yourself will do way more than a million words of ‘convincing’.

And partially, because I’m trying to pace myself, here, as there’s a lot of info to get through.


Over shabbat, I read a book that came highly recommended by reader S. (thank you!) called ‘Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art’.

I learnt an awful lot of things, some of which we’ll be exploring in more detail in different posts.

But for now, here’s the author, James Nestor, explaining the five things you can do right now that will make some huge improvements to your physical health.

Just by breathing a bit different, and making an effort to breathe through your nose as much as possible:


In his book ‘Breath’, he also details a number of different breathing patterns – and the scientists and ‘pulmonauts’ who developed them, mostly accidentally.

One of the key ones is something called Buteyko Breathing.

If you want to read some of the cold, hard science behind ‘Buteyko Breathing’ – written by none other than Dr Buyteko himself, when he was developing his breathing methods to help cure patients of ‘incurable asthma’, amongst other things, go HERE.

And / or, you can also go to Patrick Mckeown’s website HERE, which sets out a huge amount of information, and offers a lot of ‘free exercises’, including this one, to quickly unblock a blocked nose in five minutes:



Mckeown had chronic, serious asthma into his twenties, and basically stumbled across Buteyko’s Soviet era information when he was at the end of the rope, and even all the surgical procedures hadn’t helped him cure his asthma at all.

(Quelle surprise!)

He started following the main advice of just breathing through his nose – and that all by itself started to make enough of a difference to his breathing, that he started exploring further.

Before long, his life-long, ‘incurable’ asthma had totally disappeared.

Again, we’ll come back to all this in more detail, but Mckeown’s website has a ton of information on helping asthmatics to consciously breath their asthma away HERE.

Amongst many other things.

Read more clinical trials on this method HERE.


Then, try this out, if you have 10 minutes spare:

It’s a ‘resonant breathing’ session – to be done via nasal breathing – where you basically calm your breathing down, and get it into a good groove.

It’s shmirat eynayim friendly, and has no unfortunate ‘yoga’ stuff attached.

Resonant breathing is another method that’s highly recommended by James Nestor.

Me and my husband tried this yesterday, before bed – and we both slept better than we have in a very long time.


Finally, this is another different way to breathe yourself into a more relaxed state to try, that is from Dr Andrew Weil.

He did get this idea from ‘yoga’, so we will all have to grope our way through the birur to see if religiously, this can be pulled up out of the muck of idolatry, and used in a good, kosher way.

If they can hijack breathing and turn it into idolatry… then we’re stuffed.

But the birur has to be carefully felt out, because it’s the small things that make the difference here, the intentions, the associations, the connections.


The last few days, I’ve been realising that I have been dealing with a constant, physical sense of ‘panic’ and stress.

My heart is racing, then my thoughts start following.

More and more, I am coming to the conclusion that these sensations are a RESULT of being ‘radiation poisoned’, as they’ve chemtrailed all over Israel, super-heavily the last couple of weeks, and also presumably turned up the radiowaves again from their 5…G towers, or whatever, to achieve ‘the next pandemic’.

They’re busy predicting it again, don’t you know?

And they’re very good at apparently knowing exactly when these next ‘pandemics’ are meant to break out.


While you’re pondering the implications of all this for what is really making us ‘sick’ and what could really be keeping us healthy, watch this short clip of Dr Robert Young basically spelling out that NOT BEING ABLE TO BREATHE IS A KNOWN CONSEQUENCE OF RADIATION POISONING.


(Remember George Floyd? That wasn’t a CO-IN-CID-ENCE.)


When we can’t breathe properly…. when the mechanisms that control our breathing is being ‘zapped’ all the time, so we are constantly taking shallow, panicked breaths, even at night, even when we’re trying to sleep….

That by itself is enough to totally ruin our physical health.

And to also cause a bunch of other mental and emotional issues.

But the very good news is that learning to breathe in a healthy, conscious way, that minimises ‘breathing bad habits’ can do a huge amount to reverse the damage being done, and maintain our health.


Again, this is just a ‘taster’ into this subject, for now.

Go and read James Nestor’s book, Breath, go and read up about Dr Buteyko’s method and life and successes, go and scrounge around on Youtube to find more of the videos with Patrick McKeown, more of the people who have been helped.

And most importantly of all, try some of these things for yourself, especially breathing with your mouth shut as much as possible.

With God’s help.


Remember, we are still in the middle of doing the birur with all this, and there are still a huge number of puzzle pieces to fit in still, until we have anything approaching a definitive approach to all this.

For example, Wim Hof’s breathing method, based on another yoga tradition appropriately called ‘Tummo’, emphasises breathing through the mouth for 30-40 breaths, to induce hyperventilation, before holding the breath for at least a minute.

Personally, I didn’t like it all.

(And I stopped doing it after the person who told me about it developed strange heart palpitations around a month into their own experiment with his breathing method.)

But many other people have seen big improvements in their health, and Hof himself used that method to avoid E-coli poisoning in a scientific trial conducted in hospital.

(While we’re on the subject of Wim Hof, I’m still following Hof’s recommendation for the cold showers – and I think they’re very beneficial!)



This is a process of trial and error.

To see how we can reclaim the gift of ‘breath’, and start to use it, as believing Jews, the way God really intended.

Not as something to exert control over ourselves, and our health, necessarily, but something to bring us closer to the neshama / neshima connection, that is the real underlying basis of real human health.

And that’s why, the battle over breath is the front line.



Note: I’m taking a couple of days’ off the internet.

So if you comment, it will take some time to show up. But still feel free to comment, respectfully, so we can continue to move this discussion forward.

I still think all things ‘yoga’ are tumah, and that there is a very intense birur to be done here.

But that doesn’t mean we have to take ‘breath’ off the table as a healing tool, just because idolaters have got their hands on it.

That’s ridiculous.

But it could well be our way of using breath to heal is going to end up being way more focused on prayers, hitbodedut, singing, niggunim… we’ll see.

All options need to be explored, with God’s help, and with useful input from anyone who has some honest insights to share about this.



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For a long while, I’ve wanted to just share ‘random’ snippets of Rabbenu’s writings, here on the blog.

I’ve felt a little ‘trapped’ in investigative journalist mode the last few years, wanting readers to take my research seriously, without mixing it up with Breslov too much.

But now….

I am really looking forward to getting back to sharing more of Rabbenu’s teachings, and of course, more of Rav Berland’s stuff, too.


So today, I opened up ‘Rebbe Nachman’s wisdom’, ‘randomly’, to page 137, and this is what I read:

The Rebbe…said:

“There will come a time when a simple religious person will be as rare and unique as the Baal Shem Tov.”


It’s on the same page where he’s also talking about the ‘great heresy’ that will come to the world before Moshiach shows up.

In fact, let’s quote that a bit, too:

The Rebbe said:

“Great atheism is coming to the world….

“Knowing full well that this has already been predicted, it would seem ridiculous for a person to succumb to any temptation to abandon his belief. It would seem obvious that every Jew would have enough intelligence to remain firm.

But still, it’s a great trial.

Many will fall away, and for this reason it is written that ‘the wicked will act wickedly’.

The Rebbe said:

“Still, I am revealing this for the sake of the faithful few who will remain strong in their belief. They will certainly have great conflicts within.

But when they see that this has already been predicted, it will give them additional strength and encouragement.


There are so many false idols out there, so many ‘false gods’.

(With modern medicine and Trump currently leading the pack….)

We look around, sometimes, and it hurts our souls to see so many people apparently blind to the truth, repeatedly rushing to follow more unscientific ‘mask mandates’, or to queue up for more ‘boosters’, or to buy into more ‘miracle injections’ for diseases and illnesses that are actually deliberately man-made and inflicted upon us by people who think there are too many humans in the world.

But Rabbenu tells us:

Many will fall away, and for this reason it is written that ‘the wicked will act wickedly’.

Not being able to see the truth is a punishment from Heaven, it’s not because they haven’t got ‘enough of the right information’.

Once people make teshuva, in whichever way they need to – and that option is open at all times, to EVERYONE – God will show them the truth.

It’s as simple as that.


So we don’t need to waste any more of our precious breath trying to argue with the un-persuadables.

Because it’s their own sins that are preventing them from seeing what’s true.

A much better use of our time is in trying to bring people back to Hashem and emuna, in whichever we can.

Especially, via personal example, particularly in the area of how we treat our fellow man.


I don’t know about you, but this is giving me a lot of chizzuk, and a lot more reassurance that stepping out of the ‘arguing with heretics’ paradigm is indeed the right thing to do.

The people who really want the truth will gravitate towards it – like each and every one of us did, as part of our own journey to understanding what is really going on here.

And the un-persuadables are incapable of seeing the truth, until they make teshuva.

So, let’s all just stop wasting our time and energy arguing with them.

Many will fall away, and for this reason it is written that ‘the wicked will act wickedly’.


Lastly, take a look at the first thing I quoted:

There will come a time when a simple religious person will be as rare and unique as the Baal Shem Tov.

That’s why sometimes, so many of us feel so lonely.

‘Simple religious people’ are increasingly rare to find.

But they still do exist!

And every effort we make to continue to have emuna, and to continue to believe in the words of our True Tzaddikim, and to continue to work on our own bad middot, and to make every effort to minimise being on-line and maximise our dancing and happiness and prayers – it counts for so very much.

BH, I am still aspiring to become one of those rare ‘simple religious people’.

With God’s help, I will get there one day.


So, courage, dear reader.

BH in the next post, I’ll bring more words from Rabbenu, about how to actually deal with all the craziness that is our current olam hazeh.


PS: Thanks for all the chizzuk comments you’ve taken the time to share here, on the last post.

I appreciate them all, but I don’t always know how to respond without it getting all corny and cheezy….

But thank you!



My brother in the UK told me that even some of the MPs over there are starting to publically call out a bunch of the lies being told about the shots being ‘safe and effective’ in the British Parliament.

Watch this:


And you can read the full transcript of MP Andrew Bridgen’s full speech HERE.

Relevant snippet:

[T]he benefits of the vaccine are close to non-existent.

Beyond the alarming Yellow Card reports, the strongest evidence of harm comes from the gold standard, highest possible quality level of data. A re-analysis of Pfizer and Moderna’s own randomised controlled trials using the mRNA technology, published in the peer-reviewed journal Vaccine, revealed a rate of serious adverse events of one in 800 individuals vaccinated.

These are events that result in hospitalisation or disability, or that are life changing.

Most disturbing of all, however, is that those original trials suggested someone was far more likely to suffer a serious side effect from the vaccine than to be hospitalised with the ancestral, more lethal strain of the virus.

These findings are a smoking gun suggesting the vaccine should likely never have been approved in the first place.


Or, watch Andrew Bridgen’s speech here:

(Shmirat Eynayim friendly.)


This video already has around 400k views.

The truth is coming out….

With our without us.


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As things continue to get more and more murky, I just wanted to stress something.

It’s never been more important to keep talking to God about everything, and to keep running things past God in hitbodedut.

Don’t take anything on anyone else’s say-so – not even mine!

While I’m doing my best to sift the lies from the truth, I’m also just a fallible human at the end of the day, and the confusion sometimes feels so deep, and and so thick, it can be overwhelming.

I am having the feeling at the moment that I kind of need to take a step back from discussing what’s in the shots, specifically, and what they may or may not be doing to people, specifically, until I get more clarity on the subject.

For the record, there are many things about some of the key players on all sides of this equation that are sending my BS radar off – not least, their very strong, frequently professed faith in a false idol.

If someone can continue to believe in Yoshki, what else are they getting ‘wrong’ in this whole discussion?

Clearly, their inner sense is not 100% on beam…. which doesn’t mean everything they suggest and put out is wrong.

But, it does mean, at least for me, that I’m going to take a bit of time to really ask God about what is going on here, and wait for more clues to show up, without just ‘reacting’ to stuff all the time.


Right from the start, Rav Berland has been saying that anyone who has been coerced into getting the shots has nothing to fear.

I am still struggling, honestly, to understand what this really means.

But, once I found out that the 36 year old doctor who died two weeks ago from an ‘unexpected stroke’ was totally unvaccinated, that has given me a pause for thought that something more is going on here, than just ‘the shots the shots the shots’.

I’m not saying there is nothing in the shots – the shots are clearly bad.

But, after reading a bit more on the Joachim Bartoll site, where he brought up the view that it would be very hard to manufacture this much nanotech, to put into literally billions and billions of doses, so quickly – that is also giving me a pause for thought.

Read more HERE, this is a snippet:

Let’s humor them and say that they can manufacture one vial per second (instead of just one dose) amongst them, around the clock, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all year round.

Well, there are 86,400 seconds in a day, so that would be 86,400 vials a day. They claim they have administrated 7.94 billion doses, not to mention the continuous reports of wasted vaccines, counties throwing away millions of vials. There are 5 to 6 doses in each vial, and considering millions of vials have been thrown away in most countries, we can easily round it off to 10 billion doses manufactured. That is 1,666,666,666 to 2 billion vials.

To manufacture 1,666,666,666 vials at a rate of one vial a second would take…
1,666,666,666 / 86,400 = 19,290 days, or (19,290 / 365) 58.8 years.


We’re back to the idea of batch numbers, and that a high percentage of the covid shots were actually saline.

Clearly, the more shots you take, the greater your risk of being injected with a killer batch…

And also, we know the graphene oxide is going into so many things right now, regardless of whether it’s actually GO nanotech, or just carbon tubes and other raw material that the ‘nanorobots’ or whatever they are, actually turn into circuitry and other nanodevices.


BUT – it seems to me there is something way, way bigger going on that just ‘the shots the shots the shots’.

If our health is electromagnetic, then CERN and the 5….G could well be a much bigger determinator of health than whether we took ‘Covid shots’ – especially if the majority of the shots are saline.

I am just thinking out loud here.

And another thing I’m thinking is that THE SOUL IS BIGGER THAN ALL OF THIS.

And that ‘the other side’ excels in psy-ops that get us barking up the wrong trees, and dissipating our energies on pointless discussions with narcissist trolls, instead of knuckling down, and doing the real inner work of birur.


So, I am planning to take a few days off again, to just mull things over, and to wait for Hashem to send me some insights, or not, in to what is really going on, and what He really wants from me.

It feels like we are approaching ‘critical mass’, somehow, in this process of birur.

And I don’t want to be directing any one in unhelpful directions, even accidentally.

So, let’s end this post as it began:

Do your own hitbodedut regularly, every single day, and keep asking God to show you the truth.

And if you are given a choice between ‘doom and gloom’ or ‘hope’ – pick hope every time!

Because God can really do anything!

And there are still so many things that we don’t know, about what is really going on at the moment.



PS: I just read this on the site, and it gave me a lot of chizzuk:

The Rav seems to be saying that the rule of the evildoers is very nearly over.


May that become obvious, very very soon.



I had some push back on email having a go at the Rav, and me, for promoting ‘false hope’ for the jabbed.

Just to clarify this, the Rav’s comments were never publicised, and were made privately to two people I personally know, on seperate occasions, who asked him for a bracha, because they were in a situation where they couldn’t avoid having the shot, not least because they were in the process of making aliya.

Clearly, for people like this, who are following the Rav, paying regular pidyonot, doing tikkun haklalis, trying to work on their bad middot, and to see God’s hand behind everything….

His promise holds good.

Which by itself, is still quite puzzling for me.

But there are no ‘guarantees’ generally – of course not!

Because there are ‘no guarantees’ about anything, not even that you could be totally unvaccinated, healthy and athletic – and still drop dead from a stroke at 36.


As for ‘false hope’ – there is no such thing.

‘False hope’ posits the idea that all outcomes are totally fixed, and can never be changed by teshuva, prayer and tzedeka.

I know a lot of apparently ‘religious’ people hold that it’s ok to go around depressing and demoralising everyone, because what can we do anyway?!?!? – but that’s not an authentic approach to our difficulties and trials and problems.

King David taught that even if a sharp sword was held to his throat, he would still call out to Hashem.

Hashem’s yeshuout occur in the blink of an eye, don’t forget that.

And as we mentioned in a previous post, the POINT is spiritual – what happens to the soul, not so much what happens to the body.

If an ‘unvaccinated’ atheist lives to 100 in good health, and a ‘vaccinated’ person with emuna dies young, but still close to Hashem, and still making the best use of every second of the life they have to serve Hashem, develop real emuna and do as many mitzvot as possible – clearly, that last guy has the best deal.

Don’t forget that, either.


So, this will probably be one of my stranger posts.

(There’s a lot of contenders for that title tho….)

Let’s just jump in, shall we?


First, go back and read this post from last year, which I’ve put back up:


And now, let me tell you a weird story that happened in Uman two years ago, and which I didn’t mention before because I didn’t want my readers to think I’m ‘delusional‘.

But hey, too  late for that now, so let’s plough right on!

So, it was the Rosh Hashanah of 5781, when the State of Israel decided no Jews should go to Uman ‘because of Covid’.

Zelensky’s Ukraine closed the gates three weeks before Uman, and my husband the lawyer read the small print on the announcement and saw the exact date the ‘no entry’ would begin. My whole family booked tickets to get there before the close off date.

And then the Ukrainian government lied and said the date had been moved forward 24 hours, while we were in transit to Ukraine from Portugal.

My husband had a seperate flight to Borispol airport, but me and my girls came in, all by ourselves, to Juliani airport – and basically got abused and mentally and emotionally tortured for hours by the Ukrainians, until some miracle happened and we were released 10 minutes before shabbat.

They put us on a bus in the middle of the airfield, with 10 Ukrainian soldiers, and then had a doberman circling the bus so we wouldn’t ‘try to escape’.

Amongst other things.


I got out of that by clapping solidly for an hour.

As per Rabbenu’s advice, on how to sweeten massive harsh judgements.

(I’m ‘delusional’, remember?)


So, we’re in Uman for three weeks, and it was VERY intense.

One day in my hitbodedut, I started thinking about tuning forks. And then, I started thinking about the vibration of music. And then, I got the urge to research it more, and I came across something like this article, which was written back in 2007.


In 1939 Joseph Geobels [sic]( propaganda Minister for nazi Germany)was the first to push for all music world wide to be played and listened to at A-440hz.
He failed.
But in 1953 the Elite had a meeting in london to finally IMPOSE the a-440hz Standard Concert Pitch. And Succeeded.
Prof Dussaut of the Paris conservatory had a poll of over 20,000 of the head classical musicians of france and they all voted unanimously for A-432hz but the Elite does not care what others think now do they?

Chortle chortle!

Crazy conspiracy theorists!


If you go to that link and scroll down, you’ll find a lot of interesting discussions about the difference between 432 hz and 440 hz, and how they may or may not affect human beings, physiologically, emotionally and spiritually.

We won’t get into that right now, but BH, I’d like to cover it in more detail, in a future post.

So, I’m reading how the Nazis tried to ‘change the pitch’ of music…. And how that actually happened in 1953.

And then, I had the crazy idea to go and find a tuning fork somewhere in Uman, so I could change the pitch back.

How was I going to do that?

By banging the tuning fork 18 times off the corner of Rabbenu’s grave, and letting the tzaddik do his his thing.

(Remember, I’m delusional…)


Even for me, this was a stretch.

But I figured I may as well give it a shot, as things were plenty strange enough already, that year in Uman.

I told my husband I had to find a tuning fork, I told our taxi driver, Sergei, and he drove us around looking for one.

There were two music shops in town. One of them told us that ‘some one like you’ (i.e. a Jew) had just come in and bought their last tuning fork. Which was weird all by itself.

(What?! There are two Jews in Uman trying to buy a tuning fork on the exact same day?!)

But the second one still had a tuning fork – and I bought it for the experiment.


Thank God, it was such a quiet year, that I could find a few minutes when no-one was in there.

I banged the tuning fork off the kever 18 times – then I scarpered.

And since then, I have been thinking that somehow, sound, vibration, frequency, it’s got to be the answer to all this.

Because nothing happens at Rabbenu stam.

And especially not that year, at that time.


So, I came home from Uman, and I got my first delivery of tuning forks from the Biofieldtuning store, HERE.

If you’re interested, you can go and read more about the hard science behind ‘sound affecting humans’ on that site HERE.

Here is a screenshot:


I am still working on trying to figure out more ‘specifics’, as it all relates to disabling the nanotech in the shots, but over the last 2 1/2 years, I’ve been using the forks on myself and my family – and in lots of ways, they get things to move.

Across all three levels of body, mind and soul.

BH, I will write more another time, but the Biofieldtuning site – and McCusick’s two books – are a great place to start learning more for yourself.

But the best way to learn is to do the experiment yourself.

So, to that end, here are some of the free offerings on the Biofieldtuning site, which you can experiment with yourself, and see what you think:

Against viruses (including so-called ‘long covid’:

To release pain:

Hearing issues and tinnitus:

Improving resiliency:

Overcoming overwhelm:


These are all free offerings.

Create an account, download them, and see what you think.
(I’m happy to have your feedback, pro and con, in the comments section…)
I will come back to this again, at some point soon, God willing.
In the meantime, as part of the ongoing process of trying to come up with ‘solutions’ for how to heal from all this GO nanotech and DNA origami clot-and-heartattack-inducing stuff in the shots, a reader also sent me something about:

The Wim Hof Method.

This isn’t shmirat eynayim friendly, but it sums up a lot about Wim Hof, and his cold exposure and breathing method of controlling the body’s autonomic nervous system:


First, the good news:
My correspondent, who suffers from a severe, debilitating illness (that she thinks was the first round of what got tried again, with ‘Covid 19’) initially saw some almost miraculous health results, very fast, when she started following the Wim Hof Method.
Like, oedema disappearing over night…. feeling returning to feet that had been 70% numb for a very long time…
Now, the bad news:

Five weeks on, they started experiencing heart arrthymias and chest pain…. and so did two other people who started doing the Wim Hof Method with them, around the same time.


At this point, I’d only been doing ‘Wim Hof’ for two weeks with my husband.

Again, you can go read up about it yourself, do your own research, be aware that he says don’t do it if you are epileptic, pregnant of have cardiac issues.

My experience of the breathing was that it helped me to identify the ‘inner voice’ that keeps telling me to give and stop, and that I ‘just can’t do it’.

Whatever ‘it’ is.

But otherwise, I didn’t like the breathing part very much at all.

But I TOTALLY LOVED the slow introduction to cold showers, and the whole idea that:


So, I ditched the breathing, but I’m carrying on ‘training’ with the cold showers, and I can now do a minute.

Cold showers are very good for improving the body’s circulation, and after the whole thing with my husband’s foot, I’d come to the conclusion that was something to try, anyway.

And it’s probably also helpful, for trying to get ‘clogged’ blood to start to circulate better again, through a ‘clogged’ body.


You can literally die from cold exposure if you try and jump into ice baths without any real practise or slow lead up to gradually getting accustomed to cold.


I was pondering why the whole ‘breathing’ thing bothers me, and what I got to is this:

The Eastern religions, and especially idolatrous ‘yoga’, have hijacked breathing, and teach their adepts that ‘breathing is in our control’.

In Hebrew, breathing – neshima – is very close to soul – neshama.

We are essentially a lump of clay, that had the life, the breath, the neshama blow into us, by Hashem.

Breath is God’s domain, not ours.

I have come to the conclusion that while it’s totally fine to ‘breathe deeply’ a few times, or in a focussed way, as soon as I start to tell myself ‘I’m in control of the breath’ – that’s where I’m going to hit problems.

God is in charge of the breath.

And the best way to benefit from breathing, is to ask God to ‘breathe me’ properly and appropriately, especially when I’m doing things like hitbodedut.

This is a work in progress, and my view might develop, but so far, this is where I’ve got to.


As always, these are just my personal musings, and some suggestions for things you may or may not find interesting to explore more yourself.

Human health works across all three levels of body, mind and soul.

There is no ‘one thing’ you can do that will heal everything, but the closest you get to a ‘magic bullet’ is doing hitbodedut for an hour a day, because then in your hitbodedut, God will tell you what else you need to do, or try or change.

Do your own research, think for yourself.

And also be aware that there are literally thousands, maybe tens of thousands, of people out there, like me, looking for solutions to how we can heal from all the damage being done by EMF, Covid 19 nanotech and CERN.

We will get to those answers together, with God’s help, at the right time in this process of teshuva and geula.

And whatever they are, they are probably going to be very surprising, so keep an open mind.



I decided to stick some of the more useful old posts back up, periodically, including this one:

I spoke to my friend, who a couple of days ago lost a 40 year old friend who ‘died suddenly’.

On Shabbat, the 40 year old said she felt unwell, and went to lie down.

She never got up again.

She was perfectly healthy.

I know it’s hard, but we have to come out of denial.

Watch this:


(Not shmirat eynayim friendly, but also not too bad…)

But also don’t fall into despair, because that’s how evil wins!

God has a plan here.

And our teshuva and prayers is a huge part of it, going forward.



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